HSwMS Hvalen

HSwMS Hvalen was a submarine of the Swedish Navy. Constructed in Italy, the submarine sailed the entire way to Sweden for her commissioning unaccompanied.[1] In October 1915 she became involved in a diplomatic incident between neutral Sweden, and Germany, which was then engaged in fighting Britain in the First World War. Following a series of sinkings of German cargo ships and naval vessels in the Baltic Sea by British submarines entering the Baltic through the (Swedish-controlled) Öresund straits, a German warship opened fire on Hvalen killing a crew-member.[2] According to the captain of the Hvalen, she was flying the Swedish naval flag and in Swedish home waters at the time she was fired on.[3] Compensation was later paid to the widow of the crew-member and an apology was issued.[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Gardiner and Gray 1985, p. 361.
  2. ^
  3. ^ "SWEDISH SUBMARINE SHELLED IN HOME WATERS; Hvalen Flying Own Flag and Weather Clear When Germans Fired, Says Captain". The New York Times. 22 October 1915. Retrieved 7 May 2014.
  4. ^ Aselius, Gunnar (7 November 2019). The Danish Straits and German Naval Power, 1905-1918. Militargeschichtliches Forschungsampt. p. 134. ISBN 9783941571112.
