Rupert Gunnis

Rupert Gunnis

Rupert Forbes Gunnis (11 March 1899 – 31 July 1965) was an English collector and historian of British sculpture. He is best known for his Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660–1851, which "revolutionized the study of British sculpture, providing the foundation for all later studies on the subject".[1]


Born in Cadogan Square, London, Gunnis was educated at Eton College. In 1923 he entered the Colonial Service, serving as private secretary to the Governor of Uganda (1923–1926) and then the Governor of Cyprus, Sir Ronald Storrs (November 1926 – June 1932). From 1932 to 1935 he worked as Inspector of Antiquities for the Cyprus Museum.[2][3][4] Although Gunnis was a government official he acquired and sold antiquities illegally.[5] In 1936 he was appointed as a member of the Antiquities Advisory board,[6] and published his important book Historic Cyprus. A guide to its towns and villages, monasteries and castles which remains an important resource on Medieval and Ottoman monuments in Cyprus.[5] He undertook small excavations on behalf of the Cyprus Museum although none of them were published, he excavated at Enkomi in 1927, at Styllio near Famagusta in 1928 and at the cemetery at the site of Kaparka in Marion.[4]

Returning to England in 1939, Gunnis inherited a large fortune with which he settled at Hungershall Lodge with his Turkish Cypriot life partner Namuk Kemal in Tunbridge Wells and pursued his antiquarian interests. Around 1942 he began compiling an index of monumental sculptors: this may have originally been intended for inclusion in Katharine Esdaile's projected Dictionary of British Sculptors, and after her death in 1950 he published his Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660–1851 (completed in 1951 and published in 1953;[1][7] 2nd ed. 1968). An expanded third edition was published in 2009 by Ingrid Roscoe and a team of scholars at the Henry Moore Institute.[7]

Rupert Gunnis murió, a los 66 años, en Stratfield Saye , la finca del duque de Wellington a medio camino entre Reading y Basingstoke . Está enterrado en el mausoleo de Streatfeild en el cementerio de Chiddingstone , Kent ( Streatfeild era el apellido de soltera de su madre). Dejó una propiedad valorada en 132.279 libras esterlinas.

La autora Evelyn Berckman dedicó su novela de 1967 El heredero de los hambrientos a Rupert Gunnis. La novela es una historia aparentemente real, basada en cuentos anecdóticos contados por Gunnis al autor. Sus contribuciones al mundo del arte se citan en el prólogo y también desempeña un papel destacado en la sección del epílogo, que se sitúa en 1922.



  1. ^ ab Tim Knox, 'Gunnis, Rupert Forbes (1899–1965)', Diccionario Oxford de biografía nacional , Oxford University Press, 2004, consultado el 17 de octubre de 2010
  2. ^ Reeditado como Rupert Gunnis, Chipre histórico (Mitcham: Orage Press, 2013)
  3. ^ Croker, Ollie (4 de agosto de 2021). "¿Enseñar clásicos con objetos? La adquisición de antigüedades clásicas por las escuelas británicas, 1860-1950". Revista de Historia de las Colecciones . 33 (2): 373–384. doi : 10.1093/jhc/fhaa048. ISSN  0954-6650.
  4. ^ ab Symons, David (1987). "Rupert Gunnis (1899-1965)". Cahiers du Centre d'Études Chypriotes . 7 (1): 3–10.
  5. ^ ab Kiely, Thomas (1 de diciembre de 2017). "Gran Bretaña y la arqueología de Chipre - II". Cahiers du Centre d'Études Chypriotes (47): 253–310. doi : 10.4000/cchyp.319 . ISSN  0761-8271. S2CID  249114635.
  6. ^ "La Gaceta de Chipre de 1936" (PDF) .
  7. ^ ab El proyecto Gunnis

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