Grothendieck space

In mathematics, a Grothendieck space, named after Alexander Grothendieck, is a Banach space in which every sequence in its continuous dual space that converges in the weak-* topology (also known as the topology of pointwise convergence) will also converge when is endowed with which is the weak topology induced on by its bidual. Said differently, a Grothendieck space is a Banach space for which a sequence in its dual space converges weak-* if and only if it converges weakly.


Let be a Banach space. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. is a Grothendieck space,
  2. for every separable Banach space every bounded linear operator from to is weakly compact, that is, the image of a bounded subset of is a weakly compact subset of
  3. for every weakly compactly generated Banach space every bounded linear operator from to is weakly compact.
  4. every weak*-continuous function on the dual is weakly Riemann integrable.


See also


  1. ^ J. Bourgain, is a Grothendieck space, Studia Math., 75 (1983), 193–216.