Statinia gens

The gens Statinia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens are mentioned by ancient writers, but several are known from inscriptions, several of which are from Aquileia in Venetia and Histria.


The nomen Statinius belongs to a class of gentilicia derived from other names ending in -inus, using the gentile-forming suffix -inius.[1] In this case, the nomen is probably derived from the Oscan praenomen Statius, and is cognate with the nomina Statius and Statilius.[2]


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also


  1. ^ Chase, pp. 125, 126.
  2. ^ Chase, pp. 136, 137.
  3. ^ AE 2001, 1556.
  4. ^ CIL III, 2790.
  5. ^ CIL V, 794, CIL V, 796.
  6. ^ Inscriptiones Aquileiae, ii. 2490.
  7. ^ AIJ, 405.
  8. ^ AE 1982, 110.
  9. ^ CIL V, 1007.
  10. ^ CIL V, 965.
