Erke Duit

Erke Duit (born 30 December 1957 in Bremen) is a German conductor, composer and director of several choirs and ensembles.


After his Abitur, Duit studied church music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, specialising in choral conducting (with Hans Gillesberger, Erwin Ortner), composition (with Erich Romanovsky), media composition (with Paul Kont), conducting (with Karl Österreicher) and at Biola College, Los Angeles (scholarship; organ with Charles Shaffer).

He is the father of a son and a daughter. Since 2005, he has been teaching Musical Interpretation and Role Designat the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna.[1]



320 rock concerts as singer/pianist with the group "Robin" (tour West US), since 1981 freelance composer and musician. Musical director or composer/pianist: 1981-1988 Volkstheater, Vienna, Theater in der Josefstadt, Theater d. Jugend (Vienna), Kammerspiele, Theater Akzent, dietheater Künstlerhaus, Salzburger Landestheater as well as in various other theatres in Germany and Austria, choirmaster of the "Chorvereinigung Gegenstimmen" since 1992, conductor of the sirene Operntheater [de] in 2001, musical director at the Schlossspiele Kobersdorf in 2006. (Brecht/Weill/Threepenny Opera) and the Waldviertler Hoftheater [de] in Pürbach near Schrems.


Numerous recordings on CD, MC, LP for ORF (Radio + TV)



  1. ^ Erke Duit on konservatorium-schauspiel
  2. ^ Das Märchen der Brüder Grimm zur Musik von Erke Duit on .ggverlag

External links