Petřvald shooting

On 8 March 2009, a mass shooting at the Sokol restaurant in Petřvald, Czech Republic. Raif Kačar, a 42-year-old Macedonian national, shot and killed four people who were celebrating a birthday party and then attempted suicide. The motive was personal disputes, and the weapon used was held illegally.[1] It was the first mass shooting to occur in the Czech Republic since its independence in 1993.

At about 1:00 a.m., Kačar entered the Sokol restaurant, where ten people in the restaurant were celebrating their fiftieth birthday. Immediately after entering, he began shooting at the occupants.[2] According to police, Kačar executed his victims at the scene. Four people were killed: his ex-girlfriend, her father and mother, and his ex-girlfriend's current boyfriend.[3]

The assailant died of his injuries in hospital in Ostrava four days later, on 12 March 2009.[4]


  1. ^ "Muž zastřelil čtyři lidi a pak vystřelil na sebe" [Tragedy in Petřvald: a man shot four people and then shot at himself] (in Czech). Retrieved 1 January 2024.
  2. ^ "Petřvald: Čtyři mrtví na rodinné oslavě, po zavražděné dívce zůstala holčička" [Petřvald: Four dead at a family celebration, a girl left behind after a murdered girl] (in Czech). Retrieved 1 January 2024.
  3. ^ "VIDEO: Muž na Karvinsku zastřelil na oslavě expřítelkyni s partnerem a rodiči" [VIDEO: Man shoots ex-girlfriend with partner and parents at party in Karviná region] (in Czech). Retrieved 1 January 2024.
  4. ^ "Makedonec, který v Petřvaldu zastřelil čtyři lidi, zemřel" [Macedonian man who shot four people dead in Petřvald] (in Czech). Retrieved 1 January 2024.