Minister for Justice (Sweden)

The Minister for Justice, (Swedish: justitieminister), formally cabinet minister and head of the Ministry of Justice, is a member and minister of the Government of Sweden and is appointed by the Prime Minister. The minister is responsible for policies related to combating terrorism, democracy and human rights, family law, the judicial system and the Constitution of Sweden.

The current Minister for Justice is Gunnar Strömmer of the Moderate Party.


The office was instituted in 1809 as a result of the constitutional Instrument of Government promulgated in the same year. Until 1876 the office was called Prime Minister for Justice (Swedish: justitiestatsminister), similar to the office of Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs (Swedish: utrikesstatsminister). Until 1840, the Prime Minister for Justice also served as a member of the Supreme Court. Following the ministry reform in 1840, the Prime Minister for Justice became head of the newly instituted Ministry of Justice. In 1876 the office proper of Prime Minister of Sweden was created and at the same time the Minister for Justice was created. Before 1876 the Prime Minister for Justice had in practice been granted exclusively to members of the most prominent noble families.

List of officeholders

Prime Ministers for Justice (1809–1876)

Ministers for Justice (1876–present)

Color key

Historical parties:  Lantmanna  Moderate  National Party  Liberals  Liberals  Liberals  Liberals
Present parties:  Social Democrats  Moderate  Centre  Left  Liberals  Christian Democrats  Green  Sweden Democrats


  Denotes acting Minister for Justice

See also

External links