Herald Malaysia

Herald Malaysia is a multilingual Malaysian Catholic weekly newspaper. It publishes in English with additional language sections inside in Chinese, Tamil and Malaysian languages.


It has a circulation of 15,600 copies in Malaysia.[1] It is printed in English, Malay, Tamil and Chinese, and meant for distribution to Malaysian Catholics.[2]

Newspaper sections

Montage of the Herald, which is published in English with sections in Chinese, Tamil and Malaysian language.

Government threats and censorship

The Herald newspaper nearly lost its publishing licence for using the word "Allah" as a translation for "God," with authorities saying it should only be used by Muslims. The weekly was warned not to print "Allah" in the future, but instead it mounted an ongoing legal challenge to revoke the ban on the word, which is also used in the Malay-language Bible.[3]

See also


  1. ^ "Catholic Church may sue over ministry 'lie'". Malaysia Today. 11 January 2009. Retrieved 11 January 2009.
  2. ^ "Catholic newsletter warned to stay off politics". TheStar. 13 August 2008. Retrieved 13 August 2008.
  3. ^ "Catholic paper faces new challenge from Malaysian authorities". AFP. 12 August 2008. Retrieved 12 August 2008.

External links