Personajes de la serie Metal Gear

Captura de pantalla promocional de Social Ops con los personajes principales de la serie.

La franquicia Metal Gear cuenta con una gran cantidad de personajes creados por Hideo Kojima y diseñados por Yoji Shinkawa . Su ambientación presenta a varios soldados con poderes sobrenaturales proporcionados por los avances científicos.

La serie inicialmente sigue al mercenario Solid Snake, a quien se le dan misiones gubernamentales para encontrar el arma Metal Gear , lo que resulta en encuentros en los juegos originales de Metal Gear con Gray Fox y Big Boss en Outer Heaven y Zanzibar Land. En los juegos originales de Metal Gear Solid , Solid Snake trabaja con Otacon y Raiden mientras se opone a FOXHOUND de Liquid Snake , Solidus Snake, los Patriots y Revolver Ocelot . Además, las precuelas de Metal Gear Solid siguen el pasado de Big Boss como Naked Snake y el desarrollo de una leyenda viviente a través de Venom Snake , así como los orígenes de las diversas organizaciones mencionadas anteriormente.

Mientras que los diseños de los personajes de los juegos originales de Metal Gear se basaban en actores de Hollywood, los juegos de Metal Gear Solid establecieron una serie de diseños consistentes basados ​​en las ideas de Shinkawa sobre lo que atraería a los jugadores. Además, varios de los personajes que diseñó siguen ideas de Kojima y otros miembros del personal. La recepción crítica del elenco del juego ha sido positiva, ya que las publicaciones han elogiado sus personalidades y roles dentro de la serie.

Creación y diseños

Por mucho que Metal Gear comenzara como un pastiche de películas de acción de la época, los personajes eran pastiches de héroes de películas de acción contemporáneas. [1] [2] Una vez que Shinkawa comenzó a diseñar los personajes en Metal Gear Solid de PlayStation , se les dio sus respectivas apariencias visuales establecidas. Como resultado de las limitaciones de hardware, Shinkawa los diseñó para atraer a los jugadores. [3] Debido al salto de tiempo entre títulos, algunos de los personajes fueron rediseñados para adaptarse a la configuración del juego. Con las mejoras que ofrecen las consolas de videojuegos como PlayStation y PlayStation 2 , el personal le dio a los personajes un aspecto más realista a partir de Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , aunque inicialmente tenían dudas al respecto. [4] Esto trajo dificultades al personal, ya que tuvieron que hacer que las caras fueran más realistas. [3] Al ilustrar personajes, Shinkawa no se centra en detalles menores [3] (como los ojos, que a veces intenta no dibujar), sino que ilustra algo más simbólico. [5] Si bien Solid Snake siguió siendo fácil de ilustrar gracias a su diseño consistente, y el yo más joven de Big Boss, Naked Snake, fue concebido a través de cambios menores a la versión original de Solid Snake, los diseños de otros personajes llevaron más tiempo. [6]

Durante sus debuts, los personajes jugadores Solid Snake y Raiden están destinados a representar al jugador, mientras que en los juegos siguientes, adquieren personalidades más definidas. [7] [8] Como resultado de la creciente experiencia de Snake en combate a lo largo de la serie, Kojima intentó crear antagonistas más desafiantes para las batallas contra jefes . Esto resultó en los clones de Big Boss de Metal Gear Solid y Metal Gear Solid 2 que tenían las mismas habilidades que Solid Snake, la legendaria Unidad Cobra de Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater que participó en la Segunda Guerra Mundial , y el Cuerpo de la Bella y la Bestia de Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots que tenía pocos rasgos humanos. [9] Si bien a los villanos durante los primeros juegos se les dieron historias de fondo detalladas, se pretendía que los miembros de la Unidad Cobra tuvieran poca información conocida sobre ellos, lo que resultó en un impacto significativo entre los jugadores tras sus muertes después de sus batallas contra jefes. Esto también le dio a Shinkawa dificultades para conceptualizar sus apariencias visuales como resultado de tener pocos o ningún detalle de fondo. [6] Para Metal Gear Solid 2 , Kojima se inspiró en las novelas de Sherlock Holmes para introducir un personaje secundario con el fin de ver a Snake desde una perspectiva diferente. [10]

Metal Gear Solid también marca la primera vez que los personajes recibieron actores de voz, con Solid Snake y Naked Snake siendo interpretados por Akio Ōtsuka . Ōtsuka recuerda haberse sorprendido durante su debut como resultado de la gran cantidad de diálogo que se le dio a Snake. [11] En las adaptaciones en inglés, el casting fue dirigido por Kris Zimmerman y supervisado por un miembro de Konami. [12] El actor de voz en inglés de Solid Snake fue David Hayter , quien, a pesar de tener problemas con algunos de los diálogos en Metal Gear Solid , se encariñó con la serie. [13]

Varios juegos de Metal Gear Solid se han ampliado en remakes y otros medios, como Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes , Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel , Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel y Metal Gear Online .

Introducido enEngranaje de metal

Serpiente sólida

Solid Snake (ソリッド・スネーク, Soriddo Sunēku ) , cuyo nombre real es David (デイビッド, Deibiddo ) , es el personaje principal de la serie original. En los juegos originales de Metal Gear , es un agente novato de FOXHOUND al que se le da la misión de encontrar y destruir el Metal Gear ubicado en Outer Heaven y Zanzibar Land, [14] lo que lleva a enfrentamientos con su camarada Gray Fox en ambas ocasiones, así como con Big Boss (el fantasma en Outer Heaven y su superior y padre en Zanzibar Land). [15] En los juegos originales de Metal Gear Solid , Snake gana una amistad con Otacon mientras lucha contra una unidad corrupta FOXHOUND liderada por su hermano gemelo terrorista Liquid Snake en Metal Gear Solid , [16] y usa el nombre falso Iroquois Pliskin (イロコィ・プリスキン, Irokoi Purisukin ) mientras ayuda a Raiden contra Solidus Snake y los Patriots en Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty . [17] En Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , se da el apodo de Old Snake (オールド・スネーク, Ōrudo Sunēku ) debido a su proceso de envejecimiento acelerado, y es el personaje jugable una vez más. [18] Solid Snake tiene la voz de Akio Ōtsuka en la versión japonesa y de David Hayter en la traducción al inglés. [11] [13]

Gran jefe

Big Boss (ビッグ・ボス, Biggu Bosu ) es el protagonista principal de la serie de precuelas Metal Gear Solid , y el protagonista principal general de la serie Metal Gear en su conjunto. El personaje fue presentado originalmente como supuestamente el mejor soldado que jamás haya existido, así como el padre genético de Solid Snake, [19] Liquid Snake y Solidus Snake. El pasado del personaje se explora en Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater como Naked Snake (ネイキッド・スネーク, Neikiddo Sunēku ) , también conocido como Jack (ジャック, Jakku ) , un miembro del equipo de fuerzas especiales de FOX. [20] Después de derrotar a The Boss , [21] [22] establece FOXHOUND en Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops y Militaires Sans Frontières en Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , [23] adoptando formalmente su alias de "Big Boss" después y sirviendo como plantilla mental de Venom Snake en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain . [22] El personaje tiene la voz de Akio Ōtsuka en la versión japonesa. En la traducción al inglés, Naked Snake tiene la voz de David Hayter , y Big Boss tiene la voz de Kiefer Sutherland . La versión envejecida de Big Boss en Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots tiene la voz de Chikao Ōtsuka en japonés y de Richard Doyle en inglés.

Zorro gris

Gray Fox (グレイ・フォックス, Gurei Fokkusu , escrito "Grey Fox" en las versiones de MSX2) como un agente de alto rango de FOXHOUND siendo el nombre en clave "Fox" la distinción más alta dentro de la unidad.

Aparece por primera vez en los juegos de MSX2 , donde el retrato de su rostro fue modelado a partir del actor Tom Berenger . En el primer juego , desaparece durante una misión a Outer Heaven , y su última transmisión es un mensaje críptico que simplemente dice "Metal Gear". [24] Fox es rescatado más tarde por Solid Snake y revela la verdadera naturaleza del TX-55 Metal Gear al jugador. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake reveló que Gray Fox dejó FOXHOUND y desertó a Zanzibar Land. Fox pilotea el avanzado Metal Gear D y se enfrenta a Snake unas cuantas veces, mientras ayuda secretamente a Snake como informante anónimo. El pasado del personaje se desarrolla en este juego: su identidad civil Frank Jaeger (フランク・イェーガー, Furanku Yēgā , "Frank Yeager" en la versión MSX2 ) tuvo una relación con la ex patinadora artística checa Gustava Heffner (Natasha Marcova en la versión MSX2) después de que se conocieron en Calgary y se enamoraron. Gustava intentó buscar asilo con él en los EE. UU., Pero fracasó y, como resultado, se le quitaron los derechos de competencia. [25] Posteriormente, Jaeger desarrolló un gran resentimiento hacia sus superiores, pero no sabía que Gustava luego se unió al StB y está presente en Zanzíbar como guardaespaldas del Dr. Kio Marv . Durante su primer encuentro directo con Snake como enemigos, el pilotaje de Fox del Metal Gear provoca accidentalmente la muerte de Gustava. Después de que Snake destruye Metal Gear, Fox desafía a Snake a una pelea a puñetazos en medio de un campo minado y aparentemente muere.

Gray Fox regresa como el Cyborg Ninja original (サイボーグ忍者, Saibōgu Ninja ) en Metal Gear Solid después de haber sido injertado en un exoesqueleto de armadura potenciada y armado con una cuchilla de alta frecuencia. Según Hideo Kojima , el Cyborg Ninja "nació de este grafiti de Shin-chan ". [26] Durante la revuelta FOXHOUND de Liquid Snake en Shadow Moses, Fox una vez más desafía a Solid Snake a una pelea, mutilando a Revolver Ocelot y asustando a Otacon en el proceso. Después de la pelea, se vuelve errático y desaparece en una furia violenta. A lo largo del juego, le brinda a Snake consejos crípticos a través de un códec como un contacto sin rostro que se hace llamar "Deepthroat". Naomi Hunter finalmente divulga ser la hermana adoptiva de Jaeger, así como su identidad de Cyborg Ninja a Snake. Fox luego le dice a Snake que mató a los padres de Naomi y, por remordimiento, se convirtió en su hermano adoptivo. Fox lucha contra Metal Gear REX (pilotado por Liquid) y logra destruir su radomo con el uso de un prototipo de cañón de riel conectado a su brazo. Sin embargo, Fox resulta mortalmente herido y le ruega a Snake que lo mate y destruya a REX con un Stinger , pero Snake se niega a disparar. Al despedirse de su camarada, Fox es asesinado por REX.

Raiden inicialmente creyó que el Cyborg Ninja original estaba vivo en Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty durante el incidente de Manhattan de Solidus Snake antes de enterarse de que la persona en cuestión es en realidad Olga Gurlukovich.

La precuela no canónica Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops , ambientada veinticinco años antes de Metal Gear , presenta una versión adolescente del personaje bajo el nombre clave Null (ヌル, Nuru ) , un asesino enmascarado que empuña un machete . Está sujeto a un proyecto secreto de la CIA para ser el "Soldado Perfecto" y reclutado en la unidad corrupta FOX de Gene durante la toma de San Hieronymo. Durante el juego, Null pelea con Naked Snake dos veces. Snake finalmente se da cuenta de que Null era un niño en Mozambique que usó su inocencia como tapadera para matar a docenas de soldados del gobierno con solo un cuchillo mientras hablaba una pequeña cantidad de alemán, lo que lleva al nombre "Frank Jaeger" (alemán para "Frank Hunter"). Snake derrota a Jaeger y lo envía a algún lugar fuera de FOX para pedirle ayuda. La historia de fondo del juego contradice la verdadera historia de fondo de Jager como huérfano de la guerra de Vietnam.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots revela que el asesinato de Para-Medic por parte de Frank Jaeger fue parte de un plan para liberar a Big Boss del control de Zero.

Hay una tarjeta de personaje única de Cyborg Ninja en Metal Gear Acid . [27] Fuera de los juegos de Metal Gear , Cyborg Ninja aparece como un conductor de personaje jugador en Konami Krazy Racers y como un trofeo de asistencia tanto en Super Smash Bros. Brawl como en Super Smash Bros. Ultimate . Además, el exoesqueleto original de Cyborg Ninja aparece como un diseño de contenido descargable para Raiden en Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance , [28] [29] y Venom Snake en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain . [30]

Kojima estaba interesado en desarrollar un juego con Gray Fox como personaje jugable principal, aunque Kojima no aseguró que esto sucediera. [31]

En la versión japonesa, el personaje fue interpretado por Kaneto Shiozawa (en Metal Gear Solid ), Jun Fukuyama (en Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops ) y Takumi Yamazaki (en Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel ). En la traducción al inglés, el personaje fue interpretado por Greg Eagles (en Metal Gear Solid ), Rob Paulsen (en Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes , Super Smash Bros. Brawl y Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ) y Larc Spies (en Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops y Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel ).

Doctor Madnar

El Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar (ドラゴ・ペトロヴィッチ・マッドナー, Dorago Petorovitchi Maddonā , conocido simplemente como Dr. Petrovich en el Metal Gear original y Dr. Pettrovich Madnar en la versión MSX2 de Metal Gear 2 ) es un ingeniero oriental . Es responsable de crear el mecha TX-55 de Metal Gear en el Metal Gear original , así como los androides TX-11 Arnold (Bloody Brad). [32] El Dr. Madnar es uno de los rehenes que Snake debe rescatar junto con su hija Ellen (エレン, Eren ) . En Metal Gear 2 , el Dr. Madnar deserta amargamente a Zanzibar Land y desarrolla Metal Gear D después de ser rechazado por la comunidad científica. Entra en contacto con Solid Snake en el juego mientras se hace pasar por rehén, pero lo ataca después de que se revela la verdad. [33] Su nombre se menciona en Metal Gear Solid 4 como el científico que salvó la vida de Raiden después de que se convirtiera en un cyborg. [34]

Un personaje con el mismo nombre también juega un papel secundario en el juego de aventuras Snatcher de Hideo Kojima , aunque la versión en inglés para Sega CD escribe su nombre como Dr. Petrovich Modnar.

Kyle Schneider

Kyle Schneider (カイル・シュナイダー, Kairu Shunaidā ) (conocido simplemente como Schneider en el Metal Gear original ) es el líder de un movimiento de resistencia contra Outer Heaven en Metal Gear , quien ayuda a Solid Snake como contacto de radio junto con sus compañeros de resistencia Diane (ダイアン). , Daian ) y Jennifer (ジェニファー, Jenifā ) . [35] Descubre la identidad del líder de Outer Heaven, pero es silenciado antes de que pueda mencionar su nombre. [36] En Metal Gear 2 , Schneider aparece bajo el disfraz de Black Ninja (ブラック・ニンジャ, Burakku Ninja ) (Black Color (ブラック・カラー, Burakku Karā ) en la versión original de MSX2), un ninja de alta tecnología al servicio de Zanzibar Land y el primer jefe del juego. [37] Solid Snake lo derrota durante una batalla, pero no descubre su verdadera identidad hasta que se derrumba. [38] Luego le revela a Snake que la OTAN dirigió un bombardeo contra Outer Heaven. , sin importarle los huérfanos de guerra o los refugiados de guerra que se encuentran dentro. [39] Antes de morir, también le dice a Snake que Big Boss había perdonado a la resistencia por estar en su contra y rescató a tantas personas como pudo de los bombardeos, el personal de Outer Heaven y la Resistencia. miembros por igual. [40]

Introducido enMetal Gear 2: Serpiente sólida

Roy Campbell

El coronel Roy Campbell (ロイ・キャンベル大佐, Roi Kyanberu-taisa , Roy Kyanbel en la versión MSX2 de Metal Gear 2 ) es el segundo oficial al mando de FOXHOUND. [24] Fue presentado en Metal Gear 2 , en el que sirve como el contacto de radio principal de Solid Snake en el juego. Campbell brinda información sobre el objetivo de la misión y consejos generales de juego para Zanzibar Land. [41]

En Metal Gear Solid , Campbell tiene un interés más personal en la misión en Shadow Moses, ya que su sobrina Meryl Silverburgh está cautiva del equipo revolucionario FOXHOUND de Liquid Snake. [42] En uno de los finales del juego, revela que Meryl es su hija, el resultado de un romance entre él y la esposa de su difunto hermano. En Metal Gear Solid 2 , es suplantado por una elaborada IA ​​construida por la supercomputadora GW dentro de Arsenal Gear para los Patriots que se hace pasar por el oficial al mando de Raiden y solo se comunica a través de un códec. [43]

En Metal Gear Solid 3 , Campbell no está involucrado en la historia principal, pero hace un cameo de solo voz durante la pantalla de fin del juego, regañando al jugador por causar una paradoja temporal si ciertos personajes son asesinados. También aparece en el minijuego crossover Ape Escape "Snake vs. Monkey". En Portable Ops , una versión joven del personaje, entonces un Boina Verde , es encarcelado por la unidad FOX en Sudamérica con Naked Snake. Los dos escapan para reclutar a los soldados enemigos privados de sus derechos de Gene y otros aliados en una versión temprana de Militaires Sans Frontières. [44]

En Metal Gear Solid 4 , Campbell trabaja para un organismo asesor del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que supervisa las actividades de las PMC . [45] Envía a Old Snake en una misión no oficial para asesinar a Liquid Ocelot con el fin de detener las actividades de este último, proporcionando recursos y transporte para completar la misión. [46] Está casado con Rosemary, lo que provoca una ruptura entre él y Meryl, ahora consciente de que Campbell es su padre. Sin embargo, el matrimonio es una farsa utilizada para engañar a los Patriots y proteger al hijo de Rose y Raiden, John. [47] Tras la destrucción de los Patriots, se reconcilia con Meryl para caminar hacia el altar en la boda de su hija. Fuera del canon principal, el personaje repite su papel como el oficial al mando reacio en el juego de Game Boy Color Metal Gear: Ghost Babel , una historia paralela que sirve como una secuela alternativa de los eventos del Metal Gear original . Él, Otacon y Mei Ling sirven como contactos de códec de Solid Snake en Super Smash Bros. Brawl . También hace una breve aparición en un minijuego en Ape Escape 3 .

Roy Campbell, en la mayoría de los juegos de Metal Gear Solid , ha sido interpretado por Takeshi Aono en la versión japonesa y por Paul Eiding en la traducción al inglés. Su versión joven en Portable Ops tiene la voz de Toshio Furukawa en japonés y de David Agranov en inglés. Sin embargo, la muerte de Aono ha provocado el retiro del personaje en futuros juegos de Metal Gear Solid por respeto. [48]

Maestro molinero

Master Miller (マスター・ミラー, Masutā Mirā ) es un instructor de ejercicios y entrenador de supervivencia.

Benedict Kazuhira Miller (ベネディクト・カズヒラ・ミラー, Benedikuto Kazuhira Mirā ) , también conocido como McDonnell Benedict Miller (マクドネル・ベネディクト・ミラー, Makudoneru Benedikuto Mirā ) , conocido simplemente como "McDonnell Miller" en Metal Gear 2 [49] y anteriormente comúnmente Conocido por su apodo Kaz , es un mercenario ambicioso debidamente presentado en la precuela Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , que sirve como segundo al mando en el grupo mercenario Militaires Sans Frontières. [50] Su historia de fondo revela su crianza como hijo de un oficial estadounidense y una mujer japonesa y también señala su breve servicio en la JSDF . [51] A diferencia de Big Boss, Kaz se caracteriza inicialmente como idealista, creyendo en la idea de nación de MSF. Para soldados libres de ideología política. Sin embargo, es ingenuo al subestimar a Cipher y supone que puede mantener una relación comercial con la organización de Zero.

Esto entra en pleno efecto con Miller en Metal Gear Solid V. Después de la destrucción de MSF a manos de Cipher, Miller se amarga al ver el concepto de una nación para soldados apropiado por otros grupos y reducido a ser bandas mercenarias antes de ser rescatado de las fuerzas soviéticas por Venom Snake, lo que le permite ayudar con la expansión del grupo mercenario Diamond Dogs. En este momento, usa una gabardina grande y una boina mientras camina cojeando, habiendo perdido su pierna izquierda y brazo derecho. Miller desconfía profundamente de cualquiera afiliado a Cipher, acusando a gente como Huey y Quiet de traición y pidiendo la muerte de los desertores. Miller no se siente satisfecho con la venganza contra Skull Face, pero sin embargo cree en la causa de Diamond Dogs. Sin embargo, su fe se tambalea con la revelación de que se utilizó un doble de cuerpo para Big Boss, lo que finalmente lo impulsó a rechazar a Big Boss.

En los últimos años, Miller trabajó como entrenador de supervivencia en FOXHOUND mientras actuaba como mentor de Solid Snake en Metal Gear 2 antes de ser asesinado por el robo de identidad de Liquid Snake en Metal Gear Solid . [52]

En las precuelas, Miller tiene la voz de Tomokazu Sugita en japonés y de Robin Atkin Downes en inglés. [53]

Kio Marv

El Dr. Kio Marv (キオ・マルフ, Kio Marufu ) es un biotecnólogo checoslovaco . En la historia de fondo de Solid Snake , Marv había creado con éxito una nueva especie de alga llamada OILIX que podría producir hidrocarburos de grado petrolero con poco gasto y esfuerzo. Marv presentó las algas en la Conferencia Mundial de Energía en Praga y se dirigía a una manifestación en los Estados Unidos cuando fue secuestrado por soldados de Zanzibar Land. Solid Snake es sacado de su retiro por el nuevo comandante de FOXHOUND, Roy Campbell, y es enviado a Zanzibar Land para rescatar al Dr. Marv. Sin embargo, muere de tortura en su celda y deja los documentos de OILIX para que Snake los encuentre. [25]

Acebo blanco

Holly White (ホーリー・ホワイト, Hōrī Howaito , Horry White en la versión original de MSX2) es una periodista independiente estadounidense . Nacida de madre francesa y padre inglés, se interesó por la literatura a temprana edad y más tarde recibió el Premio Pulitzer por su cobertura en Afganistán, además de un Premio Emmy (erróneamente mencionado en el manual original como un Premio Grammy) por su documental Unknown Bloodstream . Su nueva fama finalmente le hace llamar la atención de la CIA. Se infiltra en Zanzibar Land como periodista y ayuda a Solid Snake en el transcurso de la misión. [25]

Gustava Heffner

Gustava Heffner (グスタヴァ・ヘフナー, Gusutava Hefunā ) , originalmente llamada Natasha Marcova (ナターシャ・マルコバァ, Natāsha Marukobaa ) en la versión MSX2 de Metal Gear 2 , es una ex patinadora artística profesional . Alguna vez conocida como una de las mejores patinadoras artísticas del mundo (con temporadas en los campeonatos mundiales y los Juegos Olímpicos en su haber), Heffner fue despojada de sus derechos de competencia después de ser atrapada en un intento de buscar asilo político en Canadá con Frank Jaeger, y trató de redimirse uniéndose al StB . Ella está escoltando al Dr. Marv a Estados Unidos cuando los agentes de Zanzibar Land secuestran su avión. [25] Más adelante en el juego, se une a Solid Snake para rescatar al Dr. Marv, pero muere cuando Jaeger (como Gray Fox en Metal Gear D) destruye el puente en el que se encuentra.

George Kasler

George Kasler (ジョージ・ケスラー, Jōji Kesurā , George Kesler en la versión MSX2) es el estratega y asesor residente de FOXHOUND cuya carrera militar incluye el servicio con mercenarios de Sudáfrica y la Legión Extranjera Francesa , además de una breve temporada en negociación y recopilación de inteligencia de combate. También es un veterano de la Guerra Mercenaria de Independencia de 1997 en Zanzíbar Land, luchando contra el Ejército de la CEI. El servicio de Kasler le valió una reputación duradera en la comunidad mercenaria; solo los mercenarios que han trabajado con él pueden ser verdaderamente reconocidos como los mejores del mundo. [25]

Johan Jacobsen

Johan Jacobsen (ヨハン・ヤコブセン, Yohan Yakobusen ) , llamado Yozev Norden (ヨゼフ・ノルデン, Yozefu Noruden ) en la versión MSX2, es un zoólogo especializado en la preservación de todas las especies en peligro de extinción. Es vicepresidente de la ficticia Federación Mundial de Derechos de los Animales y trabaja para la revista científica Maxwell . Se revela que conoce al Dr. Madnar desde sus días universitarios y que está en Zanzíbar para estudiar animales autóctonos. [25]

Introducido enMetal Gear Solid

Revólver Ocelot

Revolver Ocelot (リボルバー・オセロット, Riborubā Oserotto ) es un antagonista pistolero recurrente durante los juegos de Metal Gear Solid . Es un enemigo importante de Solid Snake durante los juegos originales de Metal Gear Solid como Shalashaska (シャラシャーシカ, Sharashāshika ) , donde actúa como la mano derecha de Liquid Snake dentro de FOXHOUND durante Metal Gear Solid , la mano derecha de Solidus Snake y los Patriots. ' agente durante Metal Gear Solid 2 , rival amistoso de Naked Snake y triple agente de los Philosophers durante Metal Gear Solid 3 como Major Ocelot (オセロット少佐, Oserotto-shōsa ) , el antagonista central de Metal Gear Solid 4 como Liquid Ocelot (リキッド・オセロット, Rikiddo Oserotto ) y aliado de Venom Snake durante Metal Gear Solid V. Ocelot juega un papel importante en la historia general, sus intenciones durante los juegos en los que aparece están envueltas en misterio, y todas tienen como objetivo lograr sus propias intenciones no reveladas. En japonés, Revolver Ocelot fue interpretado por Kōji Totani (representación original), Takumi Yamazaki ( Revolver Ocelot tiene la voz de Patric Zimmerman (versión original y Liquid Ocelot), Joshua Keaton (versión más joven) y Troy Baker ( versión de mediana edad ) . versión de mediana edad).


Hal Emmerich (ハル・エメリッヒ, Haru Emerihhi ) , apodado Otacon (オタコン, Otakon ) , es un personaje recurrente en la serie Metal Gear Solid y amigo cercano de Solid Snake. Es presentado como un empleado de ArmsTech y el ingeniero de Metal Gear REX que se entera de las capacidades de ataque nuclear y luego es miembro fundador de la organización filantrópica sin fines de lucro mientras lidia con problemas más personales.

Hal Emmerich nació en 1980, hijo del Dr. "Huey" Emmerich y el Dr. Strangelove, un par de ex científicos. Cuando Hal era aún joven, Huey intentó usarlo como piloto de pruebas para el Metal Gear ST-84, ya que la máquina solo podía ser pilotada por un niño. Strangelove se opuso vehementemente a esto, lo que llevó a una discusión entre los padres de Hal y a que Huey finalmente matara a Strangelove. Años más tarde, Huey se casó con una mujer británica llamada Julie Danziger con la que tuvo una hija propia (Emma). Hal y Emma eran cercanos, ya que no tenían otros amigos. Huey luego se suicidó ahogándose en la piscina familiar e intentó ahogar también a Emma. Después, Emma se distanció de su hermanastro, culpándolo por no haberla salvado. Poco después, Hal se escapó de casa y no vio a ninguno de los miembros de su familia hasta varios años después. Al optar por no continuar con la escuela, comenzó a educarse a través de Internet. Se convirtió en un gran fanático del anime y comenzó a llamarse Otacon, abreviatura de " Otaku Convention", a la que nunca se pierde. Se matriculó en el MIT y obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Princeton . Durante sus años universitarios, fue reclutado por el Centro de Investigación de Ingeniería del FBI , pero fue despedido de su trabajo después de piratear su base de datos clasificada. Otacon fue contratado por Armstech, Inc. para ser el ingeniero principal del proyecto Metal Gear REX. [54] Aprovechó la oportunidad de hacer un robot tipo mecha real , que aparece con frecuencia en el anime que disfruta. Se le hizo creer que era un sistema de defensa móvil, pero en realidad era un arma nuclear del fin del mundo .

Durante los eventos de Metal Gear Solid , Otacon se encontró con Solid Snake, quien le había informado sobre la verdadera naturaleza de Metal Gear REX. Devastado, Otacon se dio cuenta de que había escrito otro capítulo en la oscura historia de su familia: su abuelo había trabajado en el Proyecto Manhattan y su padre nació el día del bombardeo de Hiroshima . Otacon había desarrollado una fuerte atracción por Sniper Wolf, miembro de FOXHOUND. Angustiado porque Snake tendría que matarla, Otacon finalmente llegó a un acuerdo con ella, consigo mismo y con su posición en la vida. Con la ayuda de Otacon, Snake pudo destruir a REX y derrotar al levantamiento terrorista. Según la novela del universo In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth , Otacon supuestamente se había ido a Gran Bretaña después del levantamiento terrorista para visitar a sus familiares. [55] Después de que los esquemas de Metal Gear fueran colocados en el mercado negro por Revolver Ocelot , Snake y Otacon formaron Philanthropy, una organización dedicada al fin de la proliferación de armas tipo Metal Gear.

Durante los eventos de Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , Otacon recibió un correo electrónico en 2007 de su hermanastra Emma, ​​​​informándole del nuevo prototipo de Metal Gear RAY. El correo electrónico era en realidad una trampa para que los Patriots sacaran a Solid Snake de su escondite y lo incriminaran por terrorismo, haciendo que Ocelot secuestrara a RAY y culpara a Snake con pruebas falsificadas. Cuando el petrolero fue destruido por Ocelot, Otacon tomó un bote y logró salvar a Snake, así como a Olga Gurlukovich . Otacon se vio obligado a fingir la muerte de Snake después de que los Patriots lo incriminaran. Usando las conexiones que tenía con una organización, logró robar el cadáver de Liquid Snake (al que le faltaba el brazo derecho) y lo arrojó al mar. Continuó administrando las actividades de Philanthropy mientras mantenía la supervivencia de Snake en secreto para el público. En 2009, recibió otro correo electrónico anónimo, esta vez de Liquid (mientras tomaba el control de la mente de Ocelot), informándole sobre el desarrollo de Arsenal Gear en Big Shell. Cuando Solidus Snake se apoderó de Big Shell, se infiltró en las instalaciones con el Equipo SEAL 10 para encontrar a Emma, ​​​​que estaba entre los rehenes. Logró reunirse con ella, pero ella murió poco después, debido a las puñaladas infligidas por Vamp. Antes de su muerte, Emma admitió que siempre admiraba a Hal y quería seguir sus pasos. A pesar de caer en una profunda desesperación, Snake lo animó a seguir adelante y rescatar a todos los rehenes retenidos en Big Shell. Aparentemente, tuvo éxito en esto y se mantiene en contacto para apoyar a Raiden hasta que derrotó a Solidus. Cuando Snake se encontró con Otacon en su escondite, le dieron el disco que contenía datos sobre el Comité de los Sabios para revisar, que incluía nombres y paraderos. Después de esto (la nota final), Otacon le contó a Snake sobre la información del disco: los doce miembros habían estado muertos durante aproximadamente 100 años.

Otacon apareció una vez más como el hombre de apoyo de Old Snake en Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , ambientado en 2014. Él y Sunny construyeron un compañero robótico para Snake llamado Metal Gear Mk. II , que controlaba de forma remota. El Mk. II fue tomado de un personaje robótico del mismo nombre en Snatcher . [56] Se involucró románticamente con Naomi Hunter a lo largo de la historia, aunque una vez más la perdió tras su suicidio, lo que lo obligó a presenciar una vez más la muerte de una mujer que le importaba. En el final, Otacon le dijo a Snake que vivirá con Snake por el resto de su vida, para servir como testigo de su existencia. En el momento de Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance en 2018, se menciona que Otacon adoptó oficialmente a Sunny.

Fuera de la serie Metal Gear , Otacon ha hecho apariciones especiales en Super Smash Bros. Brawl y Super Smash Bros. Ultimate , donde fue uno de los miembros del equipo de apoyo de Solid Snake disponible a través de burlas. [57]

Otacon tiene la voz de Hideyuki Tanaka en la versión japonesa y de Christopher Randolph en la traducción al inglés.

Meryl Silverburgh

Meryl Silverburgh (メリル・シルバーバーグ, Meriru Shirubābāgu ) en la serie Metal Gear está basada en un personaje secundario del mismo nombre en el juego anterior de Hideo Kojima Policenauts (1994), donde el personaje fue diseñado originalmente por Tomiharu Kinoshita. A Kojima le gustó tanto el personaje que usó su nombre, imagen, actriz de voz ( Kyoko Terase ) y otras características para la versión de Metal Gear . [58] El compañero de Meryl en Policenauts , Dave Forrest, también comparte el mismo nombre de pila que tiene Solid Snake, cuyo verdadero nombre también es Dave (David). En las escenas finales de Metal Gear Solid , Meryl usa un chaleco de plumas de ganso naranja similar al que usa Forrest en Policenauts . [59] [60] El diseñador de personajes Yoji Shinkawa declaró que el personal evitó deliberadamente mencionarla directamente en la primera secuela de Metal Gear Solid para que pudiera seguir cualquiera de los dos finales del primer juego. [61]

Meryl es presentada por primera vez como la hija adolescente del hermano fallecido de Roy Campbell, Matt Campbell, quien murió durante la Guerra del Golfo . Nacida en una casa de tradiciones militares, Meryl se entrenó durante su infancia en las "artes" de la soldadesca. Admiraba la unidad FOXHOUND (un grupo de fuerzas especiales de alta tecnología), veía los días en que su tío y Solid Snake eran miembros como el apogeo de la unidad, y lleva un tatuaje de pintura del antiguo logotipo de la unidad en su hombro izquierdo. Se unió a las fuerzas armadas después de graduarse de la escuela secundaria y recibió una psicoterapia extensa para evitar cualquier atracción por el sexo opuesto. Su arma preferida es una pistola Desert Eagle . Fue reclutada por las Fuerzas Especiales de Próxima Generación (Soldados Genómicos), una unidad militar estadounidense, y asignada a la isla Shadow Moses en 2005 como reemplazo de emergencia cuando se informó de la desaparición de varios soldados. Tras su llegada a la isla, la unidad involucrada en el ejercicio se rebeló junto con los miembros de FOXHOUND y se hizo cargo del sitio de eliminación nuclear en la isla y del arma Metal Gear REX que se estaba desarrollando allí. Meryl se negó a unirse al motín y fue tomada prisionera y colocada en el mismo nivel de celda de detención que el presidente de ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker, quien le dio la tarjeta necesaria para activar REX. Ella logra escapar del confinamiento y se encuentra con Snake, y los dos eventualmente comienzan a trabajar juntos. Meryl logra permanecer oculta disfrazándose como uno de los soldados del genoma usando la ropa que le robó a Johnny Sasaki, el guardia que vigilaba su celda. Cuando Psycho Mantis toma el control de la mente de Meryl, Snake la deja inconsciente antes de luchar contra Mantis. Más tarde, Meryl recibió un disparo y posteriormente fue capturada por el miembro de FOXHOUND, Sniper Wolf. En un intento por rescatar a Meryl y completar su misión, Snake participó en un duelo de francotiradores con Wolf y finalmente fue atraído a una emboscada por ella donde también fue capturado. Snake luego es sometido a una serie de juicios de tortura por Revolver Ocelot; en este punto, las acciones del jugador dictan el destino de Meryl. Si el jugador completa con éxito la sección de tortura, Snake rescata a Meryl herida en la sección final del juego y escapan juntos de las instalaciones antes de que su jeep se estrelle con el de Liquid Snake, lo que les permite que Roy y Mei Ling falsifiquen sus muertes. Sin embargo, si el jugador se somete a la tortura, Snake descubre que Meryl ha muerto durante su encarcelamiento y deja que su cuerpo sea enterrado por la estructura que se derrumba con los restos de REX. Cuando Snake le informa a Campbell de la muerte de Meryl, Campbell revela que Meryl era en realidad su hija biológica, concebida de un romance entre él y su cuñada, y este secreto fue ocultado a Meryl por sus padres biológicos y nunca tienen la oportunidad de decírselo en este final alternativo (el tema de la paternidad de Meryl se vuelve a plantear en Metal Gear Solid 2:Sustanciadurante "Legado confidencial", una de las misiones no canónicas de Snake Tales). La publicación ficticia In the Darkness of Shadow Moses de Nastasha Romanenko, ofrecida como un contenido adicional con Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , afirma que Snake y Meryl escaparon juntos.

Meryl regresa en Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots como la comandante del Equipo Patrulla de Ratas Uno (RAT PT 01), una división ficticia del Comando de Investigación Criminal del Ejército de los Estados Unidos enviada para investigar las actividades de la empresa militar privada de Liquid Ocelot . [62] Ahora es consciente de que Roy Campbell es su verdadero padre, pero lo resiente abiertamente debido a las circunstancias de su concepción y su matrimonio con Rosemary, que tiene su misma edad. [63] Se reconcilia con él al final del juego. Al principio, a Meryl le desagrada su subordinado Johnny debido a su torpeza y problemas estomacales, pero lo perdona después de enterarse de que no tiene nanomáquinas en su cuerpo y se enamora de él después de que le salva la vida en sus misiones y termina casándose con él al final de la historia. También aparece en Metal Gear Online como un personaje jugable. [64]

Meryl Silverburgh tiene la voz de Kyoko Terase en la versión japonesa y de Debi Mae West en la traducción al inglés.

Naomi Hunter

Naomi Hunter (ナオミ・ハンター, Naomi Hantā ) , apodada Dra. Naomi (ドクター・ナオミ, Dokutā Naomi ) por su personal a diferencia de la más formal Dra. Hunter, es genetista de práctica, [24] y se especializa en nanotecnología. Terapia genética basada en

En Metal Gear Solid , ella es la jefa del personal médico de FOXHOUND y parte del equipo de apoyo reunido para ayudar a Solid Snake, brindándole al jugador información sobre los miembros de FOXHOUND a los que se enfrenta Snake. [65] Siendo la hermana adoptiva de Gray Fox, intentó vengarse de Snake [66] por casi matar a su hermano durante los juegos originales de Metal Gear . [67] Cuando se le indica que inyecte a Snake el virus FOXDIE, lo modifica en secreto para que mate a Snake en un momento aleatorio además de su programación original. [46] A medida que avanza el juego, Naomi se da cuenta de que algunas de sus percepciones originales de Snake estaban equivocadas y luego se arrepiente de modificar el virus. Sin estar segura de cuándo exactamente mataría FOXDIE, Naomi le dice a Snake que viva la vida al máximo en el tiempo que le quede. [68] Posteriormente, el relato de Nastasha Romanenko revela que Naomi fue arrestada brevemente después del incidente de Shadow Moses hasta su escape. [69]

En Metal Gear Solid 4 , Naomi trabaja con Liquid Ocelot para secuestrar el sistema de control del campo de batalla de los Hijos de los Patriotas, [46] pero se alía con Old Snake una vez más. Se involucra románticamente con Otacon y forma una amistad con Sunny. Cuando regresan a Shadow Moses, Naomi revela que le han diagnosticado un cáncer terminal que se ha mantenido bajo control mediante nanomáquinas y, llena de culpa por sus errores pasados, se suicida desactivándolas. [70]

Naomi Hunter tiene la voz de Hiromi Tsuru en la versión japonesa y de Jennifer Hale en la traducción al inglés.


Meí Ling (美玲メイ・リンMei Rin ) es una analista de datos chino-estadounidense.

En Metal Gear Solid , ella es la encargada de guardar el progreso del jugador. Ella inventó el sistema de comunicación inalámbrica de Solid Snake, la radio códec, así como el Radar Soliton, que detecta las posiciones y el campo de visión de los soldados enemigos cercanos. [71] Cada vez que Snake guarda sus datos, Mei Ling le proporciona consejos a través de proverbios chinos, así como citas de autores occidentales. En la versión japonesa, Mei Ling solo citaba proverbios chinos: citaba el proverbio original en chino y luego le explicaba su significado a Snake en japonés. Según Kojima, esto hizo que algunos de los proverbios fueran redundantes después de traducirlos al inglés, ya que Mei Ling estaría diciendo lo mismo dos veces. [72]

En Metal Gear Solid 2 , Mei Ling es parte de Philanthropy, una organización anti-Metal Gear, pero ayuda fuera de la pantalla a intentar robar equipo del SSCEN , sobre el cual Snake fue cauteloso por su seguridad. [73] Ella hace un cameo de solo voz en el juego como un huevo de pascua durante el capítulo Tanker después de que el jugador haya guardado su progreso 13 veces. [74] En Metal Gear Solid 4 , Mei Ling comanda el buque escuela convertido en museo USS Missouri y brinda respaldo a Old Snake y Otacon, cortesía de sus conexiones del SSCEN. [46] [75]

Mei Ling ha hecho algunas apariciones fuera de la serie principal de juegos de Metal Gear . Ella es un personaje central en la versión de radioteatro de Metal Gear Solid (ambientada después de los eventos del juego original) y aparece en la versión de Game Boy Color de Metal Gear Solid (una historia paralela que no está claramente relacionada con la serie principal). Mei Ling también es uno de los miembros del equipo de apoyo en Super Smash Bros. Brawl . [76]

Mei Ling tiene la voz de Houko Kuwashima en la versión japonesa y de Kim Mai Guest en la traducción al inglés.

Johnny Sasaki

Johnny Sasaki (ジョニー佐々木, Jonī Sasaki ) es un personaje recurrente.

Apareciendo por primera vez en Metal Gear Solid , es un guardia enemigo que usa pasamontañas cuyo uniforme es robado por Meryl Silverburgh y nuevamente más adelante en el juego, sufriendo un resfriado y diarrea mientras Solid Snake está siendo interrogado por Revolver Ocelot. El personaje de Johnny nunca es nombrado en el juego y solo aparece en los créditos finales como Johnny Sasaki. Su apellido proviene del diseñador de modelos de personajes del juego, Hideki Sasaki. Según el comentario de los desarrolladores en Metal Gear Solid: Integral , Hideki era conocido entre el personal por su comportamiento descuidado y el personaje fue incluido en el juego como un chiste recurrente . [77]

Johnny luego regresa para un par de cameos solo de voz en off en Metal Gear Solid 2. [ 74] En una versión temprana de la historia del juego, su nombre completo era Johnny Sasaki Slater (ジョニー・佐々木・スレイター, Jonī Sasaki Sureitā ) y originalmente tenía un papel menor en la historia en la que su personaje (un espía de los Patriots) moriría por un mal funcionamiento del marcapasos después de entrar en contacto con Raiden. [78] Durante el juego, Raiden puede escuchar a Johnny hablando usando un micrófono direccional en Big Shell. [74]

En el juego Metal Gear Solid 4 , Johnny ahora tiene el apodo de Akiba (アキバ) y es miembro del Equipo de Patrulla de Ratas 01 de Meryl. Además, su rostro se revela por primera vez en la serie. Él y Meryl ayudan a Snake en Outer Haven al permitirle tiempo para llegar a la sala de servidores. Se revela que había estado enamorado de Meryl desde que la vio por primera vez en Shadow Moses, y se casan en el epílogo. A diferencia de todos los demás soldados del Ejército y las PMC, Johnny no tiene nanomáquinas ya que siempre evitó las inyecciones debido a su tripanofobia ; la falta de estas explica sus frecuentes episodios de resfriados y diarrea. Si bien esto le da un desempeño de combate deficiente en comparación con sus compañeros de escuadrón, es completamente inmune a la capacidad de Liquid Ocelot de atacar directamente las nanomáquinas de los soldados . También aparece en la primera expansión de Metal Gear Online como personaje jugable. [64]

La voz de Johnny Sasaki es de Naoki Imamura en la versión japonesa y de Dean Scofield en la traducción al inglés. La voz de Akiba es de Jun Fukuyama en japonés y de Beng Spies en inglés.

Serpiente liquida

Liquid Snake (リキッド・スネーク, Rikiddo Sunēku ) , cuyo nombre real es Eli (イーライ, Īrai ) , es el hermano gemelo de Solid Snake, el segundo hijo de Big Boss y el principal antagonista de Metal Gear Solid . [79] Una de las motivaciones de Liquid en Metal Gear Solid son sus celos y odio hacia Snake y su deseo de superar su "destino genético" de Big Boss. [80] La versión más joven del personaje es uno de los principales antagonistas de Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain apodado White Mamba (ホワイトマンバ, Howaito Manba ) . Liquid Snake tiene la voz de Banjō Ginga en la versión japonesa y de Cam Clarke en la traducción al inglés. La Mamba Blanca tiene la voz de Yutaro Honjo en japonés y de Piers Stubbs en inglés.

Hijos del Gran Jefe

Los Hijos de Big Boss son un grupo disidente de FOXHOUND visto en Metal Gear Solid liderado por Liquid Snake como los jefes del juego.

Mantis psicópata

Psycho Mantis (サイコ・マンティス, Saiko Mantisu ) es un experto psíquico de la unidad FOXHOUND de Liquid Snake en Metal Gear Solid . Después del colapso de la Unión Soviética, llegó a Estados Unidos en busca de trabajo. Antes de unirse a FOXHOUND, trabajó con la KGB y el FBI . Sus habilidades especiales incluyen los poderes psíquicos de la psicoquinesis y la telepatía , que en una escena de ruptura de la cuarta pared le permite identificar ciertos juegos en la tarjeta de memoria del jugador y "mover" el controlador haciéndolo vibrar. Como resultado de estar disgustado con los pensamientos internos de su padre, quemó su propia aldea y comenzó a despreciar a la gente. [81] También afirma poder leer el futuro, pero se da a entender que esto es un uso de la telepatía para averiguar qué harán sus oponentes a continuación en lugar de la verdadera clarividencia. Mantis se encuentra con Solid Snake dos veces; La primera vez, toma el control de la mente de Meryl Silverburgh, y la segunda vez, él y Snake luchan, con Mantis siendo asesinado (debido a que no puede predecir las acciones de Snake cuando el jugador usa el segundo puerto del controlador). Sus predicciones también parecen ser susceptibles de cambio, afirmando que Snake tiene un gran lugar en el corazón de Meryl, pero no puede ver si su futuro está juntos. [82]

En Metal Gear Solid 4 , el Mantis original hace una aparición después de la derrota de Screaming Mantis, intentando "leer tu mente" como antes, pero no puede debido a los sistemas avanzados. Luego intenta manipular el controlador, que (dependiendo de si la vibración del controlador está disponible) falla y lo enfurece o tiene éxito y lo hace gritar de alegría antes de desaparecer en el aire. Drebin luego revela que el Cuerpo de la Bella y la Bestia había estado bajo el control de Mantis todo el tiempo. [83]

La primera aparición cronológica del personaje es en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , donde se lo conoce como Tretij Rebenok (トリーチェゴ・レビョンカ, Torīchego Rebyonka , Третий ребёнок "El tercer niño") . La historia del origen del personaje explica que fue identificado por investigadores soviéticos y llevado a una instalación en Moscú, donde fue influenciado por el deseo innato de venganza del Hombre en llamas. Los dos escaparon, con el niño y el Hombre en llamas persiguiendo a Venom Snake a lo largo de la historia, trabajando junto al antagonista del juego Skull Face. El niño puede detectar las sutiles corrientes electromagnéticas que corren entre las sinapsis del cerebro y es particularmente sensible a los sentimientos de ira, odio y deseo de venganza. Estos sentimientos se manifiestan en el mundo físico como una representación de esas emociones. Pero como todavía es un niño, se ve abrumado por estas emociones y se convierte en esclavo de la voluntad de quien las esté expresando. A lo largo de la historia, identifica estos sentimientos como los más fuertes en White Mamba y su relación se vuelve simbiótica, magnificando aún más el poder del niño y permitiendo que White Mamba tome el control de Metal Gear Sahelanthropus. Una vez que Snake desactiva a Sahelanthropus, el niño roba una muestra de un parásito armado diseñado para atacar a los hablantes de inglés y se lo pasa a White Mamba, y los dos desaparecen.

Psycho Mantis fue elegido como el octavo "Mayor villano de videojuegos de todos los tiempos" por IGN y su batalla contra el jefe es el segundo mejor momento en los videojuegos. [84] [85] En la versión japonesa, Psycho Mantis ha sido expresado por Kazuyuki Sogabe (en Metal Gear Solid ), Hiroshi Yanaka (en Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel ) y Shōzō Iizuka (en Metal Gear Solid 4 ). Psycho Mantis tiene la voz de Doug Stone en la traducción al inglés.

Lobo francotirador

Sniper Wolf (スナイパー・ウルフ, Sunaipā Urufu ) es miembro de FOXHOUND y una francotiradora de élite capaz de pasar sin comer y permanecer quieta hasta una semana. Por lo general, forma una conexión emocional con sus objetivos antes de matarlos con su arma favorita, una Heckler & Koch PSG1 , y usa balas de punta hueca con punta de mercurio para envenenar a sus víctimas. [86] También es adicta a la droga diazepam . [87]

Nacida en el actual Kurdistán iraquí alrededor de 1983 durante la guerra entre Irán e Irak , fue testigo de la muerte de su familia y miles de personas más a causa de un ataque químico de las tropas del gobierno de Saddam Hussein contra los kurdos rebeldes cuando tenía cinco años. Fue capturada por las fuerzas de Saddam y tomada como huérfana por el Ministerio del Interior iraquí , que le lavó el cerebro y trajo a un famoso francotirador gurkha para entrenarla para ser una niña combatiente para el gobierno. Tres años después, durante los levantamientos de 1991 en Irak , huyó a un campo de refugiados kurdos . Allí, el legendario veterano de las Fuerzas Especiales del Ejército de EE. UU. Big Boss notó sus extraordinarias habilidades y la llevó con él a los Estados Unidos, donde recibió asesoramiento y desprogramación para eliminar su lavado de cerebro iraquí, dejándole solo sus habilidades de lucha. Extremadamente agradecida, pensó en Big Boss como un Saladino moderno y lo siguió en todo lo que hizo, hasta su motín y posterior muerte a manos del agente de FOXHOUND Solid Snake (como se muestra en Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake ). Luego fue encontrada por Liquid Snake, quien la convenció de unirse a una célula disidente de FOXHOUND bajo su mando. [87] [88]

Durante el incidente de Shadow Moses Island visto en Metal Gear Solid (1998), Sniper Wolf se vuelve rebelde junto con el resto del grupo de Liquid Snake cuando toman rehenes y chantajean al gobierno de los EE. UU. con un tanque andante secuestrado armado con armas nucleares , exigiendo que se les entregue el cadáver de Big Boss. [89] Ella cuida de los perros esquimales que Liquid tenía la intención de matar, ya que disfruta de su compañía, y está impresionada con un rehén, Hal Emmerich, que les da su escaso suministro de comida a los perros. Cuando Solid Snake se infiltra en la isla, Sniper Wolf hiere a su compañera Meryl Silverburgh para atraerlo a una trampa, capturándolo para que pueda ser torturado por Revolver Ocelot . Finalmente, Snake la derrota en un duelo de francotiradores en un campo nevado disparándole en el pulmón. Después de escuchar la historia de Sniper Wolf sobre su vida, y a petición de ella de ser finalmente "liberada", Snake la mata a pesar de las objeciones de Otacon, quien profesa su amor por ella. [87] [90] [91] [92] [93] Snake también usa su pañuelo para evitar los ataques de sus lobos al enmascarar su olor con el de ella. [87] [94] El fantasma de Sniper Wolf se puede ver si el jugador usa la cámara de fotos del juego en su cuerpo. [95]

Sniper Wolf fue originalmente planeado para hacer un cameo de voz en off en Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) durante una conversación entre Otacon y Olga Gurlukovich, y aparece en una breve secuencia de flashback . [86] Su espíritu aparece como un lobo en Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008), en el que un personaje no relacionado llamado Crying Wolf también parece participar en un duelo de francotiradores contra Old Snake. [96] El traje de Sniper Wolf también se puede desarrollar para el personaje Quiet en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain . [97]

Una tarjeta especial de personaje Sniper Wolf aparece en el juego spin-off no canónico Metal Gear Acid 2 (2005). [98] Algunos otros desarrolladores también han dado guiños de tipo homenaje al personaje, como con el elemento "MGS Sniper Wulf Mk. II" en Army of Two (2008) de EA Montreal [99] y un arma "MG-S1 Sniper Wolfe" en la versión para PlayStation 3 de The Godfather II (2009) de Visceral Games . [100]

Una figura de acción de Sniper Wolf a escala 1/8 fue lanzada por McFarlane Toys en 1998. [101] Dos figuras a escala 1/6 también fueron lanzadas solo en Japón por Yamato (una figura de acción) [102] y Studio Saru Bunshitsu (un kit de garaje ). [103] [104] En 2012, Sniper Wolf fue elegida por Konami como uno de sus 64 personajes icónicos para participar en el evento Konami E3 Battle, donde perdió contra Metal Gear REX en la cuarta ronda semifinal. [105] Una " estatua bishōjo " diseñada por Shunya Yamashita basada en la imagen original de Shinkawa fue lanzada por Kotobukiya en 2016. [106]

Sniper Wolf tiene la voz de Naoko Nakamura en la versión japonesa y de Tasia Valenza en la traducción al inglés.

Cuervo Vulcano

Vulcan Raven (バルカン・レイブン, ​​Barukan Reibun ) es un miembro inuit de FOXHOUND que maneja un cañón Vulcan gigante y tiene poderes chamánicos de intuición vistos en Metal Gear Solid . Es capaz de discernir la herencia de Solid Snake y estuvo presente en Outer Heaven antes de su participación en la unidad FOXHOUND de Liquid Snake. [107] [108] Lucha contra Snake dos veces, primero en un tanque M1 Abrams , [109] y segundo en un congelador con Raven siendo asesinado. Antes de morir, se va con un mensaje críptico del futuro violento de Snake antes de que su cuerpo sea completamente devorado por cuervos. [110] Vulcan Raven tiene la voz de Yukitoshi Hori en la versión japonesa y de Peter Lurie en la traducción al inglés.

Pulpo señuelo

Decoy Octopus (デコイ・オクトパス, Dekoi Okutopasu ) es un miembro de FOXHOUND especializado en suplantación de identidad visto en Metal Gear Solid . Incluso inyecta la sangre de aquellos a los que imita en su propio cuerpo para un disfraz más "perfecto". Junto con el resto de su unidad, se volvió rebelde durante el incidente de la isla Shadow Moses de Liquid Snake. Mientras se hace pasar por Donald Anderson, [111] le miente a Solid Snake sobre que Psycho Mantis descubrió el código de detonación del jefe de DARPA y también le informa a Snake sobre el sistema de anulación PAL antes de ser asesinado por el virus FoxDie. [112] Decoy Octopus tiene la voz de Masaharu Sato (mientras se hace pasar por Donald Anderson) en la versión japonesa. En la traducción al inglés, Decoy Octopus tiene la voz de Greg Eagles (como Donald Anderson en Metal Gear Solid ) y de James C. Mathis III (como Donald Anderson en Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel ).

Donald Anderson

Donald Anderson (ドナルド・アンダーソン, Donarudo Andāson ) es un asesor principal asociado con DARPA . En sus años de juventud, el personaje aparece como Sigint (シギント, Shiginto ) , un asesor técnico de FOX que proporciona a Zero soporte técnico para Naked Snake en Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater , y luego puede ser reclutado en el primer FOXHOUND en Portable Ops . [113] En sus últimos años, el jefe de DARPA abusa de su posición mientras conspira con Kenneth Baker y Jim Houseman, [114] pero es torturado para obtener información por el rebelde FOXHOUND, asesinado por Revolver Ocelot, [115] [116] y suplantado por varios individuos en los juegos originales de Metal Gear Solid . [111] [117] En Peace Walker y Metal Gear Solid V se da a entender que Anderson contribuyó a la tecnología de Cipher, que más tarde supervisaría a los agentes de inteligencia artificial que controlarían a los gobiernos y al ejército como los Patriots. La voz de Donald Anderson fue prestada por Keiji Fujiwara para la versión japonesa y por James C. Mathis III para la traducción al inglés.

Ninja cíborg

Cyborg Ninja (サイボーグ忍者, Saibōgu Ninja ) es un alias utilizado por personas que usan un exoesqueleto de armadura motorizada mientras están armados con una espada de alta frecuencia en los juegos de Metal Gear Solid : Gray Fox, Olga Gurlukovich y Raiden.

Nastasha Romanenko

Nastasha Romanenko (ナスターシャ・ロマネンコ, Nasutāsha Romanenko , Насташа Романенко) es una agente de la Agencia de Inteligencia de Defensa de los Estados Unidos y una experta en temas nucleares. Nació en la República Socialista Soviética de Ucrania y tenía solo diez años cuando ocurrió el desastre de Chernóbil . [118] Tanto en Metal Gear Solid como en su remake de GameCube Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes , ella es el contacto de Solid Snake en asuntos relacionados con las armas nucleares. [119] Después de los eventos del juego, su personaje escribe una autobiografía titulada In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth , y luego forma el grupo anti-proliferación de Metal Gear Philanthropy con las ganancias que obtuvo. [78] Esta publicación ficticia sirve como un resumen de la trama de Metal Gear Solid (y revela detalles de la trama no revelados previamente sobre los eventos del juego) y se incluye como una característica adicional en Metal Gear Solid 2. [ 118] Nastasha Romanenko tiene la voz de Eiko Yamada en la versión japonesa y de Renee Raudman en la traducción al inglés.

Kenneth Baker

Kenneth Baker (ケネス・ベイカー, Kenesu Beikā ) es el presidente de la empresa de armas ArmsTech que participa en el proyecto Metal Gear REX junto con el jefe de DARPA Donald Anderson bajo el presupuesto negro de los Estados Unidos . En Metal Gear Solid , es tomado prisionero por FOXHOUND [120] y torturado por Revolver Ocelot antes de que Solid Snake lo encuentre. Después de que le da su código de detonación a Ocelot, Snake no puede rescatarlo antes de que el virus FoxDie lo mate; es la primera persona en darse cuenta de lo que realmente está sucediendo y casi dice la verdad sobre la misión de Snake, pero muere antes de poder terminar su oración. [112] Kenneth Baker tiene la voz de Yuzuru Fujimoto en la versión japonesa. En la traducción al inglés, Kenneth Baker tiene la voz de Allan Lurie (en Metal Gear Solid ) y de Peter Renaday (en Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel ).

Jim Houseman

Jim Houseman (ジム・ハウスマン, Jimu Hausuman ) es el Secretario de Defensa de los Estados Unidos que observa la situación en la isla Shadow Moses durante Metal Gear Solid a bordo de un avión de comando AWACS . [120] Solo hace una aparición al final del juego a través de CODEC, donde ordena que se bombardee la base de Shadow Moses, en parte por despecho debido al jefe de DARPA. [114] [121] Según In the Darkness of Shadow Moses , se suicida después de los eventos del juego, pero Nastasha Romanenko sugiere que fue asesinado. [122] Jim Houseman tiene la voz de Tomohisa Asō en la versión japonesa y William Bassett en la traducción al inglés.

Introducido enMetal Gear Solid 2: Hijos de la libertad


Raiden (雷電) , cuyo nombre real es Jack (ジャック, Jakku ) , es un ex niño soldado durante la Guerra Civil de Liberia . [123] Es el personaje principal de Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty que sustituye a Solid Snake como personaje del jugador en la parte principal del juego, luchando contra los terroristas de Solidus Snake para salvar a los rehenes de Big Shell. [124] Raiden reaparece en Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots como el tercer Cyborg Ninja como apoyo, [125] y regresa como protagonista de Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance . [126] Raiden tiene la voz de Kenyu Horiuchi en la versión japonesa y de Quinton Flynn en la traducción al inglés. [12]


Rosemary (ローズマリー, Rōzumarī ) , o simplemente Rose (ローズ, Rōzu ), para abreviar, es la pareja de Raiden.

Introducida durante la parte del capítulo de Plant de Metal Gear Solid 2 , es empleada por el ejército como analista de datos y guarda el progreso del jugador en Codec. [127] Rosemary también apoya a Raiden brindándole información sobre las instalaciones de Big Shell y los otros personajes que Raiden encuentra en el juego. Raiden y Rose pasan la mayor parte de sus conversaciones hablando sobre su relación, algo basado en la vida real de Kojima. [128] Al final del juego, Rosemary se revela como una espía de los Patriots. [129] Luego la sacan de la misión y la reemplazan por un duplicado de IA de ella, que se burla abiertamente de Raiden. Después de la batalla final, Raiden se reencuentra con la verdadera Rose, embarazada de su hijo, frente al Federal Hall National Memorial. [130]

En Metal Gear Solid 4 , [75] Rosemary aparece como consejera psicológica en un pelotón de estrés de combate, ofreciendo consejos a Old Snake sobre cómo lidiar con el estrés. [131] Aunque estaba comprometida con Raiden, su relación terminó después de que Rosemary supuestamente tuvo un aborto espontáneo. [46] Rosemary luego se casa con Roy Campbell. En realidad, Rosemary dio a luz con éxito al hijo de Raiden, John; su matrimonio es una estratagema para proteger al niño de los Patriots al hacer que Campbell se haga pasar por el padre de John. Después de que ella le revela la verdad a Raiden, la pareja se reconcilia. [47]

Rosemary no aparece en Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance , pero Raiden menciona que ella y su hijo viven en Nueva Zelanda . [132]

En la versión japonesa, la voz de Rosemary es de Kikuko Inoue . En la versión inglesa, la voz de Rosemary es de Lara Cody (en Metal Gear Solid 2 y Metal Gear Solid 4 ) y de Kari Wahlgren (en Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel ). [9]

Olga Gurlukovich

Olga Gurlukovich (オルガ・ゴルルコビッチ, Oruga Gorurukobitchi , Ольга Гурлукович ) es miembro de la unidad mercenaria de su padre durante Metal Gear Solid 2. [ 24] Su personaje se basó de alguna manera en Meryl Silverburgh, aunque Kojima quería que pareciera una profesional en lugar de una novata. [128] Aparece por primera vez en el capítulo Tanker como miembro de la unidad mercenaria Gurlukovich y es el único personaje jefe en esta parte del juego. Ella se hace cargo de la unidad de su padre después de la muerte de su padre en el capítulo Tanker, prestando su equipo a la facción terrorista Sons of Liberty de Solidus Snake. [133] En realidad, es una agente involuntaria de los Patriots que mantienen a su hija como rehén, y ayuda a Raiden como el segundo Cyborg Ninja llamado Mr. X, [134] simulando a Gray Fox durante Metal Gear Solid . [135] Al hacerlo, traiciona a sus camaradas para garantizar la seguridad de su hija, una constatación que la hace sentir culpable. Más tarde, Solidus le dispara y la mata. [136] Olga Gurlukovich tiene la voz de Kyoko Terase en la versión japonesa y de Vanessa Marshall en la traducción al inglés.

Serpiente solidus

Solidus Snake (ソリダス・スネーク, Soridasu Sunēku ) , también conocido por la identidad pública de George Sears (ジョージ・シアーズ, Jōji Shiāzu ) , [137] es el tercer (y perfecto) hijo de Big Boss. Después de ser aludido como el presidente de los Estados Unidos en Metal Gear Solid , hace su primera aparición oficial como el principal antagonista en Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , con un diseño basado en los pensamientos de Yoji Shinkawa sobre cómo se vería Solid Snake cuando fuera mayor, [128] además de ser el padre adoptivo de Raiden. [123] Durante Sons of Liberty , Solidus se vuelve contra los Patriots y se hace pasar por Snake mientras instiga una toma terrorista de Big Shell con Revolver Ocelot y Olga Gurlukovich para formar su propia nación y dejar su impacto en el mundo. [138] [139] [140] Para el combate, Solidus usa un traje de poder equipado con un par de tentáculos robóticos conocidos como "brazos de serpiente". Maneja una metralleta FN P90 y un par de espadas katana apodadas "el Demócrata" (民主刀, Minshutou ) y "el Republicano" (共和刀, Kyouwatou ) . [135] Solidus intenta matar a Raiden para usar las nanomáquinas de su hijo adoptivo para guiarlo hacia los Patriots. [141] Sin embargo, Raiden hiere gravemente a Solidus en su duelo en la cima del Federal Hall National Memorial, cortando la columna vertebral del exoesqueleto motorizado de Solidus con una cuchilla de alta frecuencia, y Solidus se cae del edificio y aparentemente muere a causa de sus heridas. En Metal Gear Solid 4 , el cuerpo con muerte cerebral de Solidus se usa para la reconstrucción de Big Boss y como señuelo usado por Liquid Ocelot para hackear la IA de los Patriots. [142]

En 2012, GamesRadar lo presentó a él y a Liquid Snake en el segundo lugar de la lista de los clones más malvados en los videojuegos, comentando que "en lo que respecta a los clones malvados, los que amenazan al mundo con una guerra termonuclear y su erradicación se clasifican como algunos de los peores". [143] Solidus Snake fue interpretado por Akio Ōtsuka en japonés y por John Cygan en inglés.

Célula muerta

Dead Cell es una unidad de operaciones encubiertas que se introdujo en Metal Gear Solid 2 como jefe del juego. Formada por Solidus Snake, el propósito original de Dead Cell era preparar bases militares para ataques sorpresa mediante la celebración de sesiones de entrenamiento sin previo aviso.


Fortune (フォーチュン, Fōchun ) , cuyo verdadero nombre es Helena Dolph Jackson (ヘレナ・ドルフ・ジャクソン, Herena Dorufu Jakuson ) , es la miembro principal de Dead Cell y miembro del grupo terrorista Sons of Liberty de Solidus Snake visto en Metal Gear Solid 2. Es una mujer afroamericana con cabello rubio, algo solicitado por Shinkawa ya que pensó que sería atractiva. [135] Su arma es un cañón de riel . Su nombre en clave proviene de su habilidad casi milagrosa de hacer que las balas pasen por su lado sin golpearla. [144] Fortune se enfrenta a Raiden como el primer personaje jefe en el capítulo de Plant, aunque en realidad no puede ser derrotada debido a sus poderes. La pelea termina cuando Vamp llega y aparentemente es asesinada por Raiden, lo que la hace perder temporalmente su voluntad de luchar hasta que Vamp revive. [145] Su verdadero motivo es buscar venganza contra Solid Snake, a quien cree que fue responsable de la muerte de su padre a bordo del petrolero Discovery . [146] Cerca del final del juego, se entera de que en realidad fue Revolver Ocelot quien mató a su padre, y Ocelot revela que su inmunidad a las balas fue simplemente el resultado de un campo de fuerza electromagnético que rodeaba su cuerpo, que desactiva antes de dispararle. [147] Sin embargo, Fortune logra desviar psíquicamente los ataques de Ocelot de Metal Gear RAY antes de morir, con Snake insinuando que su poder como "Lady Luck" no era completamente falso. Fortune tiene la voz de Yumi Tōma en la versión japonesa y de Maula Gale en la traducción al inglés.


Vamp (ヴァンプ, Vanpu ) es un miembro de Dead Cell de Rumania . Es un especialista en lanzamiento de cuchillos dotado de numerosas habilidades y atributos similares a los de los vampiros , como el gusto por la sangre , fuerza sobrehumana , velocidad , agilidad y la capacidad de caminar sobre paredes y correr a través del agua (aunque esto se basó en un personaje que fue descartado). [3] Su apodo tiene un doble significado, siendo una forma corta de la palabra inglesa vampire y haciendo referencia a su orientación bisexual . [148] Vamp fue diseñado originalmente como una mujer, pero cuando se introdujo el personaje de Fortune, el diseño se cambió al de un hombre, aunque se conservó su largo cabello negro, [149] con el modelo terminado basado en el bailarín Joaquín Cortés . [128]

Apareciendo por primera vez en Metal Gear Solid 2 , es parte del grupo terrorista "Sons of Liberty" de Solidus Snake durante el capítulo de Plant. Vamp se enfrenta a Raiden varias veces a lo largo del juego y aparentemente es asesinado, pero aún así logra sobrevivir. [74] En Metal Gear Solid 4 , Vamp aparece como miembro del ejército privado de Liquid Ocelot y como rival de Raiden. [46] Se revela que su "inmortalidad" es causada por nanomáquinas en su cuerpo que curan todas sus heridas a un ritmo extraordinariamente rápido, aumentando sus habilidades curativas naturales. [150] Después de que Naomi Hunter diseña una jeringa utilizada para desestabilizar la funcionalidad de las nanomáquinas, un Vamp herido la usa para suicidarse y terminar con su sufrimiento. [151]

Vamp también fue añadido a la segunda expansión de Metal Gear Online como personaje jugable. [152] En la versión japonesa, Vamp ha sido expresado por Ryotaro Okiayu (en Metal Gear Solid 2 y Metal Gear Solid 4 ) y por Shinya Tsukamoto (en Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel ). Vamp tiene la voz de Phil LaMarr en la traducción al inglés.

Hombre gordo

Fatman (ファットマン, Fattoman ) es un miembro de la unidad Dead Cell de Solidus Snake que se ve en Metal Gear Solid 2 y que se especializa en explosivos. Es un hombre calvo, psicópata y con sobrepeso que viste un traje de desactivación de bombas y se mueve en patines en línea y está armado con una Glock 18 además de sus bombas. Shinkawa tuvo problemas para diseñar a Fatman, ya que le habían pedido que lo hiciera obeso y atractivo al mismo tiempo. [135]

Él es el segundo personaje jefe en el capítulo de la Planta. Uno de los primeros objetivos de Raiden en el capítulo de la Planta es desactivar una serie de cargas C4 plantadas dentro de cada uno de los puntales que rodean el núcleo Shell 1. Se revela que los explosivos no son más que bombas ficticias que sirven para activar la bomba real en el sótano de Strut A. Una bomba similar plantada en el sótano del núcleo Shell 2 detona, matando al ex mentor de Fatman, Peter Stillman, en el proceso. Cuando Raiden se reúne con él, Fatman revela que desea convertirse en el bombardero más famoso del mundo superando a Stillman. [153] Fatman luego desafía a Raiden a un duelo en el helipuerto sobre Strut E, lo que resulta en su muerte. Más tarde se revela que Fatman era en realidad un agente de Los Patriotas y que la presencia de Stillman en la instalación fue organizada para motivar a Fatman a participar.

El personaje lleva el nombre de la bomba lanzada sobre Nagasaki, Japón, el 9 de agosto de 1945. Fatman fue interpretado por Kōzō Shioya en japonés y por Barry Dennen en inglés.

Serguéi Gurlukovich

El coronel Sergei Gurlukovich (セルゲイ・ゴルルコビッチ, Serugei Gorurukobitchi , Сергей Гурлукович) es el padre de Olga Gurlukovich y ex oficial al mando de Revolver Ocelot. Gurlukovich también fue quien proporcionó un helicóptero Hind-D a Liquid Snake en Metal Gear Solid a cambio del posible uso de Metal Gear REX. Un oficial de Spetsnaz y GRU de Rusia , lidera a su equipo personal de mercenarios para apoderarse del Discovery durante el capítulo Tanker de Metal Gear Solid 2 con el propósito de secuestrar Metal Gear RAY. [154] En el curso de la operación, Gurlukovich es traicionado y asesinado por Ocelot debido a que los Patriots quieren a RAY para su causa. [155] Sergei Gurlukovich tiene la voz de Osamu Saka en la versión japonesa y de Earl Boen en la traducción al inglés.

Scott Dolph

El general Scott Dolph (スコット・ドルフ, Sukotto Dorufu ) es el comandante del Cuerpo de Marines y el padre de Fortune. En el capítulo Tanker de Metal Gear Solid 2 , está a cargo de transportar Metal Gear RAY a su sitio de pruebas y da un discurso a sus tropas en las bodegas de carga, sin saber que el barco está siendo secuestrado. Es asesinado por Revolver Ocelot antes de secuestrar RAY, su muerte sirve como la raíz del dolor de Fortune. Scott Dolph tiene la voz de Daisuke Gori en la versión japonesa. En la traducción al inglés, Scott Dolph tiene la voz de Kevin Michael Richardson (en Metal Gear Solid 2 ) y de Phil LaMarr (en Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel ).

Peter Stillman

Peter Stillman (ピーター・スティルマン, Pītā Sutiruman ) es un ex experto en desactivación de bombas de la policía de Nueva York que trabaja para la Patrulla Bund y ex mentor de Fatman, habiéndole enseñado todo lo que sabe sobre explosivos. En Metal Gear Solid 2 , se infiltra en las instalaciones de Big Shell con el Equipo SEAL 10. Después de que Fatman haya colocado bombas dentro de cada uno de los puntales en toda la instalación de Big Shell, Stillman proporciona a Raiden y Snake (como Iroquois Pliskin) las herramientas necesarias para rastrear y desactivar cada uno de los explosivos, al tiempo que brinda apoyo al jugador a través de un códec. Finalmente se entera de que los explosivos que plantó Fatman eran señuelos utilizados para activar las bombas reales destinadas a destruir los cimientos de Shell 1 y Shell 2. Stillman corre al sótano de Strut H, solo para quedar atrapado en la trampa de Fatman; La bomba, al estar equipada con un sensor de proximidad, detona y mata a Stillman.

El personaje probablemente recibió su nombre de un personaje de la Trilogía de Nueva York de Paul Auster . Peter Stillman tiene la voz de Shōzō Iizuka en la versión japonesa. En la traducción al inglés, Peter Stillman tiene la voz de Greg Eagles (en Metal Gear Solid 2 ) y de James C. Mathis III (en Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel ).

Richard Ames

El coronel Richard Ames (リチャード・エイムズ, Richādo Eimuzu ) es un agente del Servicio Secreto y un operativo de los Patriots. Anteriormente sirvió en la Agencia de Inteligencia de Defensa , donde conoció a Nastasha Romanenko. Estuvo casado con Nastasha por un tiempo, pero los dos terminaron divorciándose. Fue tomado como rehén durante el incidente de Big Shell. En Metal Gear Solid 2 , conoció a Raiden y luego fue amenazado por Revolver Ocelot, y luego murió repentinamente de un aparente ataque cardíaco. Más tarde se revela que murió porque sus nanomáquinas desactivaron su marcapasos gracias a un virus que imitaba a FOXDIE puesto en marcha por los Patriots. Richard Ames tiene la voz de Masaharu Satō en la versión japonesa y de Peter Renaday en la traducción al inglés.

James Johnson

James Johnson (ジェームズ・ジョンソン, Jēmuzu Jonson ) es el presidente de los Estados Unidos durante los eventos de Sons of Liberty . Él es el rehén principal que Raiden es enviado a rescatar en el capítulo de Plant. Después de una serie de pruebas, Raiden finalmente se encuentra con el presidente en el núcleo de Shell 2. El presidente revela que en realidad fue un cómplice voluntario en el acto terrorista, sus signos vitales son los códigos de entrada para activar Arsenal Gear (la nueva versión de Metal Gear alojada en Big Shell), pero fue encarcelado después de un conflicto de intereses con Solidus Snake, ya que Johnson quería poder mientras que su predecesor prefería rebelarse por completo. Después de revelar la verdad sobre Arsenal Gear a Raiden, se entera de que los Patriots lo manipularon para rebelarse como parte del "Plan S3". Luego es asesinado por Revolver Ocelot mientras discute con Raiden para evitar que los terroristas lancen un ataque nuclear. En la versión japonesa, la voz de James Johnson es de Yuzuru Fujimoto . En la versión inglesa, la voz de James Johnson es de Paul Lukather (en Metal Gear Solid 2 ) y de H. Richard Greene (en Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel ).

Emma Emmerich

Emma Emmerich Danziger (エマ・エメリッヒ・ダンジガー, Ema Emerihhi Danjigā ) , apodada EE , es una programadora de inteligencia artificial y la hermanastra de Hal Emmerich. Cuando Emma era una niña, su madre Julie Danziger se casó con el padre de Hal, el Dr. "Huey" Emmerich. Emma y Hal se volvieron muy cercanos cuando eran niños y a menudo nadaban juntos. Cuando Hal era un adolescente, fue abusado sexualmente por la madre de Emma. Al enterarse de esto, Huey se suicidó ahogándose en la piscina de la familia y arrastró accidentalmente a Emma al agua en el proceso. Ella sobrevivió, pero no sin heridas. Emma esperaba que Hal la salvara, pero Hal no lo sabía. Luego, Emma desarrolló un miedo al agua y se distanció de su hermanastro, culpando a Hal por dejar a la familia después. [156]

Durante el capítulo de Plant de Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , ella está a cargo del desarrollo de la IA que controla Arsenal Gear . Raiden la escolta a la sala de computadoras de Shell 1 Core para descargar un virus en el sistema de IA de GW para que no pueda ser utilizado por los terroristas, pero es emboscada por Vamp en la valla petrolera. Raiden dispara a Vamp, pero antes de caer al mar, Vamp apuñala mortalmente a Emma en el estómago. [157] Más tarde muere en la sala de computadoras confesando que quería estar más cerca de su hermanastro. [158] Emma Emmerich tiene la voz de Maria Yamamoto en la versión japonesa y de Jennifer Hale en la traducción al inglés.

Introducido enMetal Gear Solid 3: Devorador de serpientes


Zero (ゼロ) , nombre real David Oh (デイビッド・オウ, Deibiddo Ō ) , también conocido como Major Zero y Major Tom, [159] es el principal antagonista de toda la serie Metal Gear .

Introducido en Metal Gear Solid 3 , es un ex miembro del Servicio Aéreo Especial Británico que se desempeña como oficial al mando de la unidad FOX que se comunica con Naked Snake por radio. En Portable Ops , Zero es arrestado por el Pentágono por la revuelta de la unidad FOX, pero luego es exonerado. [113] Peace Walker revela a Zero como el líder de la organización Cipher que controla secretamente los Estados Unidos. [160] Metal Gear Solid 4 reveló que la pelea de Zero con Big Boss por el proyecto "Les Enfants Terribles" eventualmente causó su control sobre el mundo a través de IA que se convertirían en los Patriots, [160] [161] y él personalmente aparece en el juego como un centenario en un estado vegetativo persistente (debido al parásito de Skull Face en Metal Gear Solid V ), durante el cual Big Boss corta su suministro de oxígeno y lo estrangula para facilitar su muerte. [162]

En la versión japonesa, la voz de Zero la pone Banjō Ginga . En la versión inglesa, la voz de Zero la ponen Jim Piddock (en Metal Gear Solid 3 ) y Time Winters (en Metal Gear Solid V ).


El Dr. Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov (ニコライ・ステパノヴィッチ・ソコロフ, Nikorai Sutepanovitchi Sokorofu , Николай Степанович Соколов) es un científico de cohetes visto en Metal Gear Solid 3. A pesar de ser cobarde y tímido, pudo desertar a los Estados Unidos dos años antes de los eventos del juego, pero fue enviado de regreso a la URSS como una adición secreta a las negociaciones para poner fin a la Crisis de los Misiles de Cuba . Desarrolla el Shagohod . [163] En medio de la recuperación de Sokolov por parte de Naked Snake, el coronel Volgin lo recaptura y lo obliga a completar el arma, y ​​luego aparentemente muere de tortura fuera de la pantalla por intentar escapar. A pesar de su aparente muerte, Sokolov regresa en Portable Ops como el informante Ghost (ゴースト, Gōsuto ) . Después de escapar a los EE. UU. con la ayuda del nuevo comandante de FOX, Gene, construye el primer Metal Gear , un modelo cuadrúpedo , pero aún ayuda a Big Boss como resultado del peligro que representa el llamado Metal Gear RAXA. [164] También puede ser reclutado en el equipo FOXHOUND temprano. [113] Nikolai Sokolov tiene la voz de Naoki Tatsuta en japonés y de Brian Cummings en inglés.

El jefe

The Boss (ザ・ボス, Za Bosu ) , también conocida como The Joy (ザ・ジョイ, Za Joi ) , es la mentora y figura materna de Naked Snake, la madre biológica de Ocelot, [165] y una de las principales antagonistas de Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater . Después de aparentemente desertar a la Unión Soviética, finalmente obliga a Naked Snake a matarla en un duelo. EVA revela al final de Snake Eater que la deserción de The Boss fue una estratagema para adquirir el caché del "Legado del Filósofo" de la posesión de Volgin, aunque el uso improvisado de Volgin de un Davy Crockett en suelo soviético llevó al gobierno de los EE. UU. a convertir a The Boss en un chivo expiatorio para evitar la escalada de la Guerra Fría . The Boss tiene la voz de Kikuko Inoue en la versión japonesa y de Lori Alan en la traducción al inglés.


El coronel Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (エヴゲニー・ボリソヴィッチ・ヴォルギン, Evugenī Borisovitchi Vorugin , Евгений Борисович Волгин) , más conocido como "Thunderbolt" en Occidente, es un coronel estalinista del GRU y el principal antagonista de Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater . Su cuerpo lleva una carga eléctrica de diez millones de voltios (los científicos soviéticos especulan que es el resultado de la electroquinesis) que usa principalmente para luchar y torturar. [166] Volgin es un hombre sádico y brutal que se deleita en causar destrucción sin sentido e infligir dolor a cualquiera que se cruce en su camino . También se revela que fue uno de los principales perpetradores de la Masacre del Bosque de Katyn en 1940. [167]

Durante los eventos de Snake Eater , Volgin conspira para usar el Shagohod como parte de un intento por tomar el control de la Unión Soviética al deponer a Nikita Khrushchev e instalar a Leonid Brezhnev en su lugar. En el clímax de la historia, pilotea el Shagohod y se enfrenta a Naked Snake y EVA en una pelea a muerte. Después de ser gravemente herido, comienza a llover y es alcanzado por un rayo, que lo deja en coma y cerca de la muerte. [168] Tras ser recuperado y experimentado por científicos rusos, Volgin regresa como el Hombre en llamas (燃える男, Moeru Otoko ) en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , donde desea venganza por su derrota; este deseo es tan grande que es lo único que lo mantiene vivo, y su apariencia como un hombre hecho completamente de fuego es la manifestación física de su deseo. Su apariencia le permite convertir la energía de las armas de fuego y las rondas explosivas en ataques poderosos. Sin embargo, finalmente muere en paz en un enfrentamiento final, donde se da a entender que dedujo que Venom Snake no es el objetivo de su venganza.

La voz de Volgin la pone Kenji Utsumi en japonés y Neil Ross en inglés. La voz de The Man on Fire la pone Dave Fouquette.


EVA (エヴァ) es la amante de Naked Snake y la madre de Solid Snake.

The character first appears in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, set in 1964, as a motorbike-riding supposed KGB female spy and a former NSA codebreaker who has defected to the Soviets along with ADAM. She uses her charm and good looks to win over the trust of Naked Snake and the Soviet enemies.[169] EVA intends to kill Major Ocelot to avoid revealing her cover, but is stopped by Snake. Later, she infiltrates Colonel Volgin's GRU base under the guise of Tatyana (タチアナ, Tachiana), Sokolov's supposed lover, and assists Snake;[170] "Tatyana" is tortured by Volgin with electric shocks in order to coerce the uncooperative Sokolov into completing the Shagohod's development. Throughout their respective missions, EVA and Snake began to develop romantic feelings for one another, though Snake is initially hesitant. She helps Snake destroy the Shagohod, kill Volgin, and reach the Philosophers' Legacy so that she can later steal the latter, even seeming to fall in love with Snake. At one point, EVA is nearly killed by Volgin until The Boss volunteers to execute her personally (in actuality saving her from Volgin). After the mission is completed, EVA and Snake have a one-night stand, but she cannot bring herself to carry out the order of assassinating Snake, as she promised The Boss she would not. Instead, she flees with what she believes to be the Philosophers' Legacy (which was actually half taken by Ocelot for the CIA) and intelligence data that would lead to the breakthrough in the Chinese nuclear weapons program. Snake discovers a tape EVA has left revealing all her secrets. The epilogue prior to the credits goes on to state that EVA disappeared in Hanoi, North Vietnam, during the Vietnam War in 1968.[171]

EVA is alluded in direct sequels. She reappears in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops as a recruitable character by completing a series of optional missions.[113] In 1971, Big Boss and EVA reconciled after she was tracked down and rescued in Hanoi, and she was invited to become a founding member of a shadow government along with Zero, Para-Medic, Sigint, and Ocelot. At some point, she also discovered Ocelot's codename of ADAM, and the two reconciled. In 1972, EVA volunteered to serve as a surrogate mother in the "Les Enfants Terribles" project designed with Big Boss's "sons" to maintain an icon despite Big Boss's disapproval and eventual defection in opposition to Zero's methods. She was originally implanted with eight clone fetuses, though six were intentionally aborted in order to encourage stronger growth in the remaining two: Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.[161] EVA does not make a direct appearance in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. She would remain in contact with Big Boss, passing on cassette tape recordings to Militaires Sans Frontieres in 1974. She detailed further information on The Boss's final mission, and the motivations behind her actions, having been entrusted to pass this on to Big Boss. These tapes were later supplied to Big Boss with no return address and only her codename, with Big Boss hesitantly explaining that she was an "old acquaintance".

In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, which is set in 2014, she appears under the identity of Big Mama (ビッグ・ママ, Biggu Mama) (also called Matka Pluku, Czech for "Mother of the Regiment") as the leader of the Paradise Lost Army resistance movement against Liquid Ocelot. It is revealed that she was fired from her job as a spy after she failed a mission in the previous game.[172] She assists Old Snake in Eastern Europe. During a chase, EVA crashes her motorcycle and is seriously injured. She also is nearly burned to death; Snake saves her from Liquid Ocelot's gunshot but the left side of his face is badly burnt in the process. EVA later apparently dies from her injuries but it is later revealed that the mutated FOXDIE virus carried in Snake's body is what killed her.[173]

In Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Zero tasked EVA to arrange Big Boss's confinement at a hospital in Cyprus after XOF's attack on Mother Base, revealing this to Ocelot.

EVA and Olga Gurlukovich's outfits can be used as costumes in Rumble Roses XX.[174] EVA also makes a cameo appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as an obtainable sticker, usable exclusively by Solid Snake in The Subspace Emissary.

EVA's character model was based by Hideo Kojima on a gravure idol he liked ("○○里", a possible reference to Chisato Morishita (森下 千里)),[175] and her personality traits were inspired by Fujiko Mine from Lupin III.[176] He also said: "On Eva's back are signs of torture. There are burn marks and cut marks, as well as some very old scars. The Colonel interrogated her with 'hentai play' (変態プレイ)." According to Kojima, EVA's character was disliked by the English voice actors for her personality.[175]

In 2007, Tom's Games included her among the 50 greatest female characters in video game history, proposing that she should be portrayed in a live-action adaptation by "Uma Thurman, because she's tall, blonde and built to kick ass."[177] In 2011, instead proposed Gillian Jacobs, adding that "EVA proved herself as one of the games' smartest and craftiest characters, playing heroes and villains alike like oversized flesh fiddles."[178] The scene between the "sexy" EVA, Snake, and Ocelot in MGS3 was ranked as fifth on the 2010 list of the most Metal Gear amazing cutscenes by Joystick Division.[179] EVA was chosen as "the perfect one to top the list" of the "PlayStation 2 babes" by Chris Reiter of Gaming Target in 2005.[180]

In the Japanese version, EVA is voiced by Misa Watanabe (in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker) and Mari Natsuki (in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots). In the English translation, EVA is voiced by Suzetta Miñet (in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker), Vanessa Marshall (in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops) and Lee Meriwether (in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots).


Para-Medic (パラメディック, Paramedikku), also known as Dr. Clark (クラーク博士, Kurāku-hakase), is a FOX support team member that provides medical information.[181] As Snake Eater is set before the modern use of the word "paramedic", her codename instead comes from a portmanteau of "parachute" and "medic".[182] Para-Medic provides Naked Snake with information in Metal Gear Solid 3 (surgical information, general information on the local flora and fauna, and, despite Snake's disinterest, information about her favourite films), and can later be recruited into the early FOXHOUND team in Portable Ops.[113] Later games revealed that Para-Medic was the head of the "Les Enfants Terribles" project,[183] and was the one responsible for Gray Fox's revival, being ultimately murdered by the first Cyborg Ninja.[184] Originally, many people believed that Dr. Clark was a man, which is later explained as due to being so secretive that nobody knows anything about her, including the fact that she was actually a woman.[185] Para-Medic is voiced by Houko Kuwashima in Japanese and by Heather Halley in English.

Cobra Unit

The Cobra Unit is The Boss's personal team of military specialists, serving as the bosses of Metal Gear Solid 3. Each member is named after the primary emotion that they bring into battle.

The Pain

The Pain (ザ・ペイン, Za Pein) has the ability to control hornets at will through the buzzing of a queen hornet that he keeps in his backpack. Apart from his swarms of hornets, The Pain is also equipped with a Tommy gun and grenades, using his hornets in conjunction with these weapons. He also uses his hornets to shield himself and create a body double to confuse and draw his opponents into the open.[186] In Metal Gear Solid 3, he fights and is defeated by Naked Snake. The Pain is voiced by Hisao Egawa in the Japanese version and by Gregg Berger in the English translation.

The Fear

The Fear (ザ・フィアー, Za Fiā) is a member of the Cobra unit known for his superhuman speed and agility, as well as his freakish, fearsome appearance. Capable of dislocating his joints at will, he is able to crawl, walk on water, flip, leap extremely quickly in the manner of a spider, and also climb on and jump between trees with ease. He uses two crossbows in battle, the Little Joe and the William Tell, coating their bolts in the venom of the Brazilian wandering spider,[187] setting them on fire, or even outfitting them with explosives. He uses a variety of wires and ropes to enhance his mobility. On top of his incredible agility, he also uses stealth camouflage to make himself nearly invisible.[188] At the beginning of the battle in Metal Gear Solid 3, he shoots Naked Snake in the leg with a poisoned crossbow bolt, but wants to kill Snake himself rather than let the venom do the job for him. The poison begins to make Snake hallucinate, giving The Fear a distinct advantage, though Snake still manages to defeat him. The Fear is voiced by Kazumi Tanaka in Japanese and by Michael Bell in English.

The End

The End (ジ・エンド, Za Endo) is a member of the Cobra unit with exceptional sniping skills, born in the early 1860s, and the only member of the unit without an emotion-based codename, though it is explained in the game that it signifies "true oblivion".[189] The End is a venerable expert sniper, but is visibly vulnerable as a result of his age.[190] However, he is capable of photosynthesizing sunlight to sustain himself and can go for days without food or water (later explained in The Phantom Pain as the effect of a species of parasite that lives in his body). He has a pet Alexandrine parakeet who can alert him to Snake's presence. The End is the only member of the Cobras who will not kill the player under any circumstances; he only uses tranquilizing rounds and will throw Snake in a jail cell if he is defeated. The strategic sniper fight between Naked Snake and The End in Metal Gear Solid 3 was developed by Kojima, who wanted to bring a completely new style of boss battle to the series. However, the fight can be avoided if Snake kills a defenseless The End shortly beforehand,[191] or if the player saves during the fight and waits a week (or sets the system clock a week ahead), in which case The End dies of old age. In Peace Walker, The End's voice can sometimes be heard over the Codec during ghost missions, and Snake comments numerous times during mission briefings asking Kazuhira Miller if he saw any parrots with the enemy snipers and scouts.

The End is voiced by Osamu Saka in Japanese and by J. Grant Albrecht in English.

The Fury

The Fury (ザ・フューリー, Za Fyūrī) is a pyromaniac and former Soviet cosmonaut. He utilizes a flame-resistant Soviet space suit in conjunction with a jet pack and a powerful flamethrower, both of which are powered by the liquid rocket fuel UDMH. His codename reflects the unmitigated fury he feels towards the world while he is fighting.[192] In Metal Gear Solid 3, he fights and is defeated by Naked Snake. The Fury is voiced by Masato Hirano in the Japanese version and by Richard Doyle in the English translation.

The Sorrow

The Sorrow (ザ・ソロー, Za Sorō) was a powerful spirit medium and a former member of the Cobra unit, who used his psychic powers to aid his fellow soldiers on the battlefield.[193] After being romantically involved with The Boss, he was the father of her child.[165] After the ideological rift created by the Cold War, loyalties changed, with him and The Boss each taking their respective sides. The Boss reluctantly killed him in 1962 for making a double agent out of a sleeper agent she sent to OKB-1 to gather data on the USSR's space program.[194] He makes many hidden appearances in ghost form throughout the game's cutscenes.[195] In Metal Gear Solid 3, after escaping from Groznyj Grad and suffering a near-death experience, Naked Snake encounters The Sorrow while being forced to wade through an endless river swarming with all of the enemies that Snake has killed up to that point.[196] The Sorrow is voiced by Yukitoshi Hori in Japanese and by David Thomas in English.


Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov (イワン・ライデノヴィッチ・ライコフ, Iwan Raidenovitchi Raikofu, Иван Райденович Райков) is a high-ranking officer within Groznyj Grad. He is implied to be Colonel Volgin's secret lover, and consequently has colonel-class authority despite only having a rank of major. The character is a parody of Raiden. The player is also able to wear a mask to impersonate him, as Kojima noted that there were fans who wanted to play as Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 3.[197] Besides impersonating Raikov, Naked Snake is required to incapacitate him and take his uniform to further infiltrate Groznyj Grad, with the player also being given the choice of killing him. According to Kojima, the reason why he left Raikov's fate up to the player was largely because of Raiden's controversial popularity, where he'd allow the player, depending on whether their views of Raiden were positive or negative, to spare or kill Raikov, respectively.[198] Raikov appears as a secret character in Portable Ops, having been exiled to Colombia by the Soviet military after the fallout of Operation Snake Eater runs him afoul of the Kremlin.[113]

Raikov is voiced by Kenyu Horiuchi in the Japanese version and by Charlie Schlatter in the English translation.

Aleksandr Granin

Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin (アレクサンドル・レオノヴィッチ・グラーニン, Александр Леонович Гранин) is the director of OKB-812, also known as the Granin Design Bureau. He is the man who originally came up with the concept of bipedal walking tanks. He supplies Naked Snake with the key to the door near the warehouse, but later dies at Volgin's hands. Aleksandr Granin is voiced by Takeshi Aono in Japanese and by Jim Ward in English.


Johnny is a GRU soldier seen in Snake Eater. He is assigned to watch over Naked Snake's jail cell in Groznyj Grad after Snake is captured by Volgin. He wears the standard uniform all the GRU soldiers wear in the game, except his balaclava is adorned with a large letter J on its forehead. Due to having an estranged son with the same name in America and claiming that all the first-born sons in his family are given that name, he is implied to be the grandfather of Johnny Sasaki. Johnny is voiced by Naoki Imamura in Japanese and by Michael Gough in English.

CIA Director

The Director of Central Intelligence is a minor character who appears at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The DCI resembles John McCone (the actual DCI in 1964), but is written as an unnamed fictionalized counterpart. He was the one who planned Operation Snake Eater, and as a result, Naked Snake refuses to shake his hand during the award ceremony after returning from the mission. He was also the one who employed Ocelot (aka ADAM) as a triple agent within the CIA, KGB and GRU. In the end of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Ocelot betrays the DCI under orders from a new employer and kills him in order to obtain the location of the Philosopher's Legacy. In the Japanese version, the DCI is voiced by an uncredited actor (in Metal Gear Solid 3) and by Masaharu Sato (in Portable Ops). In the English translation, the DCI is voiced by Paul Collins (in Metal Gear Solid 3) and by Jesse Corti (in Portable Ops).

DOD Official

A DOD official appears at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, where he briefly talks to the DCI during Big Boss's award ceremony. He bears the likeness of Robert McNamara (the actual Secretary of Defense in 1964), although the character was later rewritten to be the Army Chief of Staff in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. He makes an unvoiced appearance in the end of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, where he can be seen standing next to Major Zero during FOXHOUND's inauguration ceremony. In Peace Walker, the character, who is now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gets in touch with Big Boss when Peace Walker relays false nuclear launch data. He is the only member at the DEFCON meeting who believes Big Boss when told that the nuclear launch data is false after the latter provides proof, but is held at gunpoint by the other executive members when he orders them to stand down from retaliating. Big Boss ultimately succeeds, however, in stopping a retaliation strike from being launched.

Introduced in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops


Jonathan (ジョナサン, Jonasan) is one of the Red Army soldiers stationed at the San Hieronymo base. He is the first of the enemy soldiers to be recruited by Naked Snake's early FOXHOUND group. After meeting Snake and Roy Campbell, Jonathan says the Red Army personnel were assigned to build the base as an alternate strategic missile site after the Cuban Missile Crisis; détente and the USSR's commitment to the SALT negotiations resulted in the abandonment of the base, leading the soldiers to join Gene. Jonathan is left impressed with Snake's idealism and also helps in treating Campbell's bout with malaria. As Gene manipulates the Soviet soldiers into killing each other later in the game, Jonathan takes a few rounds meant for Snake and dies in his arms, leading Snake to scream out in sorrow and rage. Jonathan's death comes to traumatize Snake deeply, further shaping the ideals and principles that Snake comes to uphold as Big Boss. Jonathan is voiced by Takahiro Fujimoto in Japanese and by Robin Atkin Downes in English.


Colonel Skowronski is a commander of the Red Army base in San Hieronymo. A World War II veteran and former fighter pilot, Naked Snake finds him hiding aboard a ship in the harbor that housed his fighter plane collection. It is revealed that the colonel had been drinking after Gene's men took over the base and even turned his Red Army troops against him. Skowronski dies in an attempt to kill Gene using RAXA. When it shuts down, Ursula telekinetically removes him from the cockpit and drops him to his death. Colonel Skowronski is voiced by Tetsu Inada in Japanese and by Nick Jameson in English.


Python (パイソン, Paison) is one of FOX's original members, revealed to have worked alongside Naked Snake during the early stages of the US advisory effort in Vietnam. However, he was severely injured during a mission with the Civilian Irregular Defense Group, losing the ability to regulate his body temperature. The US government operated on him to stabilize his body temperature, eventually putting him in a Sneaking Suit filled with liquid nitrogen, with several needles in his head to vent excess heat. The CIA uses him as a counterpart to Snake in case he rebelled. Python allies with the player if he is defeated by non-lethal means, but will burn to death if he is killed. Python is voiced by Yûsaku Yara in Japanese and by Dwight Schultz in English.

Elisa and Ursula

Elisa (エルザ, Eruza) and Ursula are split personalities of a teenage girl raised in East Germany to nuclear physicists who worked in the USSR. She is revealed to be a survivor of the 1957 Kyshtym disaster; the radioactive fallout triggered her psychic abilities. The girl returned to East Germany and underwent numerous ESP and psychic tests. The testing enabled the girl to create split personalities that people can mistake as twins due to their different hair colors (Elisa has gold hair, where Ursula's hair is silver). Gene rescued her during a mission in 1966 and later trained her personas – Elisa in medicine and Ursula in combat abilities. Over the course of the game, Elisa helps Naked Snake. However, the Ursula personality appears during Snake's showdown with Metal Gear RAXA. The combined personalities attempt to stop Gene, resulting in "their" deaths. Elisa's last words to Snake cryptically point to important developments in later games. Elisa and Ursula are voiced by Saori Gotō in Japanese and by Tara Strong in English.


Lt. Cunningham (カニンガム, Kaningamu) is an African-American soldier and FOX's resident interrogation specialist that goes by the codename Boa. After losing his leg due to unspecified reasons and getting demoted to desk work by the CIA, the Department of Defense taps him to besmirch the CIA's reputation, a job he accepted due to desiring revenge for his demotion. This enables him to join Gene's revolt and later to interrogate Naked Snake about the Philosophers' Legacy. Snake defeats him upon learning of the DOD's plans, with his flying platform exploding shortly thereafter, although not before he attempts to destroy the base with a Davy Crockett round in an attempt to ensure Snake dies with him. Cunningham is voiced by Daisuke Gori in Japanese and by Noah Nelson in English.


Gene (遺伝子, Idenshi) is the commander of FOX and the main antagonist of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Having joined the unit under the codename Viper, he proves his worth by rescuing Sokolov and Elisa during missions to Eastern Europe. A doctor by trade with a moderate degree of political science knowledge, he gradually undermines Major Zero's authority and prepares his own rebellion. Gene participates in the Successor Project, a special program designed to create a military officer modeled after The Boss and highly educated in military strategy and tactics. The program results in Gene having developed enhanced CQC abilities and mild telepathic powers of persuasion. Naked Snake kills him after Gene reveals his plans behind the takeover of the San Hieronymo base. Recognizing Snake's combat skills, Gene bequeaths to Snake all the resources he had amassed for the military force Army's Heaven. Gene is voiced by Norio Wakamoto in Japanese and by Steven Blum in English.

Introduced in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


Sunny Emmerich (サニー・エメリッヒ, Sanī emerihhi) is a gifted prodigy. She is Olga Gurlukovich's biological daughter, kidnapped at birth by the Patriots to manipulate her mother.[199] Afterwards, Raiden rescues her from the Patriots, leaving her in Otacon's care.[200] By the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, she is a gifted computer programmer, where it is heavily implied that her status as a prodigy is the result of genetic engineering experiments done to her at Area 51 while she was in the Patriots' possession. She and Naomi Hunter design the FOXALIVE virus, which Old Snake uses to disable the Patriots' AIs. Sunny returns in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, having been adopted by Otacon. She attended school after becoming free of the Patriots' influence but was considered too "advanced"; after earning multiple degrees, she was hired by Solis Space & Aeronautics.[201] She helps Raiden reach Pakistan to stop Armstrong's plans, later allowing Bladewolf and George to work with her at Solis. Sunny is voiced by Kikuko Inoue in the Japanese version and by Cristina Pucelli in the English translation.[9]

Drebin 893

Drebin (ドレビン, Durebin) is a weapons launderer that is usually accompanied by his pet monkey Little Gray. In Metal Gear Solid 4, he assists Old Snake by disabling ID-tagged weapons taken from PMC troops. He also provides exposition on the origins of each of the Beauty and the Beast members.[202] Drebin is actually a spy for the Patriots assigned to help Snake defeat Liquid Ocelot.[203] He injects Snake with nanomachines that allow him to use Drebin's weapons, in addition to secretly containing a new strain of FOXDIE programmed to kill EVA, Ocelot and Big Boss. His name is a reference to film character Frank Drebin in that he issues Snake "naked guns". Drebin is voiced by Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version and by Khary Payton in the English translation.


Jonathan (ジョナサン, Jonasan) is a hulking Korean-American who serves as the Rat Patrol team's heavy weapons specialist and has a mohawk in the shape of an exclamation mark. He is named in reference to the lead character of Policenauts. Jonathan is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka in the Japanese version and by James Sie in the English translation.


Ed (エド, Edo) is an African-American who serves as the Rat Patrol team's sniper and Meryl Sliverburgh's second-in-command. He is a tribute to the Policenauts character of the same name.[9] Ed is voiced by Shōzō Iizuka in the Japanese version and by Dave Fennoy in the English translation.

The Beauty and the Beast Corps

The Beauty and the Beast Corps (ビューティー&ビースト部隊, Byūtī & Bīsuto Butai) are a team of female PMC operatives in mechanized suits seen in Metal Gear Solid 4. Designed according to their animal designations, each member of the BB Corps features the likeness of a different real-life supermodel. Their "beast" form is voiced by Shōzō Iizuka in the Japanese version and by Fred Tatasciore in the English translation.

Laughing Octopus

Laughing Octopus (ラフィング・オクトパス, Rafingu Okutopasu) wears a special cybernetic suit that can imitate the appearance of her surroundings or other people, allowing her to blend in before attacking with powerful mechanical tentacles. She was born and raised in a small Scandinavian hamlet known as the Devil's Village, where the residents habitually eat octopus. A nearby cult took offense to the village's diet and attacked, sparing few, including the young girl. On pain of death, they tortured her into killing her entire family while laughing. This has utterly numbed her to bloodshed and has spawned an obsession with laughter, particularly during battle. The character's likeness was provided by Lyndall Jarvis. Laughing Octopus is voiced by Haruna Aimoto in Japanese and by Paula Tiso in English. Various impersonations are voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka and Hiromi Tsuru in Japanese and by Christopher Randolph and Jennifer Hale in English.

Raging Raven

Raging Raven (レイジング・レイヴン, Reijingu Reivun) is capable of flight, utilizing UCAVs and a grenade launcher to attack her enemies. Born in Aceh, Indonesia, she was taken as a prisoner of war as a child. After enduring months of torture and starvation, her captors abruptly abandoned the prison, leaving her and the other child prisoners to be eaten alive by ravens. She was the last living child, though instead of eating her, the ravens pecked away her restraints. She found her captors' base camp, killing all soldiers and civilians present. The character's likeness was provided by Yumi Kikuchi. Raging Raven is voiced by Yumi Kikuchi in Japanese and by Nika Futterman in English.

Crying Wolf

Crying Wolf (クライング・ウルフ, Kuraingu Urufu) is the strongest member, attacking with a railgun or sheer brute force. She is also endowed with a strong sense of smell, enough to identify and track her quarry by scent in a snowstorm. She was born in an unnamed country ripped by civil war. After her family was killed in an attack, she fled the village with her baby brother and became a refugee. When hiding from an enemy unit in a shack, her brother began to cry; she covered his mouth to silence him and accidentally killed him. Upon reaching a refugee camp, she was driven insane by her grief and by the cries of children. She experienced visions of a wolf killing the children of the camp; in reality, it was she who did so. The character's likeness was provided by Mieko Rye. Crying Wolf is voiced by Eriko Hirata in Japanese and by Debra Wilson in English.

Screaming Mantis

Screaming Mantis (スクリーミング・マンティス, Sukurīmingu Mantisu) is the group's leader. Able to float via unknown abilities, she has the power to crush people at will and manipulate soldiers to do her bidding, including killing their former allies. She has two puppets shaped like previous Metal Gear Solid bosses Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow. It is revealed that Psycho Mantis's puppet is used to control and manipulate living people, while The Sorrow's puppet can be used to manipulate dead bodies. However, her powers are only applicable to people implanted with nanomachines and cannot affect people who can suppress nanomachine activity. It is also revealed that Psycho Mantis was controlling her mind as a result of her insanity. The character's likeness was provided by Scarlett Chorvat. Screaming Mantis is voiced by Mao Yuki in Japanese and by Andrea Zafra in English.

Introduced in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker


Amanda Valenciano Libre (アマンダ・バレンシアノ・リブレ, Amanda Barenshiano Ribure) assumed command of the FSLN after her father, their previous leader, was killed. After many of her members were forced out of Nicaragua by government forces, the KGB came to the Sandinistas' aid by having them operate a banana plantation that is actually a front for drug-trafficking operations to generate funds for their rebel activities. During Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Amanda shows a romantic interest in Naked Snake when Snake frees the Sandinista survivors from the Peace Sentinels. Towards the end of the game, Amanda leads the Sandinistas into fighting the KGB. In the game, the player can use Amanda to motivate former guerrillas recruited into MSF. In Ground Zeroes, Amanda is stated to be working on MSF's Cuban operations. Amanda Libre is voiced by Romi Park in Japanese and by Grey DeLisle in English.


Ricardo Valenciano Libre (リカルド・バレンシアノ・リブレ, Rikarudo Barenshiano Ribure),[204] nicknamed Chico (チコ, Chiko), is Amanda's younger brother.

During Peace Walker, he tries to prove himself to his sister and the FSLN rebels despite his age. An argument results in Chico wandering around the forest and his capture by the Peace Sentinels. He also talks to Naked Snake about sightings of the Peace Walker AI weapon (which he calls "El Basilisco"). Chico has an interest in cryptozoology, is the one who briefs Snake on Monster Hunter missions, and is in love with Paz Ortega Andrade.

In Ground Zeroes, Chico is imprisoned and tortured in Camp Omega after trying to rescue Paz. It is also implied by tapes that he was forced to have sexual intercourse with Paz. He is aboard Big Boss's helicopter when it crashes into the Caribbean Sea; The Phantom Pain states that he did not survive, although Chico was planned to appear as an adult as seen in concept art.[205] Chico is voiced by Kikuko Inoue in Japanese and by Antony Del Rio in English.


Dr. Emmerich (エメリッヒ博士, Emerihhi-hakase), nicknamed Huey (ヒューイ, Hyūi), is a wheelchair-bound scientist who was born paraplegic due to having an abnormal spine, the son of a Manhattan Project scientist, and the father of Hal Emmerich.

Previous games alluded to his character; Metal Gear Solid revealed he was born on the same day as the Hiroshima attack when Snake first meets Hal,[206] Metal Gear Solid 2 revealed that he committed suicide by drowning after finding out that his son was having an affair with his second wife, and Metal Gear Solid 3 alluded to the character as Granin's friend in the United States.

In Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, he and Strangelove are responsible for building the Peace Sentinels' AI weapons for Hot Coldman, and later MSF's own Metal Gear ZEKE for Naked Snake. In a personal letter he wrote to Strangelove, which he asks Snake to deliver, it is revealed that they worked together at NASA and Huey expressed much interest in Strangelove.[207]

Huey remains with Big Boss and MSF during Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, working to hide MSF's nuclear capabilities from the United Nations. He is present when MSF is attacked by the XOF forces, though Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain confirms that Emmerich managed to escape the chaos, eventually developing a cybernetic lower exoskeleton to gain the ability to walk. Emmerich maintains that he was misled by Cipher and abducted to work on the new model Metal Gear Sahelanthropus in Afghanistan for Skull Face, where he is rescued and detained by Diamond Dogs. He resumes his work for Diamond Dogs, but faces constant interrogation and lingering doubts about his allegiances, ultimately coming to view Diamond Dogs as being no different from Coldman or Cipher. Emmerich is accused by Diamond Dogs of murdering Strangelove and facilitating the attack on MSF for Cipher in exchange for his own safety, and is later found guilty of triggering a deadly new mutation in the vocal cord parasites that results in Venom Snake being forced to execute his own men and prevent them from escaping into the world. As punishment, Snake chooses to exile Emmerich from Diamond Dogs and sends him away in a single small lifeboat. Emmerich is forced to dump his exoskeleton into the water to prevent the lifeboat from sinking, leaving him paraplegic once more.

Huey is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka in Japanese and by Christopher Randolph in English.

Hot Coldman

Hot Coldman (ホット・コールドマン, Hotto Kōrudoman) is depicted as a former director of the CIA sent to manage the CIA's Latin American operations, and is one of the main antagonists in Peace Walker. Because of bitterness over his demotion, Coldman plans to use the Peace Sentinels and the Peace Walker Project to regain his status as a power player in Washington. The true reason behind his exile was because he planned Operation Snake Eater.[208] Coldman believes nuclear deterrence is a flawed theory, claiming humans won't retaliate during a nuclear strike due to fear of destroying themselves. Coldman believes that with impartial artificial intelligence, Peace Walker would guarantee retaliatory nuclear strikes against any nuclear power, ensuring true deterrence and worldwide peace. Coldman ultimately dies after being shot by Zadornov, but not before inputting Peace Walker's nuclear launch codes and leaking false data to NORAD of an impeding USSR nuclear strike against the US. Coldman is ultimately proven wrong, as senior members of NORAD planned to retaliate against the USSR. Coldman is voiced by Mugihito in Japanese and by H. Richard Greene in English.


Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zadornov (ヴラジーミル・アレクサンドロヴィチ・ザドルノフ, Vurajīmiru Arekusandorovitchi Zadorunofu, Владимир Александрович Задорнов) is one of the main antagonists in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. The character initially disguises himself as Ramon Galvez Mena (ラモン・ガルベス・メナ, Ramon Garubesu Mena), a professor at the University of Peace. He possesses a red bionic right hand with a built-in lighter and the ability to be launched like a rocket. He and his student Paz Ortega Andrade visit the Militaires Sans Frontières' base in Colombia to recruit MSF's services. Galvez assists the MSF as they slowly uncover the Peace Sentinels' true motives in Costa Rica. He later unmasks himself as a KGB intelligence operative when Coldman prepares the Peace Walker to attack the MSF's Mother Base from inside a US base in Nicaragua. Zadornov plans to use Peace Walker to launch a nuke at Cuba and blame the attack on the US, which would lead to communism spreading throughout Central America. The MSF and FSLN capture him and incarcerate him at Mother Base, but he breaks out on several occasions and forces Big Boss to recapture him. He is eventually killed by Big Boss in self-defense. Vladimir Zadornov is voiced by Hōchū Ōtsuka in Japanese and by Steven Blum in English.


Strangelove (ストレンジラブ, Sutorenjirabu) is a British AI expert hired to work in the Peace Walker project and the mother of Hal Emmerich. During her stint with NASA in the late 1950s, Strangelove met The Boss and became enamored. She later met Huey while working in the Mercury program.

In Peace Walker, her experience with The Boss and subsequent work in ARPA inspires her to create Peace Walker's AI matrix with The Boss's personality years later, which initially puts her at odds with Naked Snake. However, Strangelove later joins MSF in helping create Metal Gear ZEKE's AI matrix. Strangelove was not present in Ground Zeroes, having left MSF a week before the IAEA inspection notification arrived due to the AI department being free of suspicion. The Phantom Pain reveals that she retrieved the Mammal Pod from Peace Walker's sunken remains to use as a basis for the Patriots' AI system at Zero's request, and she eventually married Huey and had their son Hal. Despite this, Strangelove reveals that she never loved Huey, and only wanted someone to conceive a child that she would see as her and The Boss's child. Even after her death, Strangelove couldn't let go of The Boss and always claimed to be forever in love with her idol. When Huey later attempted to use Hal as a test subject for Metal Gear Sahelanthropus, Strangelove intervened and the two began to argue. As a result, Strangelove was locked inside the Mammal Pod by Huey, who left her to suffocate. The Mammal Pod is later recovered and used as evidence against Huey during interrogation.

Strangelove is voiced by Yumi Kikuchi in Japanese and by Vanessa Marshall in English.


Cécile Cosima Caminades (セシール・コジマ・カミナンデス, Seshīru Kojima Kaminandesu) is a French ornithologist. In Peace Walker, she is caught while trying to record quetzal sounds near an Incan ruin where the Peace Walker Project's AI laboratory is located. Cécile also was influenced by the May 1968 events in France, similar to other Parisian women at the time.[209] The way her name is pronounced is a play on the phrase Kojima, kami nan desu (小島、神なんです, "Kojima, he's definitely a god").[210] She is also named after and visually based on Cécile Caminades, an employee from the Paris branch of Konami Digital Entertainment.[211] Cécile did not appear in Ground Zeroes, as she had been evacuated from MSF and returned to Paris, France in preparation for the then-upcoming IAEA inspection. Cécile Caminades is voiced by Yū Kobayashi in Japanese and Catherine Taber in English.


Paz Ortega Andrade (パス・オルテガ・アンドラーデ, Pasu Orutega Andorāde) is first introduced in Peace Walker as an innocent schoolgirl at the University of Peace. She is the apparent student of Ramon Galvez Mena, who recruits the Militaires Sans Frontières in Costa Rica to survey Coldman's Peace Sentinel AI experiments. In the game's true ending, she is revealed to be an agent of Cipher named Pacifica Ocean. Paz hijacks Metal Gear ZEKE and tries to launch a nuclear warhead at the American East Coast, with the intention of framing MSF as being an extremist cult under Cipher's orders. Big Boss defeats her and she is thrown into the water from the force of ZEKE's explosion, although Big Boss suspects that there was a possibility that she survived.[212] Paz provides commentary about her deep-cover mission in a ten-part series of audio tapes called "Paz's Diary". In the tapes, Paz talks about life in Mother Base and her fears about a strong reprisal from Cipher if she blows her cover.

In Ground Zeroes, Paz is found alive drifting in the Caribbean before being captured by Skull Face's XOF group and brought to Camp Omega. During her interrogation, she undergoes extreme torture and the surgical implanting of explosive devices in her abdomen and womb. After learning of her survival, Big Boss is sent to retrieve her and Chico from the camp, believing her to be instrumental in finding and stopping Cipher. During the two's rescue, however, Big Boss and Chico discover the surgical scars from one of the bombs inside Paz's unconscious body, which the medic is forced to remove. While attempting to escape XOF's assault on MSF, Paz awakens and reveals the second bomb's presence before throwing herself from the helicopter in an attempt to save the others from the subsequent explosion, which kills her.

In The Phantom Pain, Venom Snake finds Paz apparently alive and recovering, as the second bomb was apparently removed as well, though Paz was not aware of this when she jumped from the helicopter and the explosion was actually caused by an enemy rocket launcher. Paz had once again fallen into the ocean, but managed to survive and was later brought back to Diamond Dogs. However, the impact resulted in amnesia due to dissociative identity disorder, leading her to forget everything about Cipher and believe herself to still be a student in 1974. When she removes a bomb from her stomach in front of him, however, Snake realizes that she is just a hallucination stemming from guilt over not being able to save her, and finally comes to terms with her death.

The character is voiced by Nana Mizuki in Japanese and by Tara Strong in English.

Introduced in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Maverick Security Consulting, Inc.

A private military and security company, Maverick acts as Raiden's primary support team over the course of the game.

Boris Popov

Boris Vyacheslavovich Popov (ボリス・ヴャチェスラヴォヴィチ・ポポフ, Borisu Vyachesuravovichi Popofu, Борис Вячеславович Попов) is the president of Maverick and a former Russian Army soldier. Between the Big Shell incident and Liquid Ocelot's uprising, he helped Raiden rescue Sunny from the Patriots at Area 51, having once been friends with Sergei Gurlukovich. He later founded Maverick after the fall of the Patriots, taking in former members of Big Mama's Paradise Lost army and recruiting Raiden to their ranks. Boris Popov is voiced by Takayuki Sugo in Japanese and by JB Blanc in English.

Kevin Washington

Kevin Washington (ケビン・ワシントン, Kebin Washinton) is a military strategist who briefs Raiden on his missions and provides additional combat intelligence. Prior to his tenure with Maverick, he worked in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration at an NGO with ties to the United Nations, but after meeting Boris and seeing how ineffective the UN was at maintaining DDR, he left and joined Maverick instead. Kevin Washington is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura in Japanese and by Phil LaMarr in English.

Courtney Collins

Courtney Collins (コートニー・コリンズ, Kōtonī Korinzu) is Maverick's lead data analyst. She went to the same university as Kevin, who would later recommend Maverick to her following her graduation. Courtney Collins is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese and by Kari Wahlgren in English.


Wilhelm Voigt (ヴィルヘルム・フォークト, Viruherumu Fōkuto), known as Doktor (ドクトル, Dokutoru), is a German cybernetics expert who helps construct Raiden's new cyborg body. He originally served as a walking-weapons researcher in East Germany, but was left jobless after the Berlin Wall fell. He was later hired by a prosthetics laboratory in Dortmund and rose to prominence thanks to his knowledge of robotics and engineering. He is brought on as an adviser to Maverick to provide information on cyborg soldiers, as well as to build Raiden a new body and train him in its use. Doktor is voiced by Mugihito in Japanese and by Jim Ward in English.

Desperado Enforcement LLC

The game's main antagonist, Desperado, is a self-proclaimed PMC that conducts nefarious schemes. Many of its operatives are bionically enhanced.

Jetstream Sam

Samuel Rodrigues (サムエル・ホドリゲス, Samueru Hodorigesu) is a master of a Brazilian fighting technique called the "New Shadow School", which was derived from a similar Japanese fighting style. Born and raised in Brazil, he is of Brazilian-Japanese heritage. Trained in swordsmanship by his father, who was killed by a former pupil under orders from a local drug cartel, Sam inherits his "Murasama" sword and becomes a vigilante and mercenary before being forced into service to Desperado by Armstrong. Known by the callsigns Jetstream and Minuano,[213] Sam is deeply involved with Desperado for most of the game. Raiden's rivalry with Sam is a major driving force of the plot. Sam is eventually killed by Raiden in a duel but bequeaths Raiden his sword, which is eventually used in his final battle with Armstrong. An additional chapter released as downloadable content details the backstory of how Sam joined Desperado. Jetstream Sam is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in Japanese and by Philip Anthony-Rodriguez in English.


Sundowner (サンダウナー, Sandaunā) is Desperado's unofficial leader and part of the Winds of Destruction, a team of elite operatives. His name comes from winds that occur in Southern California. Born into poverty in Alabama, he joined the military during his early adulthood. He participated in several conflicts before leaving the service to become a mercenary for various PMCs until the fall of SOP, at which point he became part of Desperado. He wears a series of explosive shields, and his main weapons are two high-frequency machetes that combine into a giant pair of shears known as "Bloodlust". He is killed by Raiden following the latter's assault on the headquarters of World Marshal Inc., a PMC. Sundowner is voiced by Ken Nishida in Japanese and by Crispin Freeman in English.


Mistral (ミストラル, Misutoraru) is the second member of the Winds of Destruction trio, named after the dry northern winds that blow from the Alps to the Mediterranean. Born in Algeria to French and Algerian parents, she was orphaned as a child during the Algerian Civil War, finding and murdering those responsible years later. She briefly served in the French Foreign Legion before being recruited into Desperado by Armstrong. Her cybernetic body is capable of hosting multiple limbs taken from Dwarf Gekkos. Her main weapon is a long staff made of Dwarf Gekko arms that also acts as a whip, known as "L'Etranger" ("The Stranger"). She is killed by Raiden during a mission in Abkhazia after being doused in liquid nitrogen. Mistral is voiced by Romi Park in Japanese and by Salli Saffioti in English.


Monsoon (モンスーン, Monsūn) is the third member of the Winds of Destruction, named after the seasonal wind systems that occur in West Africa and Australasia, in addition to being born in Cambodia. His most prominent ability is to magnetically dislocate segments of his entire body to attack from a distance. He can also use smoke grenades for surprise attacks, and carries a pair of sai known as "Dystopia". His personality is that of a nihilistic, misanthropic sociopath, which is strongly implied to be the result of his being a survivor and victim of the Khmer Rouge's reign of terror.[214][215] He is killed by Raiden during the latter's assault on World Marshal's headquarters. Monsoon is voiced by Masashi Ebara in Japanese and by John Kassir in English.

Blade Wolf

Blade Wolf (ブレードウルフ, Burēdourufu), initially known as IF Prototype LQ-84i, is an unmanned AI weapon in Desperado's arsenal. When Raiden defeats the machine, Doktor rebuilds it as Raiden's ally. After nearly being destroyed by Armstrong, it later goes to live with Sunny at SOLIS. An additional chapter released as downloadable content details part of Blade Wolf's history with Desperado prior to its first encounter with Raiden. Blade Wolf is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya in Japanese and by Michael Beattie in English.


Khamsin (カムシン, Kamushin) is an unofficial fourth member of the Winds of Destruction (only appearing in the Blade Wolf DLC chapter), named after a hot, dry, dusty south–north wind in North Africa and the Middle East. He was discharged from the Marines due to friction between him and his teammates, and is held in similarly low regard by Desperado. Khamsin's body from the waist down is replaced with connectors to a large mech suit, which wields a chainsaw/battle-axe hybrid heavy enough to require built-in rocket boosters to swing. Blade Wolf is manipulated by Mistral into killing Khamsin, whom she believes to be a problem. Khamsin is voiced by Rikiya Koyama in Japanese and by Benito Martinez in English.

Senator Armstrong

Steven Armstrong (スティーヴン・アームストロング, Sutīvun Āmusutorongu) is a Colorado senator, the primary backer of both Desperado and World Marshal and the main antagonist of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. He seeks to be elected as president of the United States in order to rebuild the country from within, purging those too weak or impoverished to contribute to society. He uses nanomachines to enhance his strength and transform parts of his skin into metallic armor, reducing the effectiveness of attacks. He attempts to use Metal Gear EXCELSUS to assassinate the US president in Pakistan, but EXCELSUS is destroyed by Raiden, who ultimately kills him. In the Jetstream DLC, Armstrong is revealed to be the one who cut off Sam's arm. Steven Armstrong is voiced by Unsho Ishizuka in Japanese and by Alastair Duncan in English.

Introduced in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Venom Snake

Venom Snake (ヴェノム・スネーク, Venomu Sunēku), also known as Punished Snake (パニッシュド・スネーク, Panishudo Sunēku), is the player character in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. He has an appearance in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, set in 1975, as an unnamed combat medic for Big Boss's Militaires Sans Frontières private forces. After the helicopter extraction at a U.S. Naval prison facility in Cuba, he removed a time bomb from Pacifica Ocean's abdomen and shielded Big Boss from another bomb he failed to notice which resulted in his left arm's loss and his body having fragments of bones, teeth and a large piece of shrapnel lodged within his cerebral cortex.[216] The two fall into a coma for nine years and are transferred to a hospital in Cyprus where he's subjected to Zero's subconscious brainwashing and facial reconstruction as a mental doppelgänger who awakens in 1984 and draws attention away from Big Boss.[22][217] Snake takes command of the Diamond Dogs mercenary unit as revenge for fallen comrades with a "Mother Base" near Seychelles with Kazuhira Miller and Revolver Ocelot as advisers. Snake engages in a series of missions in Afghanistan and Central Africa as he recruits several companions (such as the sniper Quiet and the canine D-Dog) and deals with the Cipher organization's remnants, ultimately coming face to face with Skull Face and the XOF strike force as well as the traitorous Huey Emmerich and the child mercenary White Mamba. During an unspecified time period, he's shown receiving a cassette tape with one side labelled "Operation Intrude N313" which he plays on a Sony BitCorder device connected to a HiTBiT MSX2 computer and would die fighting in Outer Heaven.[218][219] Venom Snake is voiced by Akio Ōtsuka in the Japanese version and by Kiefer Sutherland in the English translation.

Skull Face

Skull Face (スカルフェイス, Sukaru Feisu) is the central antagonist of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The commander of the mysterious XOF special forces unit, he is distinguished by his heavily scarred face, bald head, and his choice of tailored suits over combat fatigues. His identity and nationality are initially unknown, and he claims to have forgotten his native language, though he is able to speak Hungarian and is later revealed to have been born in Transylvania (before it was returned to Romanian control). These early years were instrumental in forming his identity or lack thereof; unable to establish a consistent identity, Skull Face came to resent cultural imperialism and ultimately Cipher's ideology. His injuries were sustained when a rapeseed oil factory his parents worked in was bombed on suspicion of manufacturing weapons, an incident he describes as an atrocity before admitting the suspicions were correct; he characterizes the incident as a case of the ends justifying the means. Following this, he was taken to the Soviet Union and subjected to an early form of "parasite therapy", whereby parasitic organisms were introduced into his body to keep him alive, and he was later infected with one of Code Talker's parasites that made it impossible for him to speak his mother tongue. He eventually became a spy and assassin apparently specializing in poisons, killing Joseph Stalin in revenge for the subjugation of Romania. Skull Face considers the bombing to have burned the humanity out of him, and tortures his captives to the brink of death in order to witness their hope being extinguished, believing that he can discover the source of his own hope and regain his humanity.

Initially, Skull Face became an agent of the XOF organization created by Zero to provide intel and support during missions, but he grew resentful of Zero's accumulated fame, while a lowly information officer would not be remembered due to Cipher keeping him in the shadows. By Ground Zeroes, he is a senior operative working on behalf of Cipher; he expresses dissatisfaction with Zero's leadership and seeks information that will lead him to Zero. As the commander of XOF, he authorizes and participates in the torture and imprisonment of Paz and Chico, and later leads an assault which results in the partial destruction of Big Boss's Militaires Sans Frontières.

By The Phantom Pain, Skull Face has fallen out of favor with Cipher and has been exiled to Africa, where he revives a project designed to weaponize a parasite as a form of ethnic cleansing, as the parasite targets and kills speakers of different languages. He uses the project to develop a strain of vocal cord parasite that targets English speakers, intending to unleash it against Cipher and start a new Cold War by giving easy-to-make nuclear weapons to minority groups. To do this, he activates the unfinished Metal Gear ST-84 "Sahelanthropus", piloted by Tretij Rebenok. However, Skull Face is betrayed and left crushed under a broken girder while Venom Snake neutralizes the ST-84. Skull Face accepts his defeat, apparent by his quoting of David Bowie's "Space Oddity". Incapacitated, he begs to be killed but Snake and Kazuhira Miller only shoot him several times with his own gun—detaching Skull Face's right arm and left leg—before turning away and leaving him to bleed to death; Dr. Emmerich finishes Skull Face off with another gunshot. His remains are cremated when the parasites within still exhibit life signs, ultimately ending him for good.

Skull Face is voiced by Takaya Hashi in Japanese and by James Horan in English.


Quiet (クワイエット, Kuwaietto) is a sniper who appears in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. She first appears in the prologue as part of a team attempting to kill Big Boss when he is discovered by Cipher, but suffers severe third-degree burns in the attempt and is only kept alive through parasite therapy that gives her the ability to photosynthesize light, breathe through her skin, cloak herself, and move with superhuman speed and strength. Later in the story, she is defeated by Venom Snake in open combat and brought back to Mother Base, where she eventually starts participating in missions with Snake. The relationship between the two develops from one of mild mistrust mixed with mutual respect to one that is not easily defined, but has moments of vulnerability, playful friendship, even romantic tension and, ultimately, sacrifice. She is infected with the English-language strain of vocal cord parasites as a means of assassinating Snake, demanding her silence as a means of preventing symptoms from showing. Although the Diamond Dogs are able to cure the infection, Quiet refuses the treatment owing to a latent desire for revenge. However, following the mutation of the parasite, she realizes that her silence alone is not enough to prevent symptoms from spreading, and she allows herself to be captured by Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Snake rescues her, but is bitten by a snake in the process. The two become lost in a sandstorm as Soviet forces hunt for them, prompting Quiet to speak English to direct a helicopter to their location, awakening the parasite. After leaving a goodbye message to Snake, she disappears in the Afghan desert to prevent the infection from spreading.[220] Dutch model Stefanie Joosten provides Quiet's likeness, motion capture and voice.[221]

Code Talker

Code Talker (コードトーカー, Kōdo Tōkā) is a Navajo biologist who specializes in parasite research. Born in 1880, he has survived for over a century due to his research, in which he identified and injected himself with the same species of parasite that gave The End his powers and longevity. Code Talker was ordered by Skull Face to duplicate the vocal cord parasite for use in his plan under the threat of the extermination of his people. He was later rescued by the Diamond Dogs and brought back to Mother Base to aid in finding a way to prevent or cure the parasite. Code Talker is voiced by Osamu Saka in Japanese and by Jay Tavare in English.


The Parasite Unit (パラサイトユニット, Parasaito Yunitto), also known as the Skulls (スカルズ, Sukaruzu), are an elite force of supersoldiers working for XOF. They move at extreme speeds and possess glowing turquoise-colored eyes thanks to a strain of Code Talker's parasites, granting them enhanced abilities at the cost of their cognitive functions; these abilities include optical camouflage, corrosive gas dispersal, shapeshifting, and rock-like metallic armor. They are encountered by Venom Snake repeatedly during The Phantom Pain, notably during the rescue of Kazuhira Miller and the extraction of Code Talker.


D.D., short for Diamond Dog, is a trained wolf who assists Diamond Dogs in The Phantom Pain. Venom Snake finds him in Afghanistan as an orphaned puppy and brings him back to Diamond Dogs, where Ocelot trains him to provide support on missions. As an adult, D.D. wears an eye patch similar to Snake's.

Groups and organizations

Outer Heaven

Outer Heaven (アウターヘブン, Autā Hebun) is the manifestation of Big Boss's ideology throughout the Metal Gear titles.

The original iteration is initially a fictional nation-state that serves as the original Metal Gear game's setting, located 200 kilometers north of the fictional region of Garzburg, South Africa. A legendary mercenary financed the nation's establishment to attract disillusioned soldiers, with a massive fortress as its centerpiece. Its potential threat to world affairs is boosted with the deployment of the TX-55 Metal Gear, a bipedal tank capable of launching a nuclear strike from anywhere on the planet. In the game, FOXHOUND commander Big Boss orders rookie agent Solid Snake to infiltrate the mercenary state and destroy Metal Gear. After Snake successfully defies expectations and destroys Metal Gear, the nation's apparent leader confronts Snake but is ultimately defeated, with Outer Heaven destroyed as well.[222]

The concept continued in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake with the fortified nation Zanzibar Land (ザンジバルランド, Zanjibaru Rando) in Central Asia. Zanzibar Land declared themselves a nuclear power thanks to Metal Gear D provided by Big Boss, but his former subordinate infiltrates Zanzibar, and defeats both Metal Gear and Big Boss.

Subsequent concepts of the ideology continue in the first two Metal Gear Solid games, where Liquid Snake's FOXHOUND takes over Shadow Moses Island in Metal Gear Solid to threaten the world with Metal Gear REX, and Solidus Snake enacts a plan in Metal Gear Solid 2 to detonate an electromagnetic pulse in New York to destroy the Patriots' AI systems; both plans are foiled by Solid Snake and his allies.

Outer Heaven's origins are depicted in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops as Naked Snake's response to Gene's "Army Heaven"; the former is given data, resources, and personnel after the latter's defeat.

A new iteration appears in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots as Liquid Ocelot's mother company that runs five PMCs (Praying Mantis, Pieuvre Armement, Raven Sword, Werewolf and Otselotovaya Khvatka) thanks to a weak spot within the Patriots' AI network. After Old Snake and Otacon use the FOXALIVE virus to destroy the Patriots, Ocelot believes Big Boss's dream is finally achieved.


High-Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND (ハイテク特殊部隊フォックスハウンド, Haiteku Tokushu Butai Fokkusuhaundo), alternatively spelled "FOX-HOUND" or "FOX HOUND", is a US Army elite special forces unit that has appeared in numerous forms throughout the Metal Gear series.[24] FOXHOUND was originally established in 1990 according to the Metal Gear 2 user's manual to cope with local revolutions, regional complications, and global terrorist activities; Metal Gear Solid 3 would later retcon the year FOXHOUND was established, stating in the ending timeline that FOXHOUND was established in 1971. This unit specializes in black ops, carrying out top-secret operations within "unauthorized" combat zones which are too politically sensitive to intervene in through conventional means. In the MSX2 versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, FOXHOUND members are often referred to as "FOX HOUNDERS", although this term fell into disuse in later versions.

In the original Metal Gear game, FOXHOUND has Big Boss as the team's commanding officer while Solid Snake and Gray Fox serve as field operatives. However, Big Boss betrays the unit in the end of the game. In Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Roy Campbell goes from the unit's executive officer to the new commanding officer, while drill instructor Master Miller and military strategist George Kasler form part of Solid Snake's support crew in the game.

The FOXHOUND unit turns rogue in Metal Gear Solid as the Sons of Big Boss (ビッグ・ボスの息子たち, Biggu Bosu no Musuko-tachi) under Liquid Snake's leadership (Revolver Ocelot, Psycho Mantis, Sniper Wolf, Vulcan Raven and Decoy Octopus), involved in a terrorist revolt on Shadow Moses Island in the hopes of threatening the rest of the world with Metal Gear REX as a second "Outer Heaven", but are defeated/killed by Solid Snake with help from Otacon, the Cyborg Ninja, and Meryl Silverburgh. The unit is subsequently disbanded; however, Raiden believes himself to be in the service of a new version in Metal Gear Solid 2 under the command of an AI fascimile of Campbell controlled by the Patriots, and Meryl Silverburgh wears FOXHOUND's shoulder sleeve insignia on her right side in Metal Gear Solid 4 as the leader of Rat Patrol Team One (ラットパトロールチームワン, Ratto Patorōru Chīmu Wan) (composed of Johnny, Ed and Akiba).

Outside the Metal Gear series, FOXHOUND is mentioned in Snatcher as a military unit that JUNKER Chief Benson Cunningham previously served, and in Policenauts as Meryl's former unit (the character being the basis for Meryl Silverburgh in Metal Gear Solid, with a paint tattoo of the team's original logo).

The Patriots

The Patriots (愛国者達, Aikokushatachi), also referred to as the La-li-lu-le-lo (らりるれろ, Rarirurero), are a secret cabal that controls the United States.[24] The group is initially believed to be led by an inner circle of 12 people known as the Wisemen's Committee (賢人会議, Kenjin Kaigi).

In Metal Gear Solid 2, the Patriots manipulate the story's events. During the Tanker incident, they begin a smear campaign against Solid Snake to frame his organization Philanthropy for an oil tanker's destruction in New York. During the Big Shell incident, Solidus Snake leads the Sons of Liberty (自由の息子達, Jiyū no Musuko-tachi) (Revolver Ocelot, Olga Gurlukovich and the Dead Cell members) to take over Arsenal Gear which houses the AI GW to censor the flow of digital information as a third "Outer Heaven" by using Metal Gear RAY on New York to trigger an electromagnetic pulse to permanently destroy the Patriots' AI systems; however, the Patriots manipulated agents to ensure their demise by Solid Snake and Raiden. Philanthropy later acquires a disk containing the identities of the Wisemen's Committee and learns that all 12 members have been dead for "about a hundred years".

Metal Gear Solid 4 revealed that the Patriots were created from Zero's paranoia in the form of four computer AIs: TJ, TR, AL and GW, controlled by a fifth proxy AI, JD. The AIs were originally created to carry out Zero's own will due to his increasing age and his skepticism that human subordinates would be able to do so. But over time, the system evolved from simply maintaining economic and political systems into creating an entirely new world order based on war economies, something not even Zero himself envisioned. Fortunately, the Patriots' network is shut down when Naomi Hunter's and Sunny's FOXALIVE computer worm uses GW as a conduit to access the others. The Patriots' demise is further ensured with Zero's death at Big Boss's hands.

The Patriots' AI in Metal Gear Solid 2 was voiced by Takeshi Aono and Kikuko Inoue in Japanese and by Paul Eiding and Lara Cody in English.


Philanthropy (フィランソロピー, Firansoropī) is a U.N.-recognized anti-Metal Gear non-governmental organization in Metal Gear Solid 2. Its primary members consist of Solid Snake, Hal Emmerich, and Mei Ling. A large amount of the startup funds for the organization were provided by Nastasha Romanenko. Being an NGO, while the U.N. recognizes its existence, it has no official government backing. As Philanthropy is a semi-clandestine organization, Otacon must sometimes obtain equipment and information through less-than-legal methods; Snake mentions that on more than one occasion, Otacon has hacked classified networks to 'appropriate' experimental technology. In addition, it was also involved in activities comparable to terrorism.[223]

The Philosophers

The Philosophers (賢者達, Kenjatachi) were an inner circle of 12 people (the aforementioned Wisemen's Committee), which was formed at the end of World War I when the leaders of the United States, China, and Bolshevik Russia entered a secret pact with a stated purpose of pooling money to rebuild countries affected by the war. The group's amassed amount totaled 100 billion dollars to fund war efforts and research; this sum became known as the "Philosopher's Legacy". After the original members' deaths during the 1930s, their followers began fighting amongst themselves to inherit the fund left by the original members. In Metal Gear Solid 3, Volgin uses the Philosopher's Legacy to create the fortress Groznyj Grad (グロズニュ・グラード, Gurozunyu Gurādo, Грозный Град) within the Soviet branch, with the Shagohod and The Boss as collateral. Naked Snake retrieves the Philosophers' Legacy after the defeats of Volgin and The Boss for the American branch; however, EVA manages to obtain the data for the Chinese branch. The game's ending timeline establishes that a reorganized American branch of the Philosophers (later retconned to Cipher) is formed after accumulating the missing fund; Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops changes this by showing Ocelot killing the DCI to end the Philosophers and obtains documents containing the Philosophers' identities and the location of the organization's funds.


The FOX unit (FOX部隊, Fokkusu Butai, which stands for "Force Operation X") is introduced in Metal Gear Solid 3 as Zero's special forces unit with Naked Snake as its first agent with Para-Medic and Sigint for additional support. The FOX unit turns renegade in Portable Ops under Gene's ultimate goal of Army's Heaven (アーミーズヘブン, Āmīzu Hebun) that would in fact victimize soldiers in pursuit of Gene's goals. In response, Naked Snake and Roy Campbell form their own team of specialists which goes on to become the FOXHOUND unit. Big Boss wears the FOX unit's shoulder sleeve insignia on the right side of his uniform in Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes.

A covert strike force called XOF is seen in Metal Gear Solid V under Skull Face's leadership. Originally a support network for FOX, XOF secretly continued as a black ops division of Cipher before having gone rogue, as shown when they remove any identifying markings from both personnel and equipment in Ground Zeroes. After carrying out a successful assault on MSF's Mother Base, XOF are eventually destroyed by the Diamond Dogs led by Venom Snake in The Phantom Pain.

FOX's insignia is a stylized yellow fox on a black background, while XOF's insignia is a black fox on a yellow background.


Militaires Sans Frontieres (国境なき軍隊, Kokkyō Naki Guntai, translated as "Soldiers Without Borders") is Naked Snake's mercenary group in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Their name is a play on that of the real-world humanitarian-aid NGO Médecins Sans Frontières, dedicated to assisting countries ravaged by war and epidemics that are in need of doctors and medical experts. The HD Edition version of Peace Walker displays an announcement before the title screen, stating that the fictional mercenary group is not in any way linked to the real group. Despite this, the fictional group is never mentioned by name in Metal Gear Solid V and the unit's emblem was modified to omit its name.[224] MSF's logo is a skull stylized after Pangaea inside a yellow and black circle.

Per The Boss's will, Snake conceptualized MSF as capable of providing combat support to any individual or country, regardless of other factors. Kazuhira Miller helps develop MSF into a private military contractor offering a wide range of services on their Mother Base (マザーベース, Mazā Bēsu) in the Caribbean Sea, thanks to Vladimir Zadornov and Paz Ortega Andrade during Coldman's Peace Sentinel takeover within Costa Rica and later the MSF's own housing of Metal Gear ZEKE. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes shows that the MSF unit is all but gone after the mysterious XOF organization attacks; many of the MSF personnel on assignment at the time of the attack return right away, are disheartened by Big Boss's apparent death, and later move on to work in other mercenary outfits. The group is renamed "Out Of Order" in the Japanese language novelizations of Peace Walker and The Phantom Pain authored by Hitori Nojima, and appears in the subtitles for the Japanese version of The Phantom Pain but is never spoken by the actual characters.[225]


Cipher (サイファー, Saifā) is an American covert intelligence agency that served as the Philosophers' reorganized American branch as well as the Patriots' precursor. The group is officially mentioned in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and referenced throughout most of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The organization is initially formed by Zero alongside Big Boss to fulfill The Boss's ideal of a unified world. Cipher would eventually grow too corrupt to control everything, as seen with Sigint and Para-Medic. A fallout occurred where Big Boss and Zero interpreted The Boss's will differently, with Zero taking the concept to mean control of the entire world to ensure unification, whereas Big Boss believed that The Boss's will wanted a world where soldiers were not used as tools by the government, with Revolver Ocelot and EVA supporting him. Cipher has Pacifica Ocean oppose and frame MSF via Metal Gear ZEKE, and later eventually ends up disorganized by Skull Face's ambitions.

Diamond Dogs

The Diamond Dogs (ダイアモンド・ドッグズ, Daiamondo Dogguzu) are a splinter organization made from MSF's surviving remnants under Venom Snake's command in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.[226] The Diamond Dogs is based out of a new Mother Base in the Seychelles (given out of gratitude for their assistance in fighting off a coup) with Kazuhira Miller and Revolver Ocelot both as second in command. The Diamond Dogs' logo consists of a profile shot of a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog overlaid upon a cut diamond, finished off with a yellow scroll featuring the words "Diamond Dogs".


The characters from the Metal Gear series have been well received by gamers, with Solid Snake and Raiden appearing in a Famitsu poll that listed the fifty best video game characters; while the former was at the top, the latter was 42nd.[227] Solid Snake has also appeared in multiple lists of best characters in gaming history,[228][229] while Raiden and Revolver Ocelot were found as characters who should have their own spin-off games.[230][231] While the variety of characters have been noted, publications often found some out of place as a result of their abilities and confusing changes occurring within them.[232][233] The characters have also been praised for their actions within fight scenes, resulting in appealing cutscenes.[233][234]

The bosses have been praised not only for the requirements for defeating them, but also for the importance they have within the story. Various video game publications have made feature articles regarding who is the best boss character within the series, but results have varied.[235][236] During 2004, The Boss was awarded "Best New Character" by GameSpot for her role in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.[237] In 2013, GamesRadar praised the character roles of Revolver Ocelot/Liquid Ocelot, Psycho Mantis, The Boss, and Steven Armstrong, placing them in their list of 100 best villains in video games.[238]


  1. ^ Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1 (DVD). Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. 2006.
  2. ^ Kent, Steven. "Hideo Kojima: Game Guru, Movie Maniac". Gamers Today. Archived from the original on July 27, 2001. Retrieved July 15, 2005.
  3. ^ a b c d "Yoji Shinkawa Interview: Segment 1". Konami. Retrieved March 18, 2011.
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  6. ^ a b Payton, Ryan. "The KP Report Session 027". Kojima Productions Report. mp.i.revo. Archived from the original on July 3, 2013. Retrieved February 17, 2012.
  7. ^ "METAL GEAR SOLID 4 INTEGRATED SITE". Archived from the original on March 4, 2008.
  8. ^ Matthew Weise (2003). "How Videogames Express Ideas" (PDF). Level Up: Digital Games Research Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved November 21, 2009.
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  11. ^ a b Gantayat, Anoop (November 23, 2011). "More Metal Gear Solid Launch Event Draws 500 Fans". Andriasang. Retrieved November 24, 2011.
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  14. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Big Boss: This is Big Boss... Operation Intrude N313. Penetrate the enemy's Outer Heaven and destroy the ultimate weapon, Metal Gear!
  15. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Konami. Big Boss: Even I make mistakes from time to time. Snake! This will be our final battle... Let's end this once and for all!
  16. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid. Konami. Liquid: There's a killer inside you... You don't have to deny it. We were created to be that way. / Snake: Created? / Liquid: Les enfants terribles... the terrible children. That's what the project was called. It started in the 1970s. Their plan was to artificially create the most powerful soldier possible. The person that they chose as the model was the man known then as the greatest living soldier in the world...
  17. ^ Konami Computer Entertainment Japan. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Raiden: Are you two really an NGO? / Otacon: Insofar as we're a nonprofit organization of civilians advocating a cause, yes. The cause happens to be the eradication of Metal Gear. / Solid Snake: We work on our own. But it's a cause worth fighting for.
  18. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Naomi Hunter: You are clones created for one purpose – war. And so in order to prevent you from being abused by clients or stolen by the enemy... They shortened your lifespan and removed your ability to reproduce. It was a safety device to ensure that the seed of Big Boss didn't end up in the hands of others. The reason you're aging so rapidly isn't because of disease, or faulty research, or FOXDIE. It's how you were born. It's your natural lifespan.
  19. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Konami. Big Boss: Even I make mistakes from time to time. Snake! This will be our final battle... Let's end this once and for all!
  20. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Zero: Do you copy? You're already in enemy territory, and somebody might be listening in. From here on out, we'll be using codenames to refer to each other. Your codename for this mission will be Naked Snake. I'll be referring to you as Snake from now on. You are not to mention your real name.
  21. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. President: You are above even The Boss. I hereby award you the title of Big Boss.
  22. ^ a b c Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Level/area: Truth Records – Doublethink. Ocelot: We've been busy over the last nine years. His altered state of consciousness has helped us implant powerful suggestions through induced hypnogogia. He's experienced all your missions on record, and shares all your knowledge and experience. To make him believe that he is the one true Big Boss. No one around him will doubt that he's the Big Boss they know. So is he the real Big Boss or a stand-in? What does that mean to him? Nothing. The human brain is capable of many illusions. Of pain, of the future. What happens from here depends on his skill. But you can vouch for that. / Big Boss: "He was always the best man we had. But..." / Ocelot: "Nine years ago in that helicopter, he threw himself between you and the blast. In that moment, the man you knew died. He died protecting you. And now, by becoming you, he protects you again. This is just a detour in his journey to Hell. And don't forget it's what he wanted. He's in his Dog Days now. It's not just him. We'll be putting the people in this hospital in the line of fire. They'll be your shield, and a necessary diversion. To buy us some time.
  23. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Konami. Naked Snake: I won't make the same choice as her. My future's going to be different. / Miller: Then... / Naked Snake: Yeah, that's right. From now on, call me Big Boss.
  24. ^ a b c d e f "Snakes and Gears: A Metal Gear Overview", Game Informer 182 (June 2008): 108.
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  26. ^ Twitter / HIDEO_KOJIMA
  27. ^ Retro Gamer 11, page 23.
  28. ^ Metal Gear Solid Revengeance Gets Two Premium Editions in Japan Archived 2013-10-07 at the Wayback Machine, Gameranx, 25th October 2012.
  29. ^ "A chassis patterned after Gray Fox's body circa the Shadow Moses incident, but functionally equivalent to recent cyborg bodies. Though it was termed an "exoskeleton" in those days before the advent of modern cyborg technology, it could not be taken on and off at will." Gray Fox skin description (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
  30. ^ "Cyborg Ninja". December 15, 2015.
  31. ^ Wasabe, Doc (January 19, 2013). "Interview with Hideo Kojima! (Snatcher sequel, ZOE x MGS crossover, Gray Fox game, MGRR)". Game Overviews. Retrieved January 20, 2013.
  32. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Gray Fox: There is only one way to destroy Metal Gear. Dr. Pettrovich, who developed it knows the only method.
  33. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Dr. Madnar: I'm afraid you've got me, Snake. I gave up everything to be a part of your world... Even the country I was born and raised in... But your world had nothing but contempt and abuse for me. I just wanted... to finish Metal Gear!
  34. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Raiden: Eastern Europe. They have equipment that can heal me there. / Old Snake: Where? The same place Liquid went? / Raiden: Dr. Madnar. He saved my life.
  35. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Schneider: This is the resistance leader, Mr. Scheneider... I will brief you on the fortress details.
  36. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Schneider: This is the Mr. Scheneider... I have discovered who the Boss of Outer Heaven is. The Boss is.... Oh No!
  37. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Black Ninja: Black Ninja: I am Black Ninja, a former member of NASA's extraterrestrial environment special forces unit. Now let's see just how strong the world's most advanced black ops unit really is! Show me what you got, FOXHOUND!
  38. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Konami. Solid Snake: Schneider? ...You were in the Resistance at Outer Heaven! But... I thought they killed you!
  39. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Konami. Solid Snake: ...Snake, after you destroyed Metal Gear, NATO launched a massive bombing campaign against Outer Heaven. All of us Resistance fighters...and the children of Outer Heaven...they didn't care about any of us.
  40. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Black Ninja: He came... and saved us from annihilation. He forgave us for what we'd done. He gave us a new land to call home... A new family... / Snake: He did...? You mean...
  41. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Metal Gear. Konami. Roy Campbell: The radar is equipped with several other types of sensors as well. They should warn you of any unseen dangers.
  42. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid. Konami. Roy Campbell: Okay Snake. Sorry. I'll be frank. A person very dear to me is being held hostage. / Solid Snake: Who is it? / Roy Campbell: My niece. Meryl. / Solid Snake: What was your niece doing here? / Roy Campbell: Several soldiers were reported missing the day of the revolt. And my niece was one of those called in as an emergency replacement.
  43. ^ Konami. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Otacon: The Colonel probably isn't GW, per se. GW was most likely stimulating cortical activity in the dormant part of your brain through signal manipulation of your own nanomachines. The Colonel is in part your own creation, cobbled together from expectations and experience...
  44. ^ "Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus". Allgame. Archived from the original on February 5, 2010. Retrieved April 5, 2012.
  45. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Solid Snake What are you doing these days? / Roy Campbell: I'm working for an organization under the UN Security Council. The analysis and assessment staff of the PMC Oversight and Inspection Committee / Old Snake: Yeah, I remember the resolution being passed a few years ago.
  46. ^ a b c d e f "Kojima Productions event site 2007". Retrieved July 24, 2007.
  47. ^ a b Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Raiden: You said miscarriage.... / Rosemary: I lied. I had a healthy baby boy. Roy pretended to by my husband... To protect me... And our son. Only until you'd completed your mission. To shield us from Patriot eyes. [...] / Raiden: I'll never leave you alone again. Like a scene from Beauty and the Beast. / Rosemary: Don't say that. You're no beast. You're my husband. And his father. And me... I'm going to do my very best... To be the wife and mother this family deserves.
  48. ^ "Metal Gear Solid 4 Voice Cast Announced". IGN. March 29, 2007. Retrieved April 18, 2012.
  49. ^ Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake – User's Manual, Konami Corporation (1990).
  50. ^ Griffin McElroy. "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker characters revealed in Famitsu".
  51. ^ Naked Snake: So why'd you quit the JSDF?
    Kaz: Because I didn't have a reason to be in Japan anymore.
    Naked Snake: Reason?
    Kaz: My mom had died three years earlier, so I didn't have to care for her anymore, so there was no more reason to hang around in Japan.
    Naked Snake: Yeah, but a man with your talents could have risen pretty high in the ranks, I imagine.
    Kaz: I don't know what they made of me. Could be it actually alienated me from the brass...and personally I could never get used to the idea of exclusive defense.
    Naked Snake: Meaning?
    Kaz: I can see how a country would go with the exclusive defense model used by the JSDF, and I've got nothing against my fellow soldiers who believe in it. On a tactical level, though, it just rubbed me the wrong way. To put it simply, I was itching for a real fight.
    (Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Konami, 2010)
  52. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid. Konami. Roy Campbell: Master Miller's body was just discovered at his home. He's been dead for at least three days. I didn't know because my Codec link with Master was cut off. But Mei Ling said his transmission signal was coming from inside the base!
    Solid Snake: So who is it?
    Roy Campbell: Snake, you've been talking to...
    Liquid Snake: ...Me... dear brother.
  53. ^ Niizumi, Henry (September 25, 2009). "Kojima talks Peace Walker". GameSpot. Retrieved March 18, 2012.
  54. ^ "Snakes and Gears: A Metal Gear Overview," Game Informer 182 (June 2008): 108.
  55. ^ KCEJ. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. [...]Dr. Hal Emmerich did not return to ArmsTech following his rescue from Shadow Moses. His whereabouts are unknown, but there is some indication that he made his way to England where he has family members.
  56. ^ "Kojima Productions event site 2007". Retrieved July 24, 2007.
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  58. ^ Ogasawara, Ken; Major Mike (December 1997). "Metal Gear Solid". GamePro. No. 111. IDG. p. 65.
  59. ^ "TGS '07: Kojima speaks". GameSpot. Retrieved August 30, 2011.
  60. ^ "PSone Books Policenauts site - Introduction" (in Japanese).
  61. ^ "Metal Gear Solid2 -Sons of Liberty - Yoji Shinkawa Interview: Segment 4". It can be either. When you escape with Meryl, Otacon is alive. When with Otacon (in MGS2), it is not mentioned that Meryl has died.
  62. ^ "METAL GEAR SOLID 4 GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS". Retrieved November 22, 2013.
  63. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots. Snake: He's your father / Meryl: As far as I'm concerned, we're still uncle and niece. I'll never forgive that womanizing piece of shit. [...] He... Remarried [...] His new wife's about my age. I hear she's even got a kid. It's as if he's given up on making up with his own daughter.
  64. ^ a b Yoon, Andrew (July 17, 2008). "Metal Gear Online free and paid expansions available today". Joystiq. Retrieved April 4, 2012.
  65. ^ Roy Campbell: Dr. Naomi Hunter. She is chief of FOXHOUND's medical staff and an expert in gene therapy. (Metal Gear Solid)
  66. ^ Naomi Hunter: Yes. Frank Jaeger, the man who you destroyed, was my brother and my only family. // Solid Snake: Gray Fox? (Metal Gear Solid)
  67. ^ Solid Snake: To kill me? Is that all you cared about? // Naomi Hunter: Yes. That's right. Two years. You were all I thought about for two long years... like some kind of twisted obsession... (Metal Gear Solid)
  68. ^ Solid Snake: Naomi, Liquid died from Fox Die too. What about me? When am I gonna go? // Naomi Hunter: That's up to you. // Solid Snake: What do you mean? // Naomi Hunter: Everybody dies when their time's up... // Solid Snake: Yeah, so when's mine up? // Naomi Hunter: It's up to you how you use the time left to you. Live, Snake. That's all I can say to you. (Metal Gear Solid)
  69. ^ Naomi Hunter was formally taken into custody after the incident's conclusion. Three weeks later, as she was undergoing debriefing in a certain facility, she escaped... I knew of only one person who could have breached the base's tight security and successfully led someone to freedom. (Metal Gear Solid 2)
  70. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Naomi: Vamp and I... We are the same. We're living corpses... Our bodies kept barely alive by nanomachines. / Snake: Then you... / Naomi: Cancer. I shouldn't even be alive right now. The nanomachines have kept it from progressing... But there's nothing more they can do. With the nanomachines gone... Time will unfreeze and begin to flow again.
  71. ^ KCEJ. Metal Gear Solid. Roy Campbell: This is Mei Ling. She was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist. She designed your codec, as well as your Soliton radar system. Contact her if you have any questions about either of them.
  72. ^ Metal Gear Solid: Integral – Perfect Guide. Archived from the original on August 24, 2007.
  73. ^ Konami Computer Entertainment Japan. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Playstation 2). Konami. Level/area: Tanker. Otacon: The private sector's not so bad, is it? Privacy guaranteed... / Solid Snake: I'm happy as long as no one gives me any more unwanted gifts. / Otacon: You mean that thing with Naomi? / Solid Snake: And I can't say I miss the chattering nanny. / Otacon: Mei Ling's not so bad. That reminds me, I have to get in touch with her again about that new Natik flashware. / Solid Snake: Diverting toys from the SSCEN (U.S. Army Soldier System Center) again? Give her a message from me: someone will find out sooner or later. She's better off assuming it's sooner and quit while she's safe. / Otacon: Too true. Okay, Snake, let's get to work.
  74. ^ a b c d "Official Metal Gear Solid 2 Secrets page".
  75. ^ a b "New Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots details". Weekly Famitsu (1017): 111. June 13, 2008.
  76. ^ Mei Ling: Ooh! How cuute! / Solid Snake: What? The yellow thing? / Mei Ling: That's Pikachu. It's a Pokémon. They're popular all over the world, you know. And it may look cute, but be careful. It can store large amounts of electricity in those adorable little cheeks. It'll try to pepper you with electric shocks.
  77. ^ Konami (1999). Metal Gear Solid: Integral (PlayStation) (in Japanese).
  78. ^ a b Hideo Kojima. "MGS2 translated original game plan" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on January 17, 2007. Retrieved November 28, 2006.
  79. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid. Konami. Liquid Snake: There's a killer inside you... You don't have to deny it. We were created to be that way. / Solid Snake: Created? / Liquid Snake: Les enfants terribles... the terrible children. That's what the project was called. It started in 1970s. Their plan was to artificially create the most powerful soldier possible. The person that they chose as the model was the man known then as the greatest living soldier in the world...
  80. ^ KCEJ. Metal Gear Solid. Revolver Ocelot: Yes. The inferior one was the winner after all. ...That's right. Until the very end, Liquid thought he was the inferior one.
  81. ^ KCEJ. Metal Gear Solid. Psycho Mantis: The first person whose mind I dove into was my father's. I saw nothing but disgust and hatred for me in his heart. My mother died in childbirth... and he despised me for it... I thought my father was going to kill me. That's when my future disappeared. I lost my past as well. When I came to, the village was engulfed in flames...
  82. ^ Liquid Snake: Perhaps there's a spy among us... Mantis is dead. We've also got to find out what killed Baker and [Decoy Octopus].
  83. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots. Drebin: It wasn't her will that controlled the BBs. It was Psycho Mantis, half-assimilated into her soul, pulling the strings. Screaming Mantis was just another puppet.
  84. ^ "Psycho Mantis is number 8". IGN. Archived from the original on May 18, 2010.
  85. ^ "Psycho Mantis". IGN.
  86. ^ a b Schedeen, Jesse (June 17, 2008). "Readers' Choice: Top 10 Metal Gear Villains". IGN. News Corporation. Retrieved August 27, 2012.
  87. ^ a b c d UGO Team (May 21, 2008). "Sniper Wolf - Characters - Metal Gear History". UGO. Archived from the original on December 1, 2013. Retrieved August 3, 2012.
  88. ^ David S. J. Hodgson, Metal Gear Solid: Official Mission Handbook, Millennium Books (1998).
  89. ^ Shoemaker, Brad (October 22, 2006). "GameSpot's The History of MetalGear". GameSpot. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on October 18, 2006. Retrieved August 3, 2012.
  90. ^ "Sniper Wolf - Metal Gear Solid Character Guide". UGO Networks. December 30, 2008. Archived from the original on February 5, 2013. Retrieved August 3, 2012.
  91. ^ PLAY 232, page 34.
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  93. ^ Places: Metal Gear Solid’s Shadow Moses. Edge Online. May 7, 2012. Retrieved on August 3, 2012.
  94. ^ Cook, Dave (January 31, 2012). "Metal Gear Solid Secrets: 50 Amazing Things You Need To Know". NowGamer. Retrieved on August 3, 2012.
  95. ^ Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. Guinness World Records (2008). p. 69.
  96. ^ Jeremy Parish, The Snake and the Wheel: The Cyclical Nature of Metal Gear Archived 2013-03-18 at the Wayback Machine,, 2012.
  97. ^ "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Guide: How To Unlock Sniper Wolf's Outfit For Quiet". GearNuke. July 29, 2015. Retrieved September 29, 2015.
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  107. ^ Roy Campbell: Vulcan Raven, giant and shaman (Metal Gear Solid)
  108. ^ Naomi Hunter: From there he joined those rent-a-war bastards at Outer Heaven inc. (Metal Gear Solid)
  109. ^ Solid Snake: You were the one in the M1 tank? Must have been a tight fit for a big boy like you (Metal Gear Solid)
  110. ^ Vulcan Raven: You are a snake which was not created by Nature. You and [Liquid Snake]... you are from another world... a world that I do not wish to know. Go and do battle with him. I will be watching from above. (Metal Gear Solid).
  111. ^ a b Vulcan Raven: First, I'll give you a hint... The man who you saw die before your eyes... that was not the DARPA Chief. It was Decoy Octopus. A member of FOX-HOUND. He was a master of disguise. He copied his subjects down to the blood. So he drained the Chief's blood and took it into himself. But he wasn't able to deceive the FOXDIE. (Metal Gear Solid).
  112. ^ a b Liquid Snake: The Pentagon only needed for you to come into contact with us. That's what killed the ArmsTech president and Decoy Octopus. (Metal Gear Solid)
  113. ^ a b c d e f Yoon, Andrew (December 17, 2006). "Unlock all of MGS:PO's unique characters". Retrieved April 4, 2012.
  114. ^ a b Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Jim Houseman: Donald... ...the DARPA Chief is already dead... // Solid Snake: So you didn't mean to kill the DARPA Chief after all? // Houseman: He was my friend.
  115. ^ Revolver Ocelot: Nobody knows who I really am. Yes, the DARPA chief knew my identity, but he's been disposed of. (Metal Gear Solid)
  116. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Sf The Patriots. Big Mama: Ocelot tortured the DARPA Chief, Donald Anderson – also known as Sigint – to death... And made it look like an accident. With Para-Medic and Sigint dead, Zero was the only one left.
  117. ^ Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (script), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Ninja (Olga Gurlukovich): This security card will unlock all level 2 security doors, including the one into the core. // The Ninja’s voice changes to that of the DARPA chief in the previous title. // Ninja (Anderson): It’s called a PAN card. It works together with your body’s own electronic field.
  118. ^ a b Hideo Kojima (2002). Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PlayStation 2). New Zealand: Konami.
  119. ^ Campbell: Of course. A nuclear weapons specialist has already been assigned to us. // Solid Snake: We need backup from a specialist. I'm just an amateur when it comes to nuclear weapons. // Roy Campbell: I know. That's why I've requested the assistance of a military analyst named Nastasha Romanenko. She'll be providing you backup by Codec. (Metal Gear Solid)
  120. ^ a b Metal Gear Solid game manual. New Zealand: Konami. 1998. p. 42.
  121. ^ Jim Houseman: I see. Oh well that's okay... You two are an embarrassment from the 1970s. ...our country's dirty little secret. You can't be allowed to live. Well, the bombs will be dropping soon, and you two have a lot of catching up to do. Farewell. (Metal Gear Solid)
  122. ^ Hideo Kojima (2002). Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PlayStation 2). Konami.
  123. ^ a b Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Solidus Snake: The eighties... the civil war. You were one of the best among the child soldiers that fought in that conflict. When you were barely ten years old, you became the leader of the small boys unit. [...] I was your godfather, I named you.
  124. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Colonel: You have two missions objectives. One: infiltrate the offshore decontamination facility "Big Shell" and safeguard the President and other hostages. And two: disarm the terrorists by any means necessary.
  125. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Raiden: Snake, it's my turn to protect you.
  126. ^ Fletcher, JC (December 11, 2011). "Metal Gear Rising's story revised, now set post-MGS4". Joystiq. Retrieved February 13, 2012.
  127. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Rosemary: Jack, I'm a part of this mission. / Raiden: Colonel, what the hell is going on? / Colonel: Raiden, meet the mission analyst. She'll be overseeing the data saving and support.
  128. ^ a b c d Kojima Productions. The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2. Konami. Level/area: Making of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  129. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Rosemary: No, it's something else. That day at Federal Hall two years ago – it wasn't a coincidence. I was ordered to keep an eye on you... / Raiden: Keep an eye on me? / Rosemary: Yes – by the Patriots. / Raiden: You're a spy. [...] / Rosemary: Jack, I thought I was acting, because that was my job. But I did fall in love with you, that wasn't an act.
  130. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Raiden: Of course. This is where we first met... I remember now – Today is the day I met you. That's it. I think I found something to pass along to the future. He said all living things want their genes to live on. / Rosemary: Are you talking about the baby? / Raiden: Yeah. But genes aren't the only thing you pass on. There are too many things that aren't written into our DNA. It's up to us to teach that to our children.
  131. ^ "Metal Gear Solid 4 – Hideo Kojima Interview" (in Japanese). Archived from the original on June 4, 2008. 『2』で登場したローズも、今は戦闘ストレス小隊の心理カウンセラーをやっているという設定です。
  132. ^ PlatinumGames. Metal Gear Rising: Revengence. Konami. Boris (via codec): And your wife and son? What of them? / Raiden: They're in New Zealand. Safe. Rose would understand why I have to do this.
  133. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Solid Snake: Daughter of Colonel Sergei Gurlukovich, ex-GRU and former Spetsnaz commander... She's the leader of Colonel Gurlukovich's private army that's been wandering around the Big Shell. Those men were gathered by Colonel Gurlukovich. Following her father's death, she inherited his command and now exercises full control.
  134. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Olga: I was sent to provide you support. / Raiden: Support? Who sent you? The Colonel? / Olga: No... the Patriots. [...]My child is... being held hostage by the Patriots.
  135. ^ a b c d "Yoji Shinkawa Interview: Segment 3". Konami. Retrieved March 21, 2011.
  136. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Olga: Your nanomachines – they're transmitting your vital signs to the Patriots. If you die, my child dies. Do you understand? / Raiden: The child... / Solidus Snake: I see – so that's why you sold your troops out to me. So many dead, and they all died trusting you! Weren't they your comrades? / Olga: No, not just comrades! Family! I know I'm going to hell. But at least my child!!
  137. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. President Johnson: My predecessor... George Sears. That was the name the public came to know him by. But I knew him by his codename, "Solidus Snake." He was the third Snake, preceded by Solid and Liquid... a survivor of the Les Enfants Terrible project. Neither Solid nor Liquid, he was a well-balanced masterpiece that the Patriots saw fit to entrust with the Presidency.
  138. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Colonel: The terrorists call themselves "Sons of Liberty." / Raiden: Sons of Liberty? / Colonel: The name of their leader is Solid Snake.
  139. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Raiden: So your the boss around here? / Solidus Snake: No, not just around here. I'm the boss to surpass Big Boss himself. Solid Snake. / Solid Snake: No! That is not Solid Snake! Solidus Snake: What a pleasant surprise – brother.
  140. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Solidus Snake: All I want is to be remembered. By other people, by history. The Patriots are trying to protect their power, their own interests, by controlling the digital flow of information. I want my memory, my existence to remain. Unlike an intron of history, I will be remembered as an exon. That will be my legacy, my mark on history. But the Patriots would deny us even that, I will triumph over the Patriots, and liberate us all. And we will become the "Sons of Liberty"!
  141. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Solidus Snake: I have other reasons for wanting you dead. The clues to the Patriots inside GW have been erased, but are other traces.
  142. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Big Boss: That body Liquid burned on the Volta... Wasn't mine. That was the body... Of a clone. Solidus. He was a perfect clone. Zero, and the proxy AIs that came after him, were convinced that Solidus was me.
  143. ^ "The Top 7... Evil clones". GamesRadar. January 9, 2012. Retrieved April 21, 2013.
  144. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Solid Snake: You mean Fortune? She's the Dead Cell leader. Her real name is Helena Dolph Jackson... known to her friends as Lady Luck. / Raiden: Lady Luck? / Solid Snake: Yeah. She got the name because bullets seem to veer away from her in battle. People have heard her say that her fortune in battle was payback for the lousy luck she's had in life...
  145. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Fortune: Vamp. Are you gone? No. No that bullet was meant for me... Why am I the only one that can't die? Alone again... Cheated out of death again... How long will you force me to live? How much longer dad?
  146. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Fortune: It's been a long wait, Solid Snake – the root of all my sorrows. / Solid Snake: What? / Fortune: Two years ago, you killed my father. That was the beginning of hell for us.
  147. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Revolver Ocelot: You were being shielded by the electromagnetic weapons technology that the Patriots developed. Your Dead Cell comrades loved your father and husband – we needed a pathetic wretch like you to keep them focused.
  148. ^ Konami Computer Entertainment Japan. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Liberty. Solid Snake: During those two days, he survived by feeding on the blood of his family to quench his thirst. That's how he acquired a taste for blood. / Raiden: So that's why they call him Vamp... / Solid Snake: No, Vamp isn't for "vampire". It's because he's bisexual.
  149. ^ Fun TV (2001). Making of The Hollywood Game (DVD). Europe: Konami.
  150. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Naomi Hunter: The nanomachines in his body cause his wounds to close and heal at an accelerated rate. Someone took the basic nanomachine technology I once researched and perfected it. In a sense, I'm responsible for Vamp.
  151. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Naomi: Now you can return to your true self. You can be at peace. / Vamp: I can... Die? / Naomi: Yes.
  152. ^ Gifford, Kevin (February 18, 2009). "Metal Gear Online adds Raiden, Vamp". Archived from the original on October 19, 2012. Retrieved April 4, 2012.
  153. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Fatman: Oh, you'll know soon enough. And I could care less of what they planned. My ambitions are much more simple. To be the most famous bomber of them all. / Raiden: Your nuts, nobody is gonna give a damn about you. / Fatman: Oh yes they will. I'll go down in history – as the man who beat Peter Stillman. That's the only reason I existed.
  154. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Otacon: Sergei Gurlukovich. / Solid Snake: Gurlukovich! One of Ocelot's allies? / Otacon: Yeah...the GRU colonel. He's the one Ocelot was supposed to meet up with, after Shadow Moses... / Solid Snake: They're after Metal Gear...
  155. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Revolver Ocelot: Sergei! Looks like you were long overdue for retirement. / Sergei Gurlukovich: Traitorous dog...
  156. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Emma: No! He left me... my mother – when we needed him the most! When my father died, all he could think about was himself! / Raiden: Emma, we can go over all that later. But first, we have to get out of here! / Emma: No! I hate water! It's hopeless! I can't swim!
  157. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Solid Snake: Raiden! Emma's been stabbed! [...] Raiden! Get that disc over here as soon as possible. I'm afraid her time's running out...
  158. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Konami. Otacon: You don't hate me? / Emma Emmerich: Never... I never wanted to get in your way... I never wanted to hurt you... I thought with Arsenal... If I follow in your footsteps... I could be closer... I just wanted you to look at me... look at me... as a woman...
  159. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Naked Snake: What about you, Major? What should I call you? / Zero: Hmm, let's see... I'll be... I'll be Tom. Call me Major Tom.
  160. ^ a b Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Big Mama: Zero created the Patriots to manage and control the American state. That control endured long after the Cold War ended. The organization became an empty shell, continuing to function through AIs.
  161. ^ a b Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Big Mama: "Give birth to Big Boss." To realize this, I asked to serve as the surrogate mother... And was more than happy to carry you in my womb. I loved him. Nine months later, I gave birth to two Big Bosses... You, and Liquid. [...] Determined to oppose Zero and his plans, Big Boss broke away from the Patriots.
  162. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Big Boss: I'm taking it upon myself to send Zero... Back to nothing.
  163. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Naked Snake: That's what they were making you build?/ Sokolov: Yes. The Shagohod – "The Treading Behemoth" – a tank capable of launching nuclear IRBMs.
  164. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Konami. Naked Snake: Sokolov! You're alive! Of course! So you're the Ghost. You designed the Shagohod, so naturally you'd know about Granin's Metal Gear too... That's why! / Gene: Ah! So it was you who was feeding Snake information, Sokolov. Of all people, I never thought you would betray me. / Sokolov: ...Yes, you did rescue me from that prison camp in Russia. Thanks for you, I was reunited with my family... for a little while, at least. I will always be grateful to you for that... But launching Metal Gear into Russia – that I cannot condone. I simply could not bear to see my own creation turned against the Motherland.
  165. ^ a b Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. The Boss: I was pregnant at the time. The Sorrow was the father. I gave birth on the field of battle.
  166. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Volgin: My body carries an electric charge of ten million volts. Let's see how you like this! Now, answer me!
  167. ^ Jeremy Parish, "Col. Yevgeny Volgin," Electronic Gaming Monthly 225 (January 2008): 92.
  168. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Volgin: Who's afraid of a little thunder? / Naked Snake: Fried by a bolt of lightning... a fitting end.
  169. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Naked Snake: What happened to ADAM? / Eva: Colonel Volgin is a very suspicious man. He decided ADAM wasn't the right person for this mission. / Naked Snake: And you were? / Eva: Yes. / Naked Snake: Why? / Eva: Because I can do things he can't.
  170. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Sokolov: There was some in the armory here but now it's gone. It was stolen by a female spy who was here a minute ago. / Naked Snake: Eva? / Sokolov: No, that's not her name. Her name is Tatyana. She made her way in here by becoming Volgin's lover.
  171. ^ EVA: (...) I'm not a KGB spy and I never worked for the NSA. I am an agent of the People's Republic of China...for the General HQ Second Department of the People's Liberation Army. It was all a lie. I tricked you...and I'm sorry. The Philosophers still exist in China, too. You see, my mission was to find out where Volgin was hiding the Philosopher's Legacy and steal it. (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater) Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, 2005.
  172. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Big Mama: After years on the run I ended up in Hanoi - that's where I met him again. It was around then that Zero used the massive funds contained in the Philosophers' Legacy... To start a new organization - the Patriots...
  173. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Big Boss: The truth is that the FOXDIE in you is what killed EVA and Ocelot...
  174. ^ METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE (in Japanese)
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  180. ^ Chris Reiter, PlayStation 2: Heroes, Villains, Babes, and Bad Boys - Part 2, Gaming Target, October 28, 2005.
  181. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Zero: The first member of the support team will be in charge of monitoring your physical condition – acting a medic, so to speak – as well as recording your mission data. She's a member of FOX as well and she's here on the gunship with me.
  182. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Para-Medic: Hello, Snake. I'm Para-Medic. Nice to meet you. / Naked Snake: Para...Medic? / Para-Medic: As in a medic who comes in by parachute.
  183. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Big Mama: And so, Zero secretly embarked on a new project: Les Enfants Terribles. Its goal was to create a clone of Big Boss, the ultimate soldier. The project was led by Dr. Clark, known at the time as Para-Medic.
  184. ^ KCEJ. Metal Gear Solid. Konami. Naomi: It happened before I joined FOX-HOUND's medical staff. They were using a soldier for their gene therapy experiments. [...] It happened right after you retired. My predecessor, Dr. Clark, was in charge. [...] / Solid Snake: And where is he now? / Naomi: He was killed in an explosion in his lab two years ago. / Naomi: Apparently for their test subject, they decided to use the body of a soldier who was recovered after the fall of Zanzibar... / Solid Snake: And that was Gray Fox...
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  186. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Signit: The Pain is said to possess the power to control his hornets at will. Watch out for insect-based attack, especially his so-called bullet bees.
  187. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. The Fear: That bolt is coated with the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider.
  188. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Zero: The Fear is using something called stealth camouflage to conceal himself.
  189. ^ Sigint: Sounds like the Cobra Unit's members' names came from the specific emotions they each carry into battle. // Naked Snake: Emotions? // Sigint: Yeah. For unbearable torment, The Pain. For true oblivion, The End. For infinite rage, The Fury. For absolute terror, The Fear. And for unsurpassed bliss, The Joy. (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Konami, 2004)
  190. ^ EVA: I heard that one of the Cobras is waiting for you in the jungle at the foot of the mountains. He's a legendary sniper called The End. // Naked Snake: Yeah, I've seen him before. That ridiculously old guy, right? // EVA: Don't underestimate him. He's known as the father of modern sniping. (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater) Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, 2005
  191. ^ Lewis, Ed (December 2004). "The Snake Eater Interview". IGN. Retrieved April 12, 2012.
  192. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. The Fury: I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back from space. As I returned, I had one vision: the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury! A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now – you're going to feel the scorching of that terrible blackness!
  193. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Zero: The Sorrow was a man with, well... special powers. He had ESP, which was the subject of extensive research in the Soviet Union at the time. He was especially gifted as a medium.
  194. ^ EVA: The Boss once again made her way into the Soviet Union. There, she found herself face to face with the Soviets' own agent... And who would she find awaiting her return to Russia? The one who'd turned her sleeper against her, who'd fed them lies all this time? It was her former comrade-in-arms, the father of her child. The man known as The Sorrow... Former lovers, forced to fight to the death. "One would live, and one would die," she told me. (Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker)
  195. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Naked Snake: Snake: So he was never there in the first place... he just couldn't let go of The Boss...
  196. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami. Naked Snake: Are you one of the Cobras? / The Sorrow: Sad... so sad... a host of sorrows. And you are one of them. I am The Sorrow.
  197. ^ "Saving Private Raiden". Archived from the original on January 16, 2013. Retrieved June 4, 2011.
  198. ^ Part 5 of the Director's Commentary for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Archived September 25, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
  199. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Hal Emmerich: Sunny was taken by the Patriots right after she was born. She never even met her parents. She spent her entire childhood inside the net.
  200. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Konami. Solid Snake: Jack's gone? I used to work with the guy. He saved Sunny from the Patriots.
  201. ^ Kojima Productions, Platinum Games. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Konami. Raiden: After the dust settled, Dr. Emmerich adopted her, officially becoming her legal guardian. / Courtney: But how did she end up in Solis? What about school? […]So now she's designing launch vehicles and stuff, eh?
  202. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots. Drebin: You've never heard of 'em? They're Beauty and the Beast. Together they're called the B&B Corps. They're a squad of enhanced female soldiers – belong to the PMCs. Any time there's a mess that needs cleaning up, they're on the scene leading the elites.
  203. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots. Drebin: The Patriots raised me to be a gun launderer. / Otacon: The Patriots? / Drebin: They kidnapped me... Forced me to fight. Yup. [...] In fact... I was under strict orders to back you guys from the start.
  204. ^ 小島秀夫 [@Kojima_Hideo] (January 15, 2014). "もう凄い綺麗!" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  205. ^ The Art of Metal Gear Solid V. Dark Horse Books. November 15, 2016. ISBN 978-1506701103.
  206. ^ Hal Emmerich: The truth grandfather was a part of the Manhattan Project. He suffered with the guilt for the rest of his life. And my father...he was born on August 6, 1945.
    Solid Snake: The day of the Hiroshima bomb... God's got a sense of humor, all right. (Metal Gear Solid)
  207. ^ Huey's Letter to Strangelove. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Konami, 2010.
  208. ^ Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Kojima Productions (2010).
    Hot Coldman: I know all about you. Tselinoyarsk? Ten years ago? / Big Boss: You were involved...? / Hot Coldman: The operation to eliminate the traitor? I planned the whole thing. / Big Boss: Shouldn't a suit like you be back at Langley? What the hell are you doing here? / Hot Coldman: ...It's what the CIA does best. Ensure people in the know keep their mouths shut, or else pack them off someplace where there's no one to listen.
  209. ^ Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Kojima Productions (2010)
    Big Boss: You seem like a very... how do I put this... uninhibited woman. / Cécile Cosima Caminades: You think so? I am no different from other Parisian women. Not since May 1968.
  210. ^ "Kojima Production Special Report 000" (in Japanese). Archived from the original (MP3) on December 28, 2009. Retrieved July 7, 2010.
  211. ^ "待たせたな! ヨドバシカメラ横浜にあのスネーク潜入 – ITmedia Gamez" (in Japanese).
  212. ^ Briefing Tapes: Chico: Love: The Mystery of Paz's actions
    Snake: Besides, we don't know for sure she's dead. She was ejected into the ocean. And she had scuba equipment with her.
  213. ^ Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Jetstream DLC, Kojima Productions/PlatinumGames Inc. (2013) .
    Monsoon: In any case, Minuano should be close. // Steven Armstrong: Minuano... the cool Brazilian wind. // Monsoon: A.k.a. Jetstream Sam...
  214. ^ Monsoon: Kill or be killed, Jack. Phnom Penh taught me that. Yes, you aren't the only one who grew up on the Killing Fields. War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep into my psyche: That this world, and all its people, are diseased. (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
  215. ^ Kevin Washington: Sounds like Monsoon was a victim of the Khmer Rouge. // Raiden: Yeah. Pol Pot's regime. They killed nearly the entire intellectual class of Cambodia... All in an attempt to create a communist agrarian society. // Kevin: Some reports claim that they wiped out a third of the entire population. Just insane... Even without knowing exactly what happened to him there... You can start to see why he thinks the world is diseased. // Raiden: Yeah, I'm sure that's what gave him his whole survival-of-the-fittest worldview... Just one long series of traumatic events... // Kevin: Well, directly or otherwise, the Khmer Rouge messed up a whole lotta lives... But all of their victims didn't start thinking like Monsoon. People have to stop the cycle of violence somewhere... Stop the bad meme, I guess you could say. Course that's easy for me to say, having grown up in a nice, stable First World country... // Raiden: Nah, I get it. Growing up in bad circumstances... It's no excuse for the crimes you commit. // Kevin: Yeah... (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
  216. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Level/area: Episode 46. Miller: "How he's doing?" Doctor: "He's stabilized, but we took too long. He's in a coma." Miller: "What about him?" (nods towards the viewer) Doctor: "He took some shrapnel... to the head...
  217. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Level/area: Ocelot's Briefing [1] – The Strike Force: After the Attack. Ocelot: The days of Naked Snake are long gone. Welcome back, Venom Snake.
  218. ^ Kojima Productions. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Level/area: Episode 46. 1995 – While commanding special forces unit FOXHOUND from a position in the U.S. military, Big Boss establishes the fortified military nation 'Outer Heaven' in South Africa. The Outer Heaven Uprising occurs, but it is quashed by Solid Snake, who kills Big Boss's phantom.
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    Raiden: What you do isn't grassroots activism. It's more like terrorism. // Solid Snake: I admit that... // Otacon: But our group, Philanthropy, received some information: A new Metal Gear prototype was being developed here and, terrorists were planning to raid the facility. The info came from a very reliable source.
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