
Cytorhabdovirus is a genus of viruses in the family Rhabdoviridae,[1] order Mononegavirales. Plants serve as natural hosts.[2][3]


Cytorhabdovirions are enveloped, with bullet shaped and bacilliform geometries. These virions are about 75 nm wide and 180 nm long.[2][3]


Cytorhabdovirus genomes are linear and around 13 kb in length.[2][3]

Life cycle

Viral replication is cytoplasmic. Entry into the host cell is achieved by attachment of the viral G glycoproteins to host receptors, which mediates endocytosis. Replication follows the negative stranded RNA virus replication model. Negative stranded RNA virus transcription, using polymerase stuttering is the method of transcription. The virus exits the host cell by budding, and tubule-guided viral movement. Plants serve as the natural host. The virus is transmitted via a vector (insect aphid, leafhopper, planthopper, and insect). Transmission routes are vectors.[2][3]


The following species are recognized:[4]

Phylogenetic tree and genome of cytorhabdoviruses

(New name after 2021; old name before 2021)

  1. Cytorhabdovirus actinidiae
  2. Cytorhabdovirus alphatrifolii; Trifolium pratense cytorhabdovirus A
  3. Cytorhabdovirus alphawuhaninsectum; Wuhan 4 insect cytorhabdovirus
  4. Cytorhabdovirus anthurii
  5. Cytorhabdovirus asclepiadis
  6. Cytorhabdovirus bacopae
  7. Cytorhabdovirus bemisiae
  8. Cytorhabdovirus betatrifolii; Trifolium pratense cytorhabdovirus B
  9. Cytorhabdovirus betawuhaninsectum; Wuhan 5 insect cytorhabdovirus
  10. Cytorhabdovirus brassicae; Broccoli necrotic yellows cytorhabdovirus
  11. Cytorhabdovirus brassicicolae; Cabbage cytorhabdovirus
  12. Cytorhabdovirus broussonetiae
  13. Cytorhabdovirus caricae; Papaya cytorhabdovirus
  14. Cytorhabdovirus chrysanthemi
  15. Cytorhabdovirus colocasiae; Colocasia bobone disease-associated cytorhabdovirus
  16. Cytorhabdovirus cucurbitae
  17. Cytorhabdovirus festucae; Festuca leaf streak cytorhabdovirus
  18. Cytorhabdovirus flaviyerbamate; Yerba mate chlorosis-associated cytorhabdovirus
  19. Cytorhabdovirus fragariae; Strawberry cytorhabdovirus 1
  20. Cytorhabdovirus fragariarugosus; Strawberry crinkle cytorhabdovirus
  21. Cytorhabdovirus gammawuhaninsectum; Wuhan 6 insect cytorhabdovirus
  22. Cytorhabdovirus glehniae
  23. Cytorhabdovirus gramineae; Northern cereal mosaic cytorhabdovirus
  24. Cytorhabdovirus hordei; Barley yellow striate mosaic cytorhabdovirus
  25. Cytorhabdovirus kenyatuberosum
  26. Cytorhabdovirus lactucamaculante; Lettuce yellow mottle cytorhabdovirus
  27. Cytorhabdovirus lactucanecante; Lettuce necrotic yellows cytorhabdovirus
  28. Cytorhabdovirus lycopersici; Tomato yellow mottle-associated cytorhabdovirus
  29. Cytorhabdovirus maydis; Maize-associated cytorhabdovirus
  30. Cytorhabdovirus maysflavostriatis; Maize yellow striate cytorhabdovirus
  31. Cytorhabdovirus medicagonis; Alfalfa dwarf cytorhabdovirus
  32. Cytorhabdovirus nymphaeae
  33. Cytorhabdovirus orchidaceae
  34. Cytorhabdovirus oryzae; Rice stripe mosaic cytorhabdovirus
  35. Cytorhabdovirus persimmon; Persimmon cytorhabdovirus
  36. Cytorhabdovirus rosae
  37. Cytorhabdovirus rubus; Raspberry vein chlorosis cytorhabdovirus
  38. Cytorhabdovirus sonchi; Sonchus cytorhabdovirus 1
  39. Cytorhabdovirus tagetis
  40. Cytorhabdovirus trachyspermi
  41. Cytorhabdovirus trichosanthei; Trichosanthes cytorhabdovirus
  42. Cytorhabdovirus tritici; Wheat American striate mosaic cytorhabdovirus
  43. Cytorhabdovirus yerbamate; Yerba mate cytorhabdovirus


  1. ^ Walker, PJ; Blasdell, KR; Calisher, CH; Dietzgen, RG; Kondo, H; Kurath, G; Longdon, B; Stone, DM; Tesh, RB; Tordo, N; Vasilakis, N; Whitfield, AE; Ictv Report, Consortium (19 February 2018). "ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Rhabdoviridae". The Journal of General Virology. 99 (4): 447–448. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001020. hdl:10871/31776. PMID 29465028.
  2. ^ a b c d "ICTV Online Report Rhabdoviridae".
  3. ^ a b c d "Viral Zone". ExPASy. Retrieved 15 June 2015.
  4. ^ "Virus Taxonomy: 2022 Release". International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). March 2023. Retrieved 14 September 2023.

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