Crimean Tatars in Turkey

Crimean Tatars in Turkey refers to citizens and denizens of Turkey who are, or descend from, the Tatars of Crimea.



Before the 20th century, Crimean Tatars had immigrated from Crimea to Turkey in three waves: First, after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 1783; second, after the Crimean War of 1853–56; third, after the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78.[2]


  1. ^ Fuat Dündar, Türkiye Nüfus Sayımlarında Azınlıklar, 2000
  2. ^ Peter Alford Andrews, Rüdiger Benninghaus,Ethnic groups in the Republic of Turkey, Vol. 2, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 1989, Wiesbaden, ISBN 3-88226-418-7, p. 87., Peter Alford Andrews, Türkiye'de Etnik Gruplar, ANT Yayınları, Aralık 1992, ISBN 975-7350-03-6, s.116-118.