32 Men

The Assembly of 32 Men (Danish: De 32 Mænds Forsamling), also known as the City's 32 Men (Danish: Stadens 32 mænd) or simply as the 32 Men (Danish:De 32 Mænd), was an assembly of respected citizens of Copenhagen, who had the right to demand an audience before the king. The assembly was first established in 1660. The first assembly was characterized by large merchants and the crown's creditors. The assembly was replaced in 1840 by the Copenhagen City Council (Borgerrepræsentationen).[1][2]



Appointed after 1600

Appointed after 1700

Appointed after 1800


  1. ^ "Stadens 32 mænd". Københavns Stadsarkiv. Retrieved April 1, 2019.
  2. ^ "Borgerrepræsentationen". Københavns Kommune. Retrieved April 1, 2019.