Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine

The Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) (Ukrainian: Конфедерація вільних профспілок України) is a national trade union center in Ukraine. It is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation.

The federation's origins lie in the Co-ordinating Council of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, formed during the collapse of the Soviet Union. In November 1993, the council was refounded as the KVPU. Its founding affiliates were:[1]

In 1996, a dispute over the leadership led the founding affiliates to withdraw, although this was later resolved.[1]

It is one of the few trade unions in Ukraine recognized by the American AFL–CIO as "being independent and honest in its representation of the interests of labor".[2]


The following unions were affiliated in 2019:[3]


  1. ^ a b Casale, Giuseppe (1999). Social Dialogue in Central and Eastern Europe. ILO. ISBN 9789221119289.
  2. ^ A new generation emerges on national stage, Kyiv Post (November 25, 2010)
  3. ^ "ГЕНЕРАЛЬНА УГОДА про регулювання основних принципів і норм реалізації соціальноекономічної політики і трудових відносин в Україні на 2019—2021 роки" (PDF). Zakon. Retrieved 13 March 2022.

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