List of kings of Athens

Before the Athenian democracy, the tyrants, and the Archons, the city-state of Athens was ruled by kings. Most of these are probably mythical or only semi-historical. The following lists contain the chronological order of the title King of Athens (also prescribed earlier as kings of Attica), a semi-mythological title.

Earliest kings

These three kings were supposed to have ruled before the flood of Deucalion.

Other sources mentioned two other ancient rulers of Athens:

Erechtheid dynasty

The early Athenian tradition, followed by the 3rd century BC Parian Chronicle, made Cecrops, a mythical half-man half-serpent, the first king of Athens.[5] The dates for the following kings were conjectured centuries later, by historians of the Hellenistic era who tried to backdate events by cross-referencing earlier sources such as the Parian Chronicle. Tradition says that King Menestheus took part in the Trojan War.

The following list follows that of 1st Century BC Castor of Rhodes (FGrHist 250), with Castor's dates given in modern terms.[6]

Mythological Royal House of Athens

Melanthid dynasty

Melanthus was the Neleides king of Pylos in Messenia. Being driven out by the Dorian and Heraclidae invasion, he came to Athens where Thymoestes resigned the crown to him. Codrus, the last king, repelled the Dorian invasion of Attica.

After Codrus's death, his sons Medon and Acastus either reigned as kings, or became hereditary archons.[10][11] In 753 BC the hereditary archonship was replaced by a non-hereditary system (see Archons of Athens).


  1. ^ King of Agea, not Athens; The name of Ogyges is also connected with Attic mythology, for in Attica too an Ogygian flood is mentioned, and he is described as the father of the Attic hero Eleusis (Pausanias, 1.38.7)
  2. ^ A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology: Oarses-Zygia. Edited by William Smith. Pg 20
  3. ^ or Hectenes
  4. ^ Pausanias, 1.14.7
  5. ^ Harding, pp. 20–22; Gantz, p. 234.
  6. ^ Harding, p. 14.
  7. ^ Gantz, p. 235.
  8. ^ See also Iliupersis
  9. ^ Troy VIIa destruction layer at c. 1190 BC
  10. ^ Pausanias's Description of Greece – Volume 3 – Page 64. (cf. The successors of Codrus were Medon (son of Codrus), Acastus (son of Medon) [...])
  11. ^ Aristotle, Constitution of the Athenians §3.
