
Hi there, my name is Charles, I live in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. I think I was Wikipedia's first regular Tasmanian contributor.

I first made some anonymous edits and joined in September 2002. I disappeared for a while, making brief reappearances in July 2003 and December 2003. I restarted and have been a continual editor since February 2004. I became an admin on 30th September 2004.

In 2008 I joined the interim committee which established Wikimedia Australia, the Australian chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation. The chapter was formally recognised in January 2009. In September 2010 I was nominated for and elected to the position of ordinary committee member of the chapter, and have served in this role ever since.

Current projects:

Other stuff:

Here are some articles I have created or made significant contributions to - most of which were during my "peak" years of editing in 2004-2008!
