Carlo Tivaroni

Carlo Tivaroni (1843 – 1906) was a Dalmatian Italian historian and politician. He was born in Zara (Croatian: Zadar), which at the time still had a significant Italian component and was part of Austrian Empire. He was the brother of Senator Enrico Tivaroni.[1][2] He has been credited as the first historian of the Risorgimento.[3] [4][5]



  1. ^ Finelli, Pietro. "TIVARONI, Carlo". Enciclopedia Italiana. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
  2. ^ "TIVARONI, Enrico". Italian Senate. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
  3. ^ Cesare Giardini, (a cura di) Il Risorgimento italiano 1796-1861. Dalle opere di V. Cuoco, P. Colletta, Stendhal, C. Balbo, G. Mazzini, G. Garibaldi, C. Tivaroni, H. Bolton King, G. Carducci, E. Di Treitschke, B. Croce, P. Silva, A. Omodeo, L. Salvatorelli, F. Quintavalle, A. Panzini, M. Paléologue Verona, 1958, Mondadori
  4. ^ Desideri Antonio-Mario Themelly, Storia e storiografia, Vol.2 - Editrice d'Anna, Roma-Firenze 1999 p. 813
  5. ^ Perlini 1966, p. 383-472.