Bibliography of California history

This is a bibliography of California history. It contains English language (including translations) books and mainstream academic journal articles published after World War II.

Inclusion criteria

This list is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all works about California history. It is limited to works primarily or substantially about California history, published by state level or higher academic universities, mainstream national level publishers, or authored by recognized subject matter experts.[a]

Works about Baja California before 1850 are included. Works regarding historical geography, and California's natural history are included, but works about municipal and local history are excluded. Notes are provided for annotations and citations for reviews in academic journals when helpful.

Citation style

This bibliography uses APA style citations. Entries do not use templates. References to reviews and notes for entries do use citation templates. Where books which are only partially related to California history are listed, the titles for chapters or sections should be indicated if possible, meaningful, and not excessive.

If a work has been translated into English, the translator should be included and a footnote with appropriate bibliographic information for the original language version should be included if possible.

When listing works with titles or names published with alternative English spellings, the form used in the latest published version should be used and the version and relevant bibliographic information noted if it previously was published or reviewed under a different title.


Kevin Starr, former professor of History and California State Librarian has written many highly regarded books[1]on the history of California including the multi-volume Americans & the California Dream Series which contain a significant amount of history about Los Angeles and the surrounding area.

Americans & the California Dream Series by Kevin Starr, published by Oxford University Press

Before Gold: California under Spain and Mexico series from University of Oklahoma Press.

General works

Indigenous peoples of California

Regional works

This section includes regional studies of what is now the southwestern United States that include substantial content about California.

Borderlands studies

Spanish era

This section covers works about the period from Spanish contact to 1821.

Mexican era

This section covers works about the period from approximately 1821 to 1848.

American era

This section covers works about the period from approximately 1848–present.

Academic journal articles


Historiography and bibliographies

Historical atlases

Academic journals

Primary sources

This section contains a limited list of primary sources related to California history.


Individual documents

Related bibliographies

See also



  1. ^ Works included by subject matter experts should have reviews in academic journals.
  2. ^ Work contains substantial information about the California - Mexico border and labor migrations.
  3. ^ Previously published as California Historical Quarterly (1922-1970) and California Historical Society Quarterly (1971-1977).


  1. ^ Grimes, William (16 January 2017). "Kevin Starr, Prolific Chronicler of California's History, Dies at 76". New York Times. Retrieved 18 January 2020.
  2. ^ California History, University of California Press, retrieved 18 June 2023
  3. ^ "California History on JSTOR", JSTOR, retrieved 18 June 2023
  4. ^ Pacific Historical Review, University of California Press, retrieved 18 June 2023
  5. ^ "Pacific Historical Review on JSTOR", JSTOR, retrieved 18 June 2023
  6. ^ "Western Historical Quarterly", Oxford Academic, retrieved 20 June 2023
  7. ^ "Western Historical Quarterly", JSTOR, retrieved 20 June 2023

External links