Bar-Rakib inscriptions

The Bar-Rakib inscriptions are a group of 8th-century BC steles, or fragments of steles, of King Bar-Rakib, from Sam'al.

The inscriptions were discovered during the 1888–1911 German Oriental Society expeditions led by Felix von Luschan and Robert Koldewey.

Their Aramaic inscriptions are written in Luwian-style raised characters, and represent some of the first known inscriptions to use Imperial Aramaic. Older inscriptions found at Sam'al were written in the "Samalian language" or the Phoenician language.




  1. ^ Sachau, E., "Baal-Harrân in einer altaramäischen Inschrift auf einem Relief des Königlichen Museums zu Berlin." SPAW 8 (1895): 119–22
  2. ^ Bar Rakib Silver ingot
