Aztec Sandstone

The Aztec Sandstone is an Early Jurassic geological formation of primarily eolian sand from which fossil pterosaur tracks have been recovered.[4] The formation is exposed in the Mojave Desert of Arizona, California and Nevada. Aztec Sandstone is named after the Aztec Tank,[5] a lake in the Spring Mountain region of Nevada.


The Aztec Sandstone is made up of two units. The lower resistant sandstone unit (100 metres (330 ft) thick) is tan to off-white in outcrops but pinkish in fresh exposures. Cross-bedded lenses can easily be observed. Frosted and pitted quartz grains well-cemented by silica are described by Evans in 1958 and 1971. The upper and less resistant unit (200m thick) consists of alternating white quartz arenites and red to brown silty sands.[6]

Vertebrate paleofauna

The formation has provided the following ichnofossils attributed to vertebrates:[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b Longwell, C.R. (1949). "Structure of the Northern Muddy Mountain Area, Nevada". Geological Society of America Bulletin. 60 (5): 923–968. Bibcode:1949GSAB...60..923L. doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1949)60[923:SOTNMM]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0016-7606. Wikidata Q60182382.
  2. ^ a b c Hewett, D.F. (1931). "Geology and ore deposits of the Goodsprings quadrangle, Nevada" (PDF). Geological Survey Professional Paper (162). doi:10.3133/PP162. ISSN 0096-0446. Wikidata Q61823480. (incl. geologic map, scale 1:62,500)
  3. ^ Jennings, C.W., 1961, Geologic map of California; Kingman sheet: California Division of Mines and Geology, scale 1:250,000
  4. ^ a b Aztec Sandstone at
  5. ^ "Geolex — Aztec publications". Retrieved 2023-03-14.
  6. ^ Mescal Range at
  7. ^ Listed as "cf. Anchisauripus" in "Appendix: Summary of the Mesozoic Reptilian Fossils of California," Hilton (2003) p. 265
  8. ^ Listed as "cf. Grallator" in "Appendix: Summary of the Mesozoic Reptilian Fossils of California," in Hilton (2003) p. 265
  9. ^ Lockley, et al. (2008)


Further reading