Christian Churches Ireland

Christian Churches Ireland is a Pentecostal Christian denomination located in Ireland and a part of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship.


Christian Churches Ireland was formed on October 22, 2005, when the Irish Region of the Assemblies of God of Great Britain and Ireland was allowed to join with the Irish Assemblies of God, Republic of Ireland to form the Assemblies of God Ireland.[1]

The Church has 27 congregations throughout Ireland, in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.[citation needed]

In November 2016 the denomination changed its name from Assemblies of God Ireland to Christian Churches Ireland.[2]


  1. ^ "Launch of the Assemblies of God Ireland". Eye on Europe. Archived from the original on 2015-05-14.
  2. ^ "About us". Christian Churches Ireland. n.d. Retrieved 4 October 2023.

External links