Nectomys rattus

Nectomys rattus, the small-footed bristly mouse, Amazonian nectomys, Amazonian mouse,[2] or common water rat[1] is a species of rodent in the genus Nectomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela, where it lives in a variety of habitats including lowland tropical rainforest, cerrado and caatinga.[1] It is mainly found in areas close to water. It was recognized as distinct only in 2000 and its limits with other Nectomys, including Nectomys apicalis and Nectomys squamipes, remain unclear.[2]


  1. ^ a b c Catzeflis et al., 2016
  2. ^ a b Musser and Carleton, 2005

Literature cited