Abudia gens

The gens Abudia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. This gens flourished during imperial times, and none of its members held any of the higher magistracies of the Roman state. Only Abudius Ruso, who had been aedile under Tiberius, is mentioned in history, but other Abudii are known from inscriptions.


The chief praenomina of the Abudii were Marcus, Publius, and Titus, each of which was very common throughout Roman history. Epigraphy also supplies examples of Gnaeus, Lucius, and Quintus.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also


  1. ^ Tacitus, Annales, vi. 30.
  2. ^ Rutledge, Imperial Inquisitions, p. 185.
  3. ^ Gerstl, Supplementum Epigraphicum, 245.
  4. ^ CIL XII, 1388.
  5. ^ AE 2001, 272.
  6. ^ a b c CIL VI, 9683.
  7. ^ CIL III, 2938.
  8. ^ AE 5, 240.
  9. ^ Espérandieu, Inscriptions Latines de Gaule, 438.
  10. ^ AE 2001, 273.
  11. ^ Brusin, Inscriptiones Aquileiae, ii. 2752.
  12. ^ AE 1975, 737.
  13. ^ CIL XIV, 2809.
  14. ^ CIL V, 216.
  15. ^ CIL VI, 12752, CIL VI, 12753.
  16. ^ Wilmanns, Inscriptiones Africae Latinae, 166,23.
  17. ^ CIL XII, 1303.
  18. ^ Opuscula Archaeologica, 2007-265.
  19. ^ a b CIL V, 329.
  20. ^ CIL V, 328.
  21. ^ CIL V, 8322.
