August 2016 Van attack

August 17, 2016 Van attack, a bomb attack on the Iki Nisan police headquarters in Van city center on 17 August 2016.


A car bomb was detonated near the building by a PKK member at 23:15 in front of the Iki Nisan Police Station on Sıhke Street in the central İpekyolu District of Van.[2] A total of 4 people, 2 of whom were police officers, lost their lives in the attack, and 72 people, 20 of whom were police officers, were injured. The surrounding buildings were also damaged in the attack.[2]


  1. ^ Van'daki saldırıda 1 polis daha yaşamını yitirdi, Evrensel, 19 August 2016, Date of access: 20 August 2016.
  2. ^ a b Van'da İki Nisan Polis karakolu yakınında bombalı saldırı, Habertürk, 18 August 2016, Date of access: 18 August 2016.