Área metropolitana de Nueva York

El área metropolitana de Nueva York , conocida ampliamente como el área de los tres estados y a menudo también llamada Gran Nueva York , es el área metropolitana más grande del mundo por superficie urbana , [11] [12] [13] abarcando 4669,0 millas cuadradas (12 093 km 2 ). [14] El área metropolitana de Nueva York es una de las áreas metropolitanas más pobladas del mundo, el área metropolitana más grande de los EE. UU. y la única área metropolitana de los EE. UU. que alberga a más de 20 millones de residentes según el censo de los Estados Unidos de 2020 .

La vasta área metropolitana incluye la ciudad de Nueva York , la ciudad más poblada del país, Long Island , el valle medio y bajo del Hudson en el estado de Nueva York , catorce condados, once de las ciudades más grandes de Nueva Jersey y seis de las siete ciudades más grandes de Connecticut . La frase área triestatal se usa generalmente para referirse a Nueva York , Nueva Jersey y Connecticut , aunque un número cada vez mayor de personas que trabajan en la ciudad de Nueva York viajan desde Pensilvania , particularmente desde las regiones de Lehigh Valley , Bucks County y Poconos en el este de Pensilvania, lo que hace que el área metropolitana se extienda a lo largo de cuatro estados. El área metropolitana de Nueva York es el centro geográfico y demográfico de la megalópolis más grande del noreste .

El área metropolitana de Nueva York es el área estadística metropolitana más poblada de los Estados Unidos con 20,1 millones de residentes, o un poco más del 6% de la población total de la nación, a partir de 2020. [8] El área estadística combinada incluye 23,6 millones de residentes a partir de 2020. [15] [16] Es una de las aglomeraciones urbanas más grandes del mundo. [17] [18] [19] El área metropolitana de Nueva York sigue siendo la principal puerta de entrada para la inmigración legal a los Estados Unidos , [20] [21] [22] [23] teniendo la mayor población nacida en el extranjero de cualquier región metropolitana del mundo. El área estadística metropolitana cubre 6.720 millas cuadradas (17.405 km 2 ) mientras que el área estadística combinada es de 13.318 millas cuadradas (34.493 km 2 ), que abarca una región étnica y geográficamente diversa. La población del área metropolitana de Nueva York es mayor que la del estado de Nueva York, y el espacio aéreo metropolitano albergó a más de 130 millones de pasajeros en 2016. [24]

A partir de 2022 , el área metropolitana de Nueva York es la economía metropolitana más grande del mundo , con un producto metropolitano bruto de más de US$2,5 billones. [10] El Gran Nueva York es el centro de múltiples industrias, incluidas las finanzas, la atención médica , los productos farmacéuticos y la producción científica en ciencias de la vida , [25] [26] comercio internacional , publicaciones, bienes raíces, educación, moda, entretenimiento , turismo, derecho y manufactura; y si el área metropolitana de Nueva York fuera un estado soberano independiente , constituiría la octava economía más grande del mundo. La ciudad de Nueva York también se considera la capital cultural del mundo. [27] [28] [29] [30] Es el centro financiero, [31] [32] [33] diplomático y de medios [34] [35] más destacado del mundo. [36] [37]

Según Forbes , en 2014, el área metropolitana de Nueva York albergaba ocho de los diez principales códigos postales de los Estados Unidos por precio medio de vivienda, seis de ellos solo en Manhattan . [38] El área metropolitana de Nueva York es conocida por su variado paisaje y belleza natural, y contiene cinco de los diez lugares más ricos de Estados Unidos, según Bloomberg . Estos son Scarsdale, Nueva York ; Short Hills, Nueva Jersey ; Old Greenwich, Connecticut ; Bronxville, Nueva York ; y Darien, Connecticut . [39] La red de educación superior de la región metropolitana de Nueva York comprende cientos de colegios y universidades, incluidos los campus de cuatro universidades de la Ivy League : Columbia , Princeton , Yale y Cornell (en Cornell Tech y Weill Cornell Medicine ); los campus insignia de los sistemas de universidades públicas más grandes en SUNY Stony Brook y Rutgers ; y la Universidad de Nueva York , la Universidad Rockefeller y el Laboratorio Cold Spring Harbor , clasificados a nivel mundial .


Área estadística metropolitana

A continuación se enumeran los condados y grupos de condados que constituyen el área metropolitana de Nueva York, con cifras del censo de 2010:

Una vista nocturna del área metropolitana de Nueva York, con Long Island extendiéndose 120 millas (190 km) hacia el este desde Manhattan , el núcleo central del área.
Parte del parque interestatal Palisades , los acantilados de New Jersey Palisades en el condado de Bergen, Nueva Jersey , con vista al río Hudson , el Bronx y el Alto Manhattan en la ciudad de Nueva York
Rodeadas por el Océano Atlántico y el estrecho de Long Island , las ciudades de Nueva York y Long Island albergan a aproximadamente 11 millones de residentes combinados.
Área estadística combinada de Nueva York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA
Puente Bear Mountain , que conecta los condados de Westchester y Orange en el estado de Nueva York , a través del río Hudson

La Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto de los Estados Unidos utiliza dos definiciones de área urbanizada: el área estadística metropolitana (MSA) y el área estadística combinada (CSA). La definición de MSA se titula Área estadística metropolitana de Nueva York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA , e incluye una población de 20,3 millones de personas según las estimaciones del censo de 2017, aproximadamente 1 de cada 16 estadounidenses y casi 7 millones más que el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles , que ocupa el segundo lugar en los Estados Unidos. El MSA se subdivide a su vez en cuatro divisiones metropolitanas. El MSA de 23 condados incluye 10 condados en el estado de Nueva York (coextensivos con los cinco distritos de Nueva York, los dos condados restantes de Long Island y tres condados en el valle inferior del Hudson ); 12 condados en el norte y centro de Nueva Jersey ; y un condado en el noreste de Pensilvania . La zona urbanizada más grande de los Estados Unidos se encuentra en el corazón del área metropolitana, el área urbanizada de Nueva York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT , que tenía una superficie de 3450 millas cuadradas en 2010 según el censo de 2010. La parte del área metropolitana del estado de Nueva York, que incluye los cinco distritos de la ciudad de Nueva York, el valle inferior del Hudson y Long Island, representa más del 65 por ciento de la población del estado.

Área estadística metropolitana de Nueva York–Newark–Jersey City-Yonkers, NY–NJ–PA (19 043 386)

Área estadística combinada

Las áreas estadísticas combinadas (CSAs) agrupan áreas estadísticas adyacentes basadas en núcleos con un alto grado de interconexión económica. [40] El área estadística combinada de Nueva York–Newark, NY–NJ–CT–PA tenía una población estimada de 23,7 millones en 2014. [16] Aproximadamente uno de cada quince estadounidenses reside en esta región, que incluye ocho condados adicionales en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut y Pensilvania. Esta área, menos la parte de Pensilvania, a menudo se conoce como el área triestatal y, con menos frecuencia, la región triestatal . El área de mercado designada para televisión (DMA) de la ciudad de Nueva York incluye el condado de Pike, Pensilvania , [41] que también está incluido en la CSA.

Además de las áreas estadísticas metropolitanas (MSA) de Nueva York–Newark–Jersey City, NY–NJ–PA, las siguientes áreas estadísticas basadas en núcleos también están incluidas en la CSA de Nueva York–Newark, NY–NJ–CT–PA:


Monumento de High Point visto desde el lago Marcia en High Point en el condado de Sussex, Nueva Jersey , la elevación más alta de Nueva Jersey a 1.803 pies (550 m) sobre el nivel del mar. [42]

El área se divide frecuentemente en las siguientes subregiones: [43] [44]

Las ocho subregiones suelen subdividirse a su vez. Por ejemplo, Long Island se puede dividir en sus costas sur y norte (normalmente cuando se habla del condado de Nassau y el oeste del condado de Suffolk) y el East End . El valle del Hudson y Connecticut a veces se agrupan y se los denomina suburbios del norte, en gran medida debido al uso compartido del sistema ferroviario Metro-North . [45]


Según la clasificación climática de Köppen , la ciudad de Nueva York, el oeste (y partes del este) de Long Island y la costa de Jersey experimentan un clima subtropical húmedo ( Cfa ), [46] [47] y, por lo tanto, Nueva York es la ciudad principal más septentrional del continente norteamericano con este tipo de clima.

Gran parte del resto del área metropolitana se encuentra en la zona de transición de un clima subtropical húmedo ( Cfa ) a un clima continental húmedo ( Dfa ), [46] [47] y solo las áreas interiores, más exurbanas, más al norte y al oeste, como el condado de Sussex, Nueva Jersey, tienen un promedio diario de enero de −3 °C (26,6 °F) o menos y son completamente continentales húmedos; el régimen Dfb (subtipo de verano cálido) solo se encuentra en el interior a una mayor elevación, [46] y recibe mayores nevadas [48] que la región Dfa . Gran parte de Monroe y la mayor parte del condado de Pike en Pensilvania también tienen un clima continental completamente húmedo.

Los veranos en la zona suelen ser calurosos y húmedos. Las condiciones nocturnas en los cinco distritos de Nueva York y sus alrededores suelen verse exacerbadas por el fenómeno de la isla de calor urbana , y las temperaturas superan los 90 °F (32 °C) en promedio durante 7 u 8 días (en las inmediaciones de Long Island Sound y las costas atlánticas), hasta más de 27 días (suburbios del interior de Nueva Jersey) cada verano y pueden superar los 100 °F (38 °C). [ cita requerida ] Normalmente, las temperaturas cálidas a cálidas comienzan a mediados de mayo y duran hasta principios de octubre. Los veranos también presentan tormentas eléctricas pasajeras que se acumulan en el calor del día y luego dejan caer lluvias breves, pero intensas.

Los inviernos son fríos con una mezcla de lluvia y nieve. Aunque los vientos predominantes en invierno son de alta mar y atenúan los efectos moderadores del océano Atlántico, el Atlántico y la protección parcial de los Apalaches contra el aire más frío mantienen el área de Nueva York más cálida en el invierno que las áreas metropolitanas del interior de América del Norte ubicadas en latitudes similares o menores, incluidas Pittsburgh , Cincinnati e Indianápolis . Ocasionalmente, también pueden ocurrir períodos cálidos con temperaturas de 50 °F (10 °C) o más durante el invierno. [49] La zona de rusticidad en el área metropolitana de Nueva York varía en un amplio rango desde 5a en las áreas más altas de los condados de Dutchess, Monroe y Ulster hasta 7b en la mayor parte de la ciudad de Nueva York, así como en el condado de Hudson desde Bayonne hasta el lado este de Palisades hasta la Ruta 495, la mayor parte del condado de Nassau, la costa norte del condado de Monmouth y Copiague Harbor, Lindenhurst y Montauk en el condado de Suffolk. [50]

Casi toda el área metropolitana recibe al menos 1.070 mm de precipitación al año, que se distribuye de manera relativamente uniforme a lo largo del año, y muchas áreas reciben más de 1.270 mm. La nevada promedio en invierno de 1981 a 2010 varía desde poco menos de 64 cm a lo largo de la costa de Long Island hasta más de 127 cm en algunas áreas del interior, pero esto suele variar considerablemente de un año a otro. [51] Los huracanes y las tormentas tropicales han afectado al área de los tres estados en el pasado, aunque un impacto directo es poco frecuente. Varias áreas de Long Island, Nueva Jersey y la costa de Connecticut se han visto afectadas por graves mareas de tormenta en el pasado. Las áreas del interior se han visto afectadas por fuertes lluvias e inundaciones causadas por ciclones tropicales. [52]

El área metropolitana de Nueva York tiene un promedio de 234 días con al menos algo de sol y un 59% de luz solar posible al año, [53] acumulando entre 2.400 y 2.800 horas de sol al año. [54]


Ciudad de Nueva York

El centro geográfico, cultural y económico del área metropolitana es la ciudad de Nueva York, la ciudad más poblada de los Estados Unidos y ha sido descrita como la capital del mundo . [65] La ciudad consta de cinco distritos , cada uno de los cuales es colindante con un condado del estado de Nueva York . Los cinco distritos ( Brooklyn , Queens , Manhattan , el Bronx y Staten Island ) se consolidaron en una sola ciudad en 1898. [66] Con una población estimada por el censo de 8.335.897 en 2022 (8.467.513 en 2021 [67] [68] ), distribuida en una superficie de tan solo 305 millas cuadradas (790 km 2 ), [69] Nueva York es la ciudad principal más densamente poblada de los Estados Unidos. [70] Ciudad de poder global , [71] la ciudad de Nueva York ejerce un impacto significativo en el comercio, las finanzas, la atención médica y las ciencias de la vida , [26] los medios de comunicación, la gastronomía, el arte, la moda, la investigación, la tecnología, la educación y el entretenimiento, su ritmo rápido [72] [73] define el término minuto de Nueva York . [74] Hogar de la sede de las Naciones Unidas , [75] Nueva York es un centro importante para la diplomacia internacional . [76] Nueva York es una ciudad global [77] y ha sido descrita como la capital cultural , [78] [79] financiera , [31] [32] del entretenimiento , [65] y de los medios de comunicación [34] [35] del mundo, así como la ciudad económicamente más poderosa del mundo. [37] [32] [80] [33]

Isla larga

Un cartel de bienvenida en Garden City en el condado de Nassau en Long Island
Westhampton , condado de Suffolk, Nueva York , en el extremo este de Long Island en diciembre de 2008

Long Island , la isla más poblada de los Estados Unidos, está situada frente a la costa noreste de los Estados Unidos y es una región totalmente incluida tanto en el estado estadounidense de Nueva York como en el área metropolitana de Nueva York. La isla, que se extiende 190 kilómetros al este-noreste de Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, desde el puerto de Nueva York hasta el océano Atlántico , comprende cuatro condados: Kings y Queens (que forman los distritos neoyorquinos de Brooklyn y Queens , respectivamente) al oeste; luego Nassau y Suffolk al este. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas en el área metropolitana de Nueva York (incluso las que viven en Queens y Brooklyn) usan coloquialmente el término "Long Island" (o "La Isla") exclusivamente para referirse al área del condado de Nassau-Suffolk colectivamente, que es principalmente de carácter suburbano . [81] Al norte de la isla se encuentra Long Island Sound , al otro lado del cual se encuentran los estados estadounidenses de Connecticut y Rhode Island .

Con una población de 8.063.232 habitantes enumerados en el censo de EE. UU. de 2020 , que constituye casi el 40% de la población del estado de Nueva York, [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] la mayoría de los residentes de la ciudad de Nueva York, el 58,4% en 2020, viven en Long Island, es decir, los 4.896.398 residentes estimados que viven en los distritos de Brooklyn y Queens de la ciudad de Nueva York . [87] Long Island es la isla más poblada de cualquier estado o territorio de EE. UU. y la decimoséptima isla más poblada del mundo (por delante de Irlanda , Jamaica y Hokkaidō ). Su densidad de población es de 5.571 habitantes por milla cuadrada (2.151/km 2 ). Si Long Island constituyera geográficamente un área estadística metropolitana independiente, ocuparía el cuarto lugar más poblado de los Estados Unidos; Mientras que si fuera un estado de EE. UU., Long Island ocuparía el puesto 13 en población y el primero en densidad de población . Queens es el área urbana con mayor diversidad étnica del mundo. [88] [89] La ciudad de Hempstead en el condado de Nassau, con una población estimada de 770.367 en 2016, es el municipio más poblado del área metropolitana de Nueva York fuera de la ciudad de Nueva York. [90]

Long Island es también la decimoséptima isla más poblada del mundo , pero es más conocida por la recreación, la navegación y kilómetros de playas públicas, incluidos numerosos parques municipales, de condado y estatales, así como Fire Island National Seashore y enclaves residenciales costeros ricos y costosos. A lo largo de la costa norte, Gold Coast de Long Island , que aparece en la película El gran Gatsby , es una sección exclusiva de los condados de Nassau y Suffolk occidental que alguna vez contó con muchas mansiones lujosas construidas y habitadas por magnates de negocios adinerados en los primeros años del siglo XX, de las cuales solo quedan unas pocas preservadas como sitios históricos. El East End de Long Island (conocido como "Twin Forks" debido a su forma física) cuenta con espacios abiertos para tierras de cultivo y bodegas . South Fork, en particular, comprende numerosos pueblos y aldeas conocidos colectivamente como " The Hamptons " y tiene una reputación internacional como un "patio de recreo para los ricos y famosos", con algunas de las comunidades más ricas de los Estados Unidos. En 2015, según Business Insider , el código postal 11962 que abarca Sagaponack , dentro de Southampton , fue catalogado como el más caro en los EE. UU. por el sitio de listados de bienes raíces Property Shark, con un precio de venta promedio de una vivienda de $ 5,125,000. [91] Durante la temporada de verano, muchas celebridades y los ricos visitan o residen en mansiones y casas frente al mar, mientras que otros pasan los fines de semana disfrutando de las playas, jardines, bares, restaurantes y discotecas.

Long Island cuenta con una red de autopistas y vías rápidas , siendo la Long Island Expressway , la Northern State Parkway y la Southern State Parkway las principales rutas este-oeste que atraviesan importantes partes de la isla. El acceso al tren de cercanías lo proporciona la Autoridad Metropolitana de Transporte (MTA) Long Island Rail Road , uno de los ferrocarriles de cercanías más grandes de los Estados Unidos. Las necesidades de viajes aéreos son atendidas por varios aeropuertos. Dentro de Queens, la isla alberga el Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy y el Aeropuerto LaGuardia , dos de los tres principales centros de operaciones de las aerolíneas que dan servicio al área de Nueva York (siendo el Aeropuerto Internacional Newark Liberty el tercero; los tres aeropuertos principales son operados por la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey). El Aeropuerto MacArthur de Long Island (que da servicio a aerolíneas comerciales) y el Aeropuerto Farmingdale/Republic (vuelos privados y de cercanías) se encuentran ambos en el condado de Suffolk.

Valle inferior del Hudson

Conocido por su terreno montañoso , entornos pintorescos y pequeñas ciudades y pueblos pintorescos , el Valle Inferior del Hudson está centrado alrededor del río Hudson al norte de la ciudad de Nueva York y se encuentra dentro del estado de Nueva York. Los condados de Westchester y Putnam están ubicados en el lado este del río, y los condados de Rockland y Orange están ubicados en el lado oeste del río. Los condados de Westchester y Rockland están conectados por el puente New Tappan Zee , muy transitado , así como por el puente Bear Mountain cerca de sus extremos norte. Varias ramas del ferrocarril MTA Metro-North sirven a los viajeros en tren de la región. El sur del condado de Westchester contiene áreas más densamente pobladas e incluye las ciudades de Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle y White Plains. Muchas de las comunidades suburbanas de Westchester son conocidas por su riqueza y gastos (algunos ejemplos: Bronxville, Scarsdale, Chappaqua, Armonk, Katonah y Briarcliff Manor). Las ciudades ribereñas de Rockland a lo largo del río Hudson, incluidas Nyack y Piermont , son conocidas por su vibrante oferta gastronómica y artística. El 30 % de la superficie de Rockland está designada como parque con paisajes impresionantes, que atraen a muchos visitantes del área triestatal. En los últimos años, el alto costo de la vivienda en el valle inferior del Hudson, además del aumento de las oportunidades de trabajo remoto, ha hecho que algunos se muden más al norte, al valle medio del Hudson.

Históricamente, el valle albergaba muchas fábricas, incluidas papeleras, pero un número significativo de ellas han cerrado. Tras años de contaminación persistente, actualmente se están planificando esfuerzos de limpieza para mejorar la calidad del agua del río Hudson, que serán supervisados ​​por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA). [92]

Valle del Mid-Hudson

La región del valle medio del Hudson del estado de Nueva York se encuentra a medio camino entre la ciudad de Nueva York y la capital del estado, Albany . El área incluye los condados de Dutchess , Ulster y Sullivan , así como las partes del norte del condado de Orange , y las principales ciudades de la región son Poughkeepsie , Newburgh , Kingston y Beacon . La pasarela sobre el Hudson es el segundo puente peatonal más largo del mundo. Cruza el río Hudson y conecta Poughkeepsie y Highland . El Dutchess Rail Trail, de 21 kilómetros de largo, se extiende desde Hopewell Junction hasta el comienzo de la pasarela sobre el Hudson en Poughkeepsie. El área alberga el distrito escolar central de Wappingers , que es el segundo distrito escolar más grande del estado de Nueva York . El paseo marítimo de Newburgh, en la ciudad de Newburgh, alberga muchos restaurantes de alta gama.

La ruta 9 de EE. UU. , la I-84 y la Taconic State Parkway pasan por el condado de Dutchess. La estación de tren de Metro-North Railroad , New Hamburg , está ubicada en la ciudad de Poughkeepsie y va desde Poughkeepsie hasta Grand Central Terminal en la ciudad de Nueva York .

Norte de Nueva Jersey

Las Grandes Cataratas del río Passaic en Paterson, Nueva Jersey , que se dedicaron como Parque Histórico Nacional en noviembre de 2011, incorporan una de las cascadas más grandes de la costa este de los EE. UU. [93]
El centro de Trenton en el condado de Mercer , incluida la Casa del Estado de Nueva Jersey coronada por su cúpula dorada, junto al río Delaware
Centro de New Brunswick, Nueva Jersey , un distrito educativo y cultural

El norte de Nueva Jersey , también conocido coloquialmente como North Jersey, generalmente se define como el área que comprende los siguientes condados:

El Departamento de Turismo del Estado de Nueva Jersey divide el norte de Nueva Jersey en la región urbana Gateway y la región más rural Skylands . El norte de Nueva Jersey alberga cuatro de las ciudades más grandes de ese estado: Newark , Jersey City , Paterson y Elizabeth .

La región es geográficamente diversa, con humedales , montañas y valles por toda la zona. Tiene una gran red de autopistas y servicios de transporte público por ferrocarril , en su mayoría operados por New Jersey Transit . El norte de Nueva Jersey también contiene el segundo aeropuerto más transitado del área metropolitana de Nueva York, el Aeropuerto Internacional Newark Liberty .

Aunque es una región suburbana y rural de Nueva York , gran parte de la región Gateway está altamente urbanizada. La totalidad del condado de Hudson, el este del condado de Essex, el sur del condado de Passaic y Elizabeth en el condado de Union son áreas densamente pobladas.

Centro de Nueva Jersey

La Casa de la Montaña Mohonk en el condado de Ulster, Nueva York , en el valle del Hudson , fue designada Monumento Histórico Nacional en 1986. [94]
Sugarloaf Hill en el condado de Putnam, Nueva York, en el valle del Hudson
Un ciervo en Highland Park, Nueva Jersey

El centro de Jersey es la parte central de Nueva Jersey . Municipios como Trenton (la capital del estado de Nueva Jersey y la única capital de estado de EE. UU. dentro del área metropolitana de Nueva York) y Princeton , sede de la Universidad de Princeton , se encuentran en esta subregión, al igual que una parte importante de la costa de Jersey . Las principales conexiones de transporte incluyen la autopista de peaje de Nueva Jersey y el corredor noreste , que dividen el centro de Jersey. Aunque el centro de Jersey no tiene límites oficialmente definidos, generalmente comprende los siguientes condados:

Oeste de Connecticut

Área de esquí de Mohawk Mountain en Cornualles , en las montañas Berkshire

Los condados de Fairfield, New Haven y Litchfield en el oeste de Connecticut (como el estado en general) son conocidos por su opulencia. Las grandes empresas están dispersas por toda la zona, principalmente en el condado de Fairfield. El terreno es llano a lo largo de la costa con colinas bajas que eventualmente dan paso a colinas más grandes como The Berkshires más al interior, hasta la frontera con Massachusetts . La mayoría de las ciudades más grandes del estado se encuentran en el condado de New Haven (sede de la Universidad de Yale ) y el condado de Fairfield.

El lago Candlewood es el lago recreativo más grande del área metropolitana de Nueva York. El lago se encuentra dentro de la región de Greater Danbury y es el hogar de muchas segundas residencias de los residentes de la ciudad de Nueva York.

Condado de Pike, Pensilvania

Cataratas Dingmans en el área recreativa nacional Delaware Water Gap en el condado de Pike, Pensilvania, en el noreste de Pensilvania

El condado de Pike, Pensilvania , está ubicado en el noreste de Pensilvania . Según el censo de 2010, la población era de 57.369 habitantes. [95] Su sede es Milford . [96] Parte de la región de las montañas Pocono se encuentra dentro del condado de Pike, que se ha clasificado entre los condados de más rápido crecimiento de Pensilvania. [97]


Principales ciudades y pueblos

Centro de Stamford en el condado de Fairfield, Connecticut
El Distrito Histórico Verde de New Haven en Connecticut , que fue designado Distrito Histórico Nacional en 1970 [98]
Vista aérea de Newark, Nueva Jersey , la ciudad más poblada de Nueva Jersey
Biblioteca pública de Yonkers en Yonkers , condado de Westchester, Nueva York
Museo Barnum en Bridgeport, Connecticut , la ciudad más poblada del condado de Fairfield
Paterson , en el condado de Passaic, Nueva Jersey, conocida como la "Ciudad de la Seda", [99] vista aquí desde la reserva de Garret Mountain , es un destino privilegiado para un grupo diverso de inmigrantes internacionales . [100] [101]

La siguiente es una lista de "ciudades principales" y sus respectivas estimaciones de población del Censo de los EE. UU . de 2020. Las ciudades principales incluyen aquellas con poblaciones de más de 100 000 habitantes o centros laborales, culturales, educativos y económicos importantes. [102] [c]

Áreas urbanas

Áreas urbanas dentro del área estadística combinada de la ciudad de Nueva York a partir del censo de 2020. En el núcleo del área estadística combinada de Nueva York (CSA) se encuentra el área urbana de Nueva York– Jersey CityNewark , NY–NJ , la más grande de los Estados Unidos tanto por área como por población. Dentro de los límites del CSA, la Oficina del Censo también define otras 32 áreas urbanas, algunas de las cuales forman el núcleo de sus propias áreas metropolitanas que no se encuentran dentro del área estadística metropolitana de Nueva York. [103] Las áreas urbanas situadas principalmente fuera del área estadística metropolitana de Nueva York pero dentro del CSA se identifican con una cruz (†).
  Áreas urbanas
  Condados en el Área Estadística Metropolitana de Nueva York
  Condados en el CSA de Nueva York pero no en el MSA


Un dibujo a lápiz de dos hombres con ropa holandesa del siglo XVI que presentan una caja abierta con artículos a un grupo de nativos americanos con tocados de plumas, estereotípicos de las tribus de las llanuras.
Peter Minuit, who purchased Manhattan in 1626

During the Wisconsinan glaciation, the region was situated at the edge of a large ice sheet over 1,000 feet in depth. The ice sheet scraped away large amounts of soil, leaving the bedrock that serves as the geologic foundation for much of the New York metropolitan region today. Later on, the ice sheet would help split apart what are now Long Island and Staten Island.

Una pintura de una costa salpicada de casas con techos rojos y un molino de viento, con varios barcos con mástiles navegando cerca de la costa bajo un cielo azul.
New Amsterdam, including present-day Lower Manhattan, in 1664, the year England took control and renamed it New York

At the time of European contact the region was inhabited by Native Americans, predominantly the Lenape,[104] and others. The Native Americans used the abundant waterways in the area for many purposes, such as fishing and trade routes. Sailing for France in 1524, Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to enter the local waters and encounter the residents, but he did not make landfall. Henry Hudson, sailing for the Dutch in 1609, visited the area and built a settlement on Lower Manhattan Island that was eventually renamed New Amsterdam by Dutch colonists in 1626.[105] In 1664, the area went under English control,[105][106] and was later renamed New York after King Charles II of England granted the lands to his brother, the Duke of York.[107][108]

As the fur trade expanded further north, New York became a trading hub, which brought in a diverse set of ethnic groups including Africans, Jews, and Portuguese. The island of Manhattan had an extraordinary natural harbor formed by New York Bay (actually the drowned lower river valley of the Hudson River, enclosed by glacial moraines), the East River, which is a tidal strait, and the Hudson River, all of which merge at the southern tip, from which all later development spread. During the American Revolution, the strategic waterways made New York vitally important as a wartime base for the British navy. Many battles such as the Battle of Long Island and the Battle of New York were fought in the region to secure it. New York was captured by the British early in the war, becoming a haven for Loyalist refugees from other parts of the country, and remained in the hands of the British until the war ended in 1783. New York served as the capital of the United States from 1785 until 1790,[109] after which the capital moved to Philadelphia. New York has been the country's largest city since 1790.[110] In 1792, the Buttonwood Agreement, made by a group of merchants, created what is now the New York Stock Exchange in Lower Manhattan. Today, many people in the metropolitan area work in this important stock exchange.

Liberty Enlightening the World, known as the Statue of Liberty, on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, a globally recognized symbol of both the United States and its ideals of freedom, democracy, and opportunity.[111]

The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor greeted millions of immigrants as they came to America by ship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries[112] and is a globally recognized symbol of the United States and its democracy.[113] Large-scale immigration into New York was a result of a large demand for manpower. A cosmopolitan attitude in the city created tolerance for various cultures and ethnic groups. German, Irish, and Italian immigrants were among the largest ethnic groups. Today, many of their descendants continue to live in the region. Cultural buildings such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Opera, and the American Museum of Natural History were built. New York newspapers were read around the country as media moguls James Gordon Bennett, Sr., Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst battled for readership. In 1884, over 70% of exports passed through ports in New York or in one of the surrounding towns. The five boroughs of New York — The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island — were consolidated into a single city in 1898.[114][115]

The main concourse of Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan, which opened in 1913

The newly unified New York City encouraged both more physical connections between the boroughs and the growth of bedroom communities. The New York City Subway began operating in 1904 as the Interborough Rapid Transit Company, one of three systems (the other two being the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation and the Independent Subway System) that were later taken over by the city. Railroad stations such as Grand Central Terminal and Pennsylvania Station helped fuel suburban growth. During the era of the Prohibition, when alcohol was banned nationwide, organized crime grew to supply the high demand for bootleg alcohol. The Broadway Theater District began to develop with the opening of the New York Subway in 1904 and, by the early part of the twentieth century, had been made world-famous as New York's theatrical and entertainment center through popular musical productions like Ziegfeld Follies and Show Boat and the opening of multiple large, extravagantly decorated theatres in the area spanning Broadway from 47th to 42nd Streets.

The Great Depression suspended the region's fortunes as a period of widespread unemployment and poverty began. City planner Robert Moses began his automobile-centered career of building bridges, parkways, and later expressways across the tri-state area. During World War II, the city economy was hurt by blockades of German U-boats, which limited shipping with Europe.

United Nations Headquarters, established in Midtown Manhattan in 1952

After its population peaked in 1950, a significant portion of the city's population left for the suburbs of New York over the following decades. The effects were a result of white flight. Industry and commerce also declined in this era, with businesses relocating to the suburbs or other regions. The era also saw an increase in the construction of housing projects for the city's low-income population under the New York City Housing Authority, coinciding with the destruction of communities to construct interstate highways to link the city with its suburbs. The city, particularly Brooklyn, was dealt a psychological as well as an economic blow with the loss of the iconic Brooklyn Dodgers major-league baseball team, which moved to Los Angeles after the 1957 season. Crime affected the city severely. Urban renewal projects alleviated decay in poorer neighborhoods to a certain extent, but many of these later proved to be failures and caused unanticipated consequences like ghettoization, informal racial segregation in housing, and disruption of the organic urban fabric that made the city's neighborhoods cohesive and healthy places to live. There was little reported social unrest during the Northeast Blackout of 1965, but the New York City Blackout of 1977 led to massive rioting, looting, and arson in some parts of the city. In addition, the 1970s recession crippled traditional industries such as manufacturing in the New York City region. A rare positive highlight of the period was the completion of the original World Trade Center, a massive office complex in New York's Financial District whose iconic, 110-story Twin Towers for a short time stood as the world's tallest buildings.

In the 1980s, the city's economy was booming, particularly in the financial sector. Wall Street was fueling an economic surge in the real estate market, and later the dot-com bubble. Despite this, crime was still an issue. This was exacerbated by the crack epidemic, with the New York City area being one of the major ports of entry for narcotics entering the United States. Neighborhoods such as the South Bronx became prime examples of late 20th century urban decay. Beginning in the 1990s, however, crime dropped substantially due to tough on crime policies. Crime in New York City has continued to decline through the 21st century.

The September 11th attacks in 2001 were pivotal in the region and nation's history. The attacks killed nearly 3,000 people as two planes crashed into the former World Trade Center and caused the towers to collapse. Businesses led an exodus from Lower Manhattan because of this but were replaced by an increased number of high-rise residences and a building boom in New York continues to this day.

In 2003, another blackout occurred, the 2003 North America blackout, but the city suffered no looting.

A flooded Avenue C in Manhattan just moments before the explosion at an electrical substation

On October 29 and 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused extensive destruction in the metropolitan area, ravaging portions of the Atlantic coastline with record-high storm surge, severe flooding, and high winds, causing power outages for millions of residents via downed trees and power lines and malfunctions at electrical substations, leading to gasoline shortages and snarling mass transit systems. Damage to New York and New Jersey in terms of physical infrastructure and private property as well as including interrupted commerce was estimated at several tens of billions of dollars.[116] The storm and its profound impacts have prompted the discussion of constructing seawalls and other coastal barriers around the shorelines of the metropolitan area to minimize the risk of destructive consequences from another such event in the future.[117][118]

One World Trade Center, also known as Freedom Tower, was completed in 2014 to replace the fallen Twin Towers.

The 2017–2021 New York City transit crisis, which began with what media outlets referred to as the 2017 "summer of hell," led New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to declare a state of emergency. The crisis was due to the interaction of multiple severe problems in the New York City Subway system and in New York City bus lines, as well as at Penn Station, the final stop on several of the commuter lines connecting New York City with other parts of the metropolitan area. Its root causes included long-term neglect of critical infrastructure and lack of adequate funding for ongoing operations, among others. The state of emergency was formally ended on June 30, 2021.

Statistical history

Little Italy on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, c. 1900

The U.S. Census Bureau first designated metropolitan areas in 1950 as standard metropolitan areas (SMAs). The "New York–Northeastern NJ SMA" was defined to include 17 counties: 9 in New York (the five boroughs of New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland) and 8 in New Jersey (Bergen, Hudson, Passaic, Essex, Union, Morris, Somerset, and Middlesex). In 1960, the metropolitan area standards were modified and renamed standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs). The new standards resulted in the splitting of the former SMA into several pieces: the nine New York counties became the "New York SMSA"; three of the New Jersey counties (Essex, Union, and Morris) became the "Newark SMSA"; two other New Jersey counties (Bergen and Passaic) became the "Paterson–Passaic–Clifton SMSA"; Hudson County was designated the "Jersey City SMSA"; and Middlesex and Somerset counties lost their metropolitan status. In 1973, a new set of metropolitan area standards resulted in further changes: Nassau and Suffolk counties were split off as their own SMSA ("Nassau–Suffolk SMSA"); Bergen County (originally part of the Paterson–Clifton–Passaic SMSA) was transferred to the New York SMSA; the New York SMSA also received Putnam County (previously non-metropolitan); Somerset County was added to the Newark SMSA; and two new SMSAs, the "New Brunswick–Perth Amboy–Sayreville SMSA" (Middlesex County) and "Long Branch–Asbury Park SMSA" (Monmouth County), were established. In 1983, the concept of a consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) was first implemented. A CMSA consisted of several primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs), which were individual employment centers within a wider labor market area. The "New York–Northern New Jersey–Long Island CMSA" consisted of 12 PMSAs.

Unisphere in Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, iconic of Queens, the most ethnically diverse U.S. county and a borough of New York[119][120]

Seven PMSAs were based on the original 1950 New York SMA that were split up: New York, Bergen–Passaic, Jersey City, Middlesex–Somerset–Hunterdon (Hunterdon added for the first time), Monmouth–Ocean (Ocean added for the first time), Nassau–Suffolk, and Newark (Sussex added for the first time). One additional PMSA was the Orange County PMSA (previously the Newburgh–Middletown SMSA). The other four PMSAs were former SMSAs in Connecticut: Bridgeport, Stamford, Norwalk, and Danbury. In 1993, four PMSAs were added to the New York–Northern New Jersey–Long Island CMSA: Trenton PMSA (Mercer County), Dutchess County PMSA, Waterbury PMSA, and New Haven PMSA. Several new counties were also added to the CMSA: Sussex, Warren, and Pike. The CMSA model was originally utilized for tabulating data from the 2000 census. In 2003, a new set of standards was established using the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) model was adopted and remains in use as of 2010. The CBSA model resulted in the splitting up of the old CMSA into several metropolitan statistical areas: New York–Northern New Jersey–Long Island, Poughkeepsie–Newburgh–Middletown, Trenton–Princeton, Bridgeport–Stamford–Norwalk (includes Danbury), and New Haven–Milford (includes Waterbury). In 2013, the Census Bureau added Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, and Monroe counties in Pennsylvania, and Warren County, New Jersey (encompassing collectively the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ MSA and the East Stroudsburg, PA MSA), to the Combined Statistical Area,[121] and assimilated Poughkeepsie–Newburgh–Middletown into the larger New York–Northern New Jersey–Long Island–NY–NJ–PA MSA. In 2018, the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ MSA was removed from the Combined Statistical Area.[122]

Proposals for the region

The metropolitan region has never had separate political representation from the rest of their original states. This has to do with disagreements in the desired model and the constitutional complexity of the metropolitan region being cross-state. Within the State of New York over the last 30 years,[123] discussions have emerged of splitting the states into different regions with separate governors and legislators whilst remaining part of the same state — as opposed to seeing New York and its metropolitan area being split into a separate state.[124][125] The idea has been seen by Republicans in the state as an opportunity to dislocate the Democratic party's hold in the state legislature.[126][127]

The discussion surrounding the re-organization of New York State has commonly been in two models: The two-region model creates a "downstate" New York region which would consist of all five New York City boroughs, Long Island's Nassau and Suffolk counties, and Westchester and Rockland counties, then Upstate would be the remaining 53;[126][124] and the three-region model is New York having five counties; Montauk would consist of Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, and Westchester counties and; New Amsterdam would be the remaining portion of New York State.[126][125][128] This debate was reported as recent as February 2019, when Republican state Senator Daphne Jordan supported the state being split into two states;[126][124] however, it was believed that the proposal would require an act of congress for it to be passed.[129]


India Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, known as Little Bombay,[130] home to the highest concentration of Asian Indians in the Western Hemisphere.[131]
Bergen County, New Jersey, home to each of the top ten municipalities by percentage of Korean population, led by Palisades Park (above), a borough where Koreans constitute the majority (52%) of the population[132][133]
Spanish Harlem Orchestra in Spanish Harlem; New York City is home to nearly three million Latino Americans, the largest Hispanic population of any city outside Latin America and Spain
Several men in red and yellow outfits carry a colorful paper dragon in the street while onlookers watch behind police barriers.
Chinatown in Manhattan, home to the largest population of Chinese people outside of Asia, with over 750,000 as of 2013.[134][135]

2020 census

2010 census

As of the 2010 Census, the metropolitan area had a population of 22,085,649. The population density was 1,865 per square mile. The racial markup was 51.7% White (non-Latino), 21.7% Latino, 15.3% African-American, 9.0% Asian-American, 0.16% Native American and Alaskan Native, 0.03% Pacific Islands American, 0.5% Other, and 1.6% Multiracial.[137]

The median age was 37.9. 25.5% were under 18, 9.5% were 18 to 24 years, 28% were 25 to 44 years of age, 26.6% were 45 to 64 years old, and 13.2% were over the age of 65. Males composed 48.3% of the population while females were 51.7% of the population.[citation needed]

97.7% of the population were in households, 2.3% were in group quarters, and 1% were institutionalized. There were 8,103,731 households, of which 30.2% or 2,449,343 had children. 46.1% or 3,736,165 were composed of opposite sex and married couples. Male households with no wife composed 4.9% or 400,534. 15.0% or 1,212,436 were female households with no husbands. 34% or 2,754,596 were non-family households. The household density was 684 per square mile. 91.9% of housing units were occupied with a 3.8% vacancy rate. The average household size was 2.65 per household. The average income for non-family households was $90,335, and the average income for families was $104,715. 13.3% or 2,888,493 of the population were below the poverty line.[citation needed]

26.7% or 5,911,993 of the population were born outside the United States. Out of this, most (50.6% or 2,992,639) were born in Latin America, 27.0% or 1,595,523 were born in Asia, 17.4% or 1,028,506 were born in Europe, 3.8% or 224,109 were born in Africa, and 0.2% or 11,957 were born in Oceania.[citation needed]

Population estimates

The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, considered the "worldwide symbol of Christmas", is an annual staple of the New York metropolitan area during the Holiday season[138]
The New York metropolitan area is home to the largest gay and bisexual community in the United States and one of the world's largest.[139][140]

As of 2020, the United States Census Bureau estimated the population of the New York combined statistical area at 23,582,649, the most populous in the United States and one of the world's most populous urban agglomerations. The increase in the population of the combined statistical area was distributed across the portions of the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania which together constitute the greater New York City metropolitan area.

The New York metropolitan region is ethnically diverse. Asian Americans in New York City, according to the 2010 Census, number more than one million, greater than the combined totals of San Francisco and Los Angeles.[141] New York contains the highest total Asian population of any U.S. city proper.[142] The New York borough of Queens is home to the state's largest Asian American population and the largest Andean (Colombian, Ecuadorian, Peruvian, Chilean and Bolivian) populations in the United States, and is also the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world.[143][144] The Han Chinese population constitutes the fastest-growing ethnicity in New York State; multiple satellites of the original Manhattan Chinatown (紐約華埠), in Brooklyn (布鲁克林華埠), and around Flushing, Queens (法拉盛華埠), are thriving as traditionally urban enclaves, while also expanding rapidly eastward into suburban Nassau County.[145] on Long Island,[146] as the New York metropolitan region and New York State have become the top destinations for new Chinese immigrants, respectively, and large-scale Chinese immigration continues into New York City and surrounding areas.[147][148][149][150][151][152] In 2012, 6.3% of New York was of Chinese ethnicity, with nearly three-fourths living in either Queens or Brooklyn, geographically on Long Island.[153] In particular, the New York area has over 100,000 Fuzhounese people.[154] A community numbering 20,000 Korean-Chinese (Chaoxianzu (Chinese: 朝鲜族) or Joseonjok (Korean조선족)) is centered in Flushing, Queens, while New York is also home to the largest Tibetan population outside China, India, and Nepal, also centered in Queens.[155] Koreans made up 1.2% of the city's population, and Japanese 0.3%. Filipinos were the largest Southeast Asian ethnic group at 0.8%, followed by Vietnamese, who made up 0.2% of New York's population in 2010. Indians are the largest South Asian group, accounting for 2.4% of the city's population, with Bangladeshis and Pakistanis at 0.7% and 0.5%, respectively.[156] Queens is the preferred borough of settlement for Asian Indians, Koreans, and Filipinos,[157] as well as Malaysians[20] and other Southeast Asians;[158] while Brooklyn is receiving large numbers of both West Indian[159] as well as Asian Indian immigrants.

New York has the largest European and non-Hispanic white population of any American city. At 2.7 million in 2012, New York's non-Hispanic white population is larger than the non-Hispanic white populations of Los Angeles (1.1 million), Chicago (865,000), and Houston (550,000) combined.[160] The European diaspora residing in the city is very diverse. According to 2012 Census estimates, there were roughly 560,000 Italian Americans, 385,000 Irish Americans, 253,000 German Americans, 223,000 Russian Americans, 201,000 Polish Americans, and 137,000 English Americans. Additionally, Greek and French Americans numbered 65,000 each, with those of Hungarian descent estimated at 60,000 people. Ukrainian and Scottish Americans numbered 55,000 and 35,000, respectively. People identifying ancestry from Spain numbered 30,838 total in 2010.[161] People of Norwegian and Swedish descent both stood at about 20,000 each, while people of Czech, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Scotch-Irish, and Welsh descent all numbered between 12,000 and 14,000 people.[162] Arab Americans number over 160,000 in New York City,[163] with the highest concentration in Brooklyn. Central Asians, primarily Uzbek Americans, are a rapidly growing segment of the city's non-Hispanic white population, enumerating over 30,000, and including over half of all Central Asian immigrants to the United States,[164] most settling in Queens or Brooklyn. Albanian Americans are most highly concentrated in the Bronx.[165]

The wider New York metropolitan area is also ethnically diverse.[166] The New York metropolitan area is home the largest African American/Black population in the nation with nearly four million.[167] The New York region continues to be by far the leading metropolitan gateway for legal immigrants admitted into the United States, substantially exceeding the combined totals of Los Angeles and Miami, the next most popular gateway regions.[168][169][170][171] It is home to the largest Jewish as well as Israeli communities outside Israel, with the Jewish population in the region numbering over 1.5 million in 2012 and including many diverse Jewish sects from around the Middle East and Eastern Europe.[155] The metropolitan area is also home to 20% of the nation's Indian Americans and at least 20 Little India enclaves, as well as 15% of all Korean Americans and four Koreatowns;[172][173] the largest Asian Indian population in the Western Hemisphere; the largest Russian American,[147] Italian American, and African American populations; the largest Dominican American, Puerto Rican American, and South American[147] and second-largest overall Hispanic population in the United States, numbering 4.8 million;[161] and includes at least 6 established Chinatowns within New York City alone,[174] with the urban agglomeration consisting of a population of 819,527 uniracial overseas Chinese as of 2014 Census estimates,[175] the largest outside of Asia.[134][135]

Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, and Brazil were the top source countries from South America for legal immigrants to the New York region in 2013; the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean; Egypt, Ghana, and Nigeria from Africa; and El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala in Central America.[176] Amidst a resurgence of Puerto Rican migration to New York City, this population had increased to approximately 1.3 million in the metropolitan area as of 2013.

New York City has been described as the gay capital of the world, and is home to one of the world's largest LGBTQ populations and the most prominent.[177] The New York metropolitan area is home to a self-identifying gay and bisexual community estimated at 568,903 individuals, the largest in the United States and one of the world's largest.[139][140] Same-sex marriages in New York were legalized on June 24, 2011, and were authorized to take place beginning 30 days thereafter.[178] The annual New York City Pride March (or gay pride parade) traverses southward down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, ending at Greenwich Village, and is the largest pride parade in the world, attracting tens of thousands of participants and millions of sidewalk spectators each June.[179]


The 2014 Pew Religious Landscape Survey showed that the religious makeup of the New York metro area was as follows:


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on the North Shore of Long Island, an internationally renowned biomedical research facility and home to eight scientists awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

The New York City regional economy is the largest in the world, with a GDP of US$2.5 trillion in 2022, which would rank 8th among sovereign countries. Many Fortune 500 corporations are headquartered in New York,[183] as are a large number of foreign corporations. One out of ten private sector jobs in the city is with a foreign company.[184] In 2012 and 2015, New York topped the first and second Global Economic Power Index lists, respectively, as published by The Atlantic, with cities ranked according to criteria reflecting their presence on five different lists as published by five separate entities.[37][185] Finance, international trade, new and traditional media, real estate, education, fashion and entertainment, tourism, biotechnology, and manufacturing are the leading industries in the area. Along with its wealth, the area has a cost of living that is the highest in the United States.

Gross Domestic Product by County

Wall Street

NYSE on Wall Street, the world's largest stock market by total market capitalization of listed companies.[186][187]
Manhattan's Flatiron District was the cradle of Silicon Alley, now metonymous for the New York metropolitan region's high tech sector, which has since expanded beyond the area.[188]

The New York metropolitan area's most important economic sector lies in its role as the headquarters for the U.S. financial industry, metonymously known as Wall Street. Anchored by Wall Street, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York has been called both the most economically powerful city and the leading financial center of the world,[37][189][190][191][192] and the city is home to the world's two largest stock exchanges by total market capitalization, the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.[186][187] The city's securities industry, enumerating 163,400 jobs in August 2013, continues to form the largest segment of the city's financial sector and an important economic engine, accounting in 2012 for 5 percent of the city's private sector jobs, 8.5 percent (US$3.8 billion) of its tax revenue, and 22 percent of the city's total wages, including an average salary of US$360,700.[193]

Manhattan had approximately 520 million square feet (48.1 million m2) of office space in 2013,[194] making it the largest office market in the United States,[195] while Midtown Manhattan is the largest central business district in the nation.[196]

Lower Manhattan is the third-largest central business district in the United States and is home to both the New York Stock Exchange, on Wall Street, and the NASDAQ, at 165 Broadway, representing the world's largest and second largest stock exchanges, respectively, when measured both by overall average daily trading volume and by total market capitalization of their listed companies in 2013.[187] Wall Street investment banking fees in 2012 totaled approximately US$40 billion,[197] while in 2013, senior New York bank officers who manage risk and compliance functions earned as much as US$324,000 annually.[198]

In July 2013, NYSE Euronext, the operator of the New York Stock Exchange, took over the administration of the London interbank offered rate from the British Bankers Association.[199]

Many Wall Street firms have added or moved auxiliary financial or technical operations into Jersey City, to take advantage of New Jersey's relatively lower commercial real estate and rental prices, while offering continued geographic proximity to Manhattan's financial industry ecosystem.[200]

Tech and biotech

Silicon Alley, centered in New York, has evolved into a metonym for the sphere encompassing the metropolitan region's high technology industries[201] involving the internet, new media, financial technology (fintech) and cryptocurrency, telecommunications, digital media, software development, biotechnology, game design, and other fields within information technology that are supported by its entrepreneurship ecosystem and venture capital investments. High technology startup companies and employment are growing in New York and across the metropolitan region, bolstered by the city's emergence as a global node of creativity and entrepreneurship, social tolerance,[202] and environmental sustainability,[203][204] as well as New York's position as the leading Internet hub and telecommunications center in North America, including its vicinity to several transatlantic fiber optic trunk lines,[205] the city's intellectual capital, and its extensive outdoor wireless connectivity.[206] Verizon Communications, headquartered at 140 West Street in Lower Manhattan, was at the final stages in 2014 of completing a US$3 billion fiberoptic telecommunications upgrade throughout New York City.[207]

The biotechnology sector is also growing in the New York metropolitan region, based upon its strength in academic scientific research and public and commercial financial support. On December 19, 2011, then-New York mayor Michael Bloomberg announced his choice of Cornell University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology to build Cornell Tech, a US$2 billion graduate school of applied sciences on Roosevelt Island, Manhattan with the goal of transforming New York into the world's premier technology capital.[208][209] By mid-2014, Accelerator, a biotech investment firm, had raised more than US$30 million from investors, including Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, for initial funding to create biotechnology startups at the Alexandria Center for Life Science, which encompasses more than 700,000 square feet (65,000 m2) on East 29th Street and promotes collaboration among scientists and entrepreneurs at the center and with nearby academic, medical, and research institutions. The New York City Economic Development Corporation's Early Stage Life Sciences Funding Initiative and venture capital partners, including Celgene, General Electric Ventures, and Eli Lilly, committed a minimum of US$100 million to help launch 15 to 20 ventures in life sciences and biotechnology.[210] Westchester County has also developed a burgeoning biotechnology sector in the 21st century, with over US$1 billion in planned private investment as of 2016,[211] earning the county the nickname Biochester.[212]

Port of New York and New Jersey

Port Newark–Elizabeth Marine Terminal on Newark Bay is the busiest container terminal on the East Coast of the United States.

The Port of New York and New Jersey is the port district of the New York metropolitan area, encompassing the region within approximately a 25-mile (40 km) radius of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. A major economic engine for the New York metropolitan area, the port includes the system of navigable waterways in the estuary along 650 miles (1,050 km) of shoreline in the vicinity of New York and the Gateway Region of northeastern New Jersey, as well as the region's airports and supporting rail and roadway distribution networks. The Port of New York and New Jersey handled a maritime cargo volume in the ten months through October 2022 of over 8.2 million TEUs, benefitting post-Panamax from the expansion of the Panama Canal, and accelerating ahead of California seaports in monthly cargo volumes.[213][214]

Water purity and availability

Water purity and availability are a lifeline for the New York metropolitan region. New York City is supplied with drinking water by the protected Catskill Mountains watershed.[215] As a result of the watershed's integrity and undisturbed natural water filtration system, New York is one of only four major cities in the United States the majority of whose drinking water is pure enough not to require purification by water treatment plants.[216] The Croton Watershed north of the city is undergoing construction of a US$3.2 billion water purification plant to augment New York's water supply by an estimated 290 million gallons daily, representing a greater than 20% addition to the city's current availability of water.[217] The ongoing expansion of New York City Water Tunnel No. 3, an integral part of the New York City water supply system, is the largest capital construction project in the city's history,[218] with segments serving Manhattan and The Bronx completed, and with segments serving Brooklyn and Queens planned for construction in 2020.[219] Much of the fresh water for northern and central New Jersey is provided by reservoirs, but numerous municipal water wells exist which accomplish the same purpose.


Low Library, the Neoclassical centerpiece of the Columbia University campus

The New York metropolitan area is home to many prestigious institutions of higher education. Three Ivy League universities: Columbia University in Manhattan, New York City; Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut – all ranked amongst the top 3 U.S. national universities as per U.S. News & World Report as of 2018[220] – reside in the region,[221] as well as New York University and The Rockefeller University, both located in Manhattan; all of the above have been ranked amongst the top 35 universities in the world.[222] Rutgers University, a global university located 27 mi (43 km) southwest of Manhattan in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is by far the largest university in the region.[223] New York Institute of Technology is located on two campuses, one in Old Westbury, Long Island and one near Columbus Circle in Manhattan. Hofstra University is Long Island's largest private university.[224] Fordham University, also a Tier-1 university,[225] is the oldest Catholic institution of higher education in the northeastern United States,[226] and the third-oldest university in New York.[227] The New York City Department of Education is the largest school district in the United States serving over 1.2 million students.[228] The overall region also hosts many public high schools, some of which have been described as among the most prestigious in the country.[229]


According to the 2010 American Community Survey, of the 14,973,063 persons in this area over 25 years of age, 14.8% (2,216,578) had a graduate or professional degree, 21.1% (3,166,037) had a bachelor's degree, 6.4% (962,007) had an associate degree, 16.0% (2,393,990) had some college education but no degree, 26.8% (4,009,901) had a high school diploma or equivalent, 14.8% (2,224,557) had less than a high school education.[230] In 2010, CNN Money ranked the area as one of the top 10 smartest regions in the United States.[231]


The New York City Subway is the world's largest rapid transit system by length of routes and by number of stations.
The Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) rapid transit rail system connects Manhattan and metropolitan North Jersey beneath the Hudson River.
An Acela Express train going to New York. The Acela Express, operated by Amtrak through the Northeast Corridor, is the sole high-speed rail service in the country.

The depth and intricacy of the transportation network in the New York region parallels the size and complexity of the metropolis itself.

In 2013, the New York-Newark-Jersey City metropolitan statistical area (New York MSA) had the lowest percentage of workers who commuted by private automobile (56.9 percent), with 18.9 percent of area workers traveling via rail transit. During the period starting in 2006 and ending in 2013, the New York MSA had a 2.2 percent decline of workers commuting by automobile.[232]


About one in every three users of mass transit in the United States and two-thirds of the nation's rail riders live in the New York metropolitan area.[233][234]

New York City Subway

The New York City Subway is the largest rapid transit system in the world when measured by stations in operation, with 472, and by length of routes. In 2006 it was the third largest when measured by annual ridership (1.5 billion passenger trips in 2006),[235] However, in 2013, the subway delivered over 1.71 billion rides,[236] but slipped to being the seventh busiest rapid transit rail system in the world.[237] New York's subway is also notable because nearly the entire system remains open 24 hours a day, in contrast to the overnight shutdown common to systems in most cities, including Hong Kong,[238][239] London, Seoul,[240][241] Tokyo, and Toronto.[242]


PATH is a rapid transit system connecting the cities of Newark, Harrison, Hoboken, and Jersey City, in metropolitan northern New Jersey, with the Lower and Midtown sections of Manhattan in New York City. The PATH is operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. PATH trains run 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.[243] The system has a total route length of 13.8 mi (22.2 km), not double-counting route overlaps.[244]

Commuter rail

The metropolitan area is also fundamentally defined by the areas from which people commute into New York. The city is served by three primary commuter rail systems, and is provided intercity rail transit with Amtrak.

The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), the busiest commuter railroad in the United States as of 2015,[245] is operated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), an agency of the State Government of New York that focuses on New York City-area transit). It has two major terminals at Pennsylvania Station in Midtown Manhattan and Atlantic Terminal in Downtown Brooklyn, with a minor terminal at the Long Island City station and a major transfer point at the Jamaica station in Queens.

New Jersey Transit (NJT), the second busiest commuter railroad in the United States as of 2015,[245] is operated by the New Jersey Transit Corporation, an agency of the state of New Jersey, in conjunction with Metro-North Railroad and Amtrak. It has major terminals at Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan, Hoboken Terminal, and Newark Pennsylvania Station, with a major transfer point at Secaucus Junction in Hudson County, New Jersey. New Jersey Transit also operates the Hudson–Bergen Light Rail through Hudson County, the Newark Light Rail, and the River Line that runs along tracks shared with Conrail Shared Assets Operations from Trenton to Camden in South Jersey. NJ Transit also has commuter buses operating in and out of Manhattan.

Metro-North Railroad (MNRR), the third busiest commuter railroad in the United States as of 2015,[245] is also operated by the MTA, in conjunction with the Connecticut Department of Transportation and New Jersey Transit. Its major terminal is Grand Central Terminal. Trains on the Port Jervis Line and Pascack Valley Line terminate at Hoboken Terminal in Hoboken, New Jersey; commuters may transfer at either Secaucus Junction for New Jersey Transit trains to New York Pennsylvania Station or at Hoboken Terminal for PATH trains into Manhattan.

Amtrak's Northeast Corridor offers service to Philadelphia, New Haven, and other points between and including Boston and Washington, D.C.

Major stations in the metropolitan area include:

The following table shows all train lines operated by these commuter railroads in the New York metropolitan area. New Jersey Transit operates an additional train line in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. (Shown counterclockwise from the Atlantic Ocean):

Major highways

The following highways serve the region:

The George Washington Bridge, connecting Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan across the Hudson River to Fort Lee in Bergen County, New Jersey, is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge.[246][247] Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 1/9 cross the river via the bridge, while U.S. Route 46, which lies entirely within New Jersey, ends halfway across the bridge at the state border with New York.
The Walkway over the Hudson, the world's longest pedestrian bridge,[248] connects Ulster and Dutchess counties in New York.


The Long Island Expressway (I-495), viewing eastbound in Corona, Queens.

U.S. Routes

State Routes

Governor Alfred E. Driscoll Bridge in Middlesex County connects Woodbridge and Sayreville, New Jersey across the Raritan River.
Merritt Parkway southbound in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Other limited-access roads

View south along the northbound lanes of the Garden State Parkway from the overpass for the Capital to Coast Trail in Wall Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey.

Some of these roads have a numerical designation assigned to it:

Named bridges and tunnels

The Brooklyn Bridge connects Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, one of the world's longest suspension bridges,[249][250] connects Brooklyn and Staten Island across The Narrows.
Great South Bay Bridge, in Suffolk County, connects Long Island with the barrier islands across the Great South Bay.

Commuter bus

New Jersey Transit, Academy Bus, Coach USA, Spanish Transportation, Trailways of New York, and several other companies operate commuter coaches into the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan, and many other bus services in New Jersey. Bus services also operate in other nearby counties in the states of New York and Connecticut, but most terminate at a subway terminal or other rail station.

Major airports

The AirTrain at JFK International Airport in Jamaica, Queens

The three busiest airports in the New York metropolitan area include John F. Kennedy International Airport, Newark Liberty International Airport, and LaGuardia Airport; 130.5 million travelers used these three airports in 2016, and the metropolitan area's airspace is the busiest in the nation.[24]

The following smaller airports are also in the metro area and provide daily commercial service:

Commuter usage

According to the 2010 American Community Survey, 54.3% (5,476,169) of commuters used a car or other private vehicle alone, 7.0% (708,788) used a carpool, 27.0% (2,721,372) used public transportation, 5.5% (558,434) walked to work, 2.0% (200,448) used some other means of transportation such as a bicycle to get to work.[255]

Culture and contemporary life

Metropolitan Museum of Art, part of Museum Mile in the Carnegie Hill neighborhood of Manhattan's Upper East Side, is one of the largest and most visited museums in the world.[256]
Citi Field in Flushing, Queens, home of the New York Mets
Yankee Stadium in the South Bronx, home of the New York Yankees and New York City FC
MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, home to the New York Giants and New York Jets, was the most expensive stadium ever built,[257] at approximately $1.6 billion.[258]
Travel + Leisure magazine's October 2011 survey named Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, iconified as the "Crossroads of the World",[259][260][261][262][263] the world's most visited tourist attraction with over 39 million visitors annually.[264]

New York has been described as the cultural capital of the world by the diplomatic consulates of Iceland[265] and Latvia[266] and by New York's own Baruch College.[267] A book containing a series of essays titled New York, culture capital of the world, 1940–1965 has also been published as showcased by the National Library of Australia.[268] Tom Wolfe has quoted regarding New York's culture that "Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of the weather."[269]

Although Manhattan remains the epicenter of cultural life in the metropolitan area, the entire region is replete with prominent cultural institutions, with artistic performances and ethnically oriented events receiving international attention throughout the year.

Sports teams

The New York metropolitan area is home to the headquarters of the National Football League,[270] Major League Baseball,[271] the National Basketball Association,[272] the National Hockey League,[273] and Major League Soccer.[274] Four of the ten most expensive stadiums ever built worldwide (MetLife Stadium, the new Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden, and Citi Field) are located in the New York metropolitan area.[257] The New York metropolitan area has the highest total number of professional sports teams in these five leagues.

Listing of the professional sports teams in the New York metropolitan area:


The New York metropolitan area is home to the headquarters of several well-known media companies, subsidiaries, and publications, including Thomson Reuters, The New York Times Company, the Associated Press, Warner Bros. Discovery, NBCUniversal, the Hearst Corporation, Paramount Global, News Corp, the Fox Corporation, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, ABC, CBS, and NBC. Local television channels broadcasting to the New York market include WCBS-TV 2 (CBS), WNBC 4 (NBC), WNYW 5 (FOX), WABC-TV 7 (ABC), WWOR-TV 9 (MyNetworkTV), WPIX 11 (CW), WNET 13 (PBS), WNYE-TV 25 (NYC Media) and WPXN-TV 31 (Ion). NY1 is a 24/7 local news provider available only to cable television subscribers. Radio stations serving the area include: WNYC, WKCR, WFMU, WABC, and WFAN. Many television and radio stations use the top of the Empire State Building to broadcast their terrestrial television signals, while some media entities broadcast from studios in Times Square.

The New York metropolitan area is extensive enough so that its own channels must compete with channels from neighboring television markets (including Philadelphia, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, and Hartford) within its outlying counties. Cable companies offer such competition in the Pennsylvania portion, Connecticut, and a few counties in central New Jersey.

Theme parks

In New Jersey

Skyline of Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, New Jersey, the world's largest theme park[275] To the far left is Kingda Ka, the world's tallest roller coaster.[276]

In New York State

Coney Island, in Brooklyn, is considered one of America's first amusement parks.

Playland, in Rye, Westchester County, has been open since 1928.

Legoland New York, in Goshen, Orange County, opened in 2021.

Plans were unveiled by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on September 27, 2012, for the New York Wheel, a giant Ferris wheel, to be built at the northern shore of Staten Island, overlooking the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor, and the Lower Manhattan skyline.[277]

Area codes

The area is served by at least 26 area codes:

See also


  1. ^ Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. the expected highest and lowest temperature readings at any point during the year or given month) calculated based on data at said location from 1991 to 2020
  2. ^ Official weather observations for Central Park were conducted at the Arsenal at Fifth Avenue and 64th Street from 1869 to 1919, and at Belvedere Castle since 1919.[55]
  3. ^ Many of the places on this list are towns in New York, but oftentimes only specific villages or hamlets within the towns are significant.


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