
I live in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC, work at Georgetown University, and go to mass at an old monastery. Author of three books, co-editor with one of our Jesuits of two more, and I guide faculty to publish books and articles.

About Fortunaa

Writing interests:

These are all original articles.



Early Hollywood history (1911-1945)

Those boxes you see all over the place


  1. ^ She was all over the news in her day. Glenn Brenner made her famous. She was even in People magazine! I live near the monastery where she made her sports predictions, and was able to check my facts against their formal archives, and the published memories of Washington media figures and others, including alumnae, who knew her. Back in 2013 I also changed the Wikipedia page for Georgetown Visitation Monastery to say that instead of Convent. Technically there is a Convent there, but within the Monastery, and the name Monastery is on the deed to the property, as well as being the place's official name. I was able to prove it (phew!), and also with Google maps.
  2. ^ 2023. She didn't have a page. I live in Georgetown, Washington, DC, and she is a well-known figure here. But she was internationally famous in the 1990s for A Book of Angels, and she is mentioned on Wikipedia elsewhere, so it was a privilege to create a page for her.
  3. ^ 2021. In India she is a well-known author with a national readership, and a public figure, but here in the US the page was flagged with questions about notability. This is when I learned to cite from both countries rather than getting defensive. She is widely published in both countries, and others write about her, so it was not a problem.
  4. ^ 2020. When I noticed that the men of the Catonsville Nine had pages, but one of the women (Mary Moylan) had only a scrap of a page, and Melville had none at all. That is such a common problem with women in history. I was able to get great materials from her library archive, and also the Enoch Pratt Free Library.
  5. ^ 2023. I have met her at big events in Washington, and once in Rome, but I do not know her well. She is of significant stature within Catholic circles, and a great influencer, but she is also quiet about her own contributions and unlikely to nudge anyone to generate a page.