Uruguay Assembly

The Uruguay Assembly (Asamblea Uruguay) is a social-democratic political party in Uruguay. It is a member organisation of the Broad Front. Its leader is the senator and former economy minister of Uruguay, Danilo Astori. Nowadays it forms part of the Liber Seregni Front.


Uruguay Assembly was founded in 1994 by Danilo Astori. It is part of the left-leaning Broad Front coalition but is considered more of a moderate party.



Jota21: Jóvenes Organizados Trabajando en Asamblea (Organised Youth Working in Assembly) is the youth sector of Asamblea Uruguay.

Electoral history

Presidential elections

Due to its membership in the Broad Front, the party has endorsed the candidates of other parties on several occasions. Presidential elections in Uruguay are held using a two-round system, the results of which are displayed below.

See also


External links